
Multiverse: Code Slime

A boy died after being bedridden for years. a being living in the void gave the soul to his sister to become an unknown champion. with the ability to do anything with technology and born in cyberpunk. what will this unknowing boy do? A/N Mc will look like Rimuru but will not be Rimuru. Mc Will be a techno organic organism with the processing power of one million super computers. A/N Just got this idea after searching for Rimuru pics on google while thinking about Cyberpunk 2077.

KitsuneFae · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs


I hate it! This body of mine is so useless! Why was I born with this weak body! A boy thought as he laid in his bed connected to all sorts of machines keeping him barely alive. Please let me finally have my peace. He thought as his vision goes dark for the final time.


"Hmm, interesting this soul wasn't supposed to be in that world no wonder this kid was suffering the world was literally trying to kill him. Poor boy." A disembodied voice said. "You know what, my sister needs a soul for her little project and you will do." The voice said as something glowed slightly before the void became dark and quiet again.


"Mr. Arasaka Code Slime is a complete Success! The only thing needed for it to be operational is a body that can handle it." A man wearing a lab coat said to an young man wearing a fancy suit.

"Good then use the body made for this and make sure nothing goes wrong with Soulkiller still in the first stage we won't beable to get extra funding from father. And if we are successful in this I will be able to make sure father never use the Soulkiller project." The young man said as a body that could either be female or male get rolled in on a stretcher.

"Don't worry sir I am completely confident that this will work." The lab coat man said as a cyan colored liquid was poured onto the body.

After the liquid engulfed the body it took a few but the body suddenly sat up and looked around.


"Are you sure about this brother? If this works I could finally get a multiversal champion." A feminine voice said as a cyan light appears in the void.

"Yes, go ahead besides I know you will only spectate his life while occasionally giving him missions and gifts." Said a more masculine voice from a purple light.



After waking up and looking around a man wearing a fancy suit walks up to me and starting asking me questions. "What is your name and directive?" He asked me. "My name is Rimuru and I don't know who the fuck you are or where I am. And the fuck is a directive?" I said as I looked at him while unconsciously I hacked into the system to get all the info I would need.

So I'm in Nightcity and this Corporation made made me huh. Well it looks like it's time to go. Rimuru thought as he overloaded that system making the lights all turn off. Getting up and instinctively turning into a nanite swarm so she can escape the building and dissappearing into the night.