
Chapter 4

I smiled a little when Harry sent me a picture of a small white fox with a familiar-looking symbol on its forehead. It was a symbol of Inari Okami, the Goddess of Fox, Rice, and Prosperity. She is a goddess with many more domains, but those three are her main domain.

This fox is called Kanko, the pipe fox. The reason? Well, they lived inside a pipe or, in this case, bamboo.

They are a spirit that brings prosperity and luck to their master and curses anyone who harms their master. They are a spirit that serves and worships Inari as she is their creator and a great mother.

They are a protective spirit that will protect their master and a mother-like spirit. Harry is lucky to summon her as she will protect him just like her son, especially when Harry names her Lily after her mother.

I pity anyone who wants to harm Harry because she will curse them with misfortune.

Other than masters of Luck-based curses, they are also masters of healing and water spells. They are more of a support spirit but can cause a good amount of damage. Sadly, she has one massive weakness. Their master needed to protect the bamboo from harm because it was their real body.

Lucky for Harry, he can store the bamboo inside the inventory for an ultimate security system.

I decided to let Harry and Lily alone enjoy their time together and focus on the daily quest. I get ready to go back to the gym and get downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going to the Gym."

"Again? You have been going to the Gym every day. You need to rest, Jeremy."

"Don't worry about it, mum. I will do that tomorrow. I just need to prepare before I travel around the world."

After saying that, I get to the gym. I'm being truthful here. Other than completing the daily mission, I also want to explore other countries by myself and explore the nature of those countries.

However, before I could walk away from my home, my phone started to vibrate. I took it out and saw it was a notification from the Group Chat.


[World Mission: Youkai'sTrouble] [World Target: The Administrator's World] [Rank: E]

|AN: Difficulty rank from F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> S -> SS -> EX|

|A powerful Youkai has gone rampant in Kyoto, Japan. A more powerful Onmyoji is busy making sure the gate to the spirit world does not open up and holding back even more powerful Youkai. Please help them by defeating the Youkai|

{Party Member: 2}

{Reward: 5000 points and one gift pack for each participant}

{Failure: 275000 people will lose their souls}

{The world's time for the other party member will be frozen. The party will be teleported to a safe zone near the mission and they will be given a temporary universal language skill for the entire mission.}

|Take the mission?| |Y/N|


Bloody hell. It was in my world, and it was a Youkai. I know that this world is too similar to my world. I know there will be something different, but I never thought it would be this different.

I sigh a little and see the group chat. It looks like Harry already read the mission.


Boy-Who-Lived: "Mister Jeremy! I already accepted the mission! I will come and help you!"

The Administrator: "You did not need to do it, you know?"

Boy-Who-Lived: "But I want to help you!"

The Administrator: "Fine."


I sigh a little and press the Y button. After pressing that, I can see a ten seconds countdown. That fast? Fuck! I cannot buy anything to conceal my face because I don't have any points after buying that Mana Core Seed.

Before I could do anything, my vision was covered in white light, and suddenly, I appeared in the alley.

"Mister Jeremy!"


I look down and see a small child hugging me while smiling. This child is Harry.

"Harry! It is good to see you."

"En! I always want to see you, Mister Jeremy."

I smile at him and pat him on the head.

"Same, Harry. Is this Lily?"

I look at the fox around his shoulder.

"Yup! Lily, this is mister Jeremy and mister Jeremy this is Lily, my Shikigami."

"It is nice to meet you, my lord. Thank you for taking care of my child and master."

"Eh! Why do you call me Lord Jeremy?"

"Because he is a powerful Onmyodo master. I can feel it, the spiritual energy coming out of him. He is powerful and still growing."

Eh? Powerful? I only awakened my mana core yesterday. So there is no way I can be considered powerful. Maybe it was because of the R-rank Mana Core? The [Shop] has an N-rank mana core, but I chose the R-rank one.

Maybe that was the case.

"Ohhhh! I see!"

"You should learn from him, master. You will prosper under his wing."

"Really?! Mister Jeremy! Can you teach me how to be an Onmyouji?!"

I give him a small smile and say.

"Sure. However, we need to focus on the mission first."

"Right! I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. For now, we need to focus on the current mission. Sadly, I don't have anything to cover our identity. I can use some spells, but I don't think it will last when we are fighting. Tch. If only my points were still intact."

This will be hard. I don't want others to know about my identity and disturb my daily life. I want an adventure, but I don't want my family to get involved in it. I snap from my thoughts when I feel someone grabbing my clothes.

I look at Harry, who is holding clothes in his hand.

"Then what about wearing this?"

"Harry? Where do you get this?"

"I bought them! Lily said that we can blend in and hide our identity when we wear this."

I look at the Onmyouji uniform in his hand, complete with an ofuda that can cover our face and help us detect some invisible youkai.

"How much do you spend on this? You know that you can use those points for yourself."

"I know but I want to give you something! I also have the same costume! We can have a matching uniform!"

I sigh a little when I see the determination in Harry's eyes and decide to take the uniform. I pick it up and prepare to wear it. However, before I could do that, the clothes shined, and my current clothes switched with the uniform.

There was an instant equipment feature, huh? That is good. I check my inventory, and my clothes are in there.

"I will pay you back."

I did not let Harry speak and say.

"We need to move out. I can feel the foul energy get even stronger."


|3rd POV|

A massive creature is rampaging through the streets of Kyoto. This is an Oni, a Japanese Demon. The Oni is ten meters tall with a blue body. The Oni is powerful enough to destroy a building with its bare hand.

"Puny human! Your attack did not affect me! I'm the great Taro and I will destroy you!"

The Onmyouji and shrine maiden on the street ignore the taunt and keep firing their spell at the Oni in front of them.

"How long do we need to hold?! We cannot keep going like this! He is too powerful!"

One of the more senior Omnyouji shouted at his comrade as sweat fell from his forehead.

"I don't know sir! The elder is busy keeping the portal closed!"


He wants to shout and blame the elder for all the comrades who died in the battle, but he cannot blame them because he knows that if not for them, a more powerful demon will appear and kill even more people.

"Team A retreat! Team B goes to the front! I'm sorry to call you guys this early but Team A will collapse if they stay any longer."

He orders the other team to switch with the other team to keep the chain around the Oni intact. He and his team are already in their last leg because out of a hundred people coming, only thirty-two people are left, and all of them are not offensive spell casters but rather support ones.

"Good job on holding them back. We will take care of it from now on."

The senior Onmyouji, Seto, looks to his right and sees two people walking past him. They are wearing an old-style Onmyouji uniform that is only given to the people that the royal family gives.

"Who are you?"

"A reinforcement. Owl, why don't you show me your progress?"

"Of course, mister Dragon!"

That is the code name Jeremy and Harry decide to use, Dragon for Jeremy and Owl for Harry.

"Come! Kanko! Come! Kamaitachi!"

Lily, the Kanko, appeared in front of Harry, but she was not alone. Appearing next to her is another spirit, this time, it was a weasel with a scythe as a hand. This is Kamaitachi, the Wind Weasel.

"Kamaitachi, that is good. A good one for your second shikigami. Very well. Attack the Oni when I told you, okay?"

"Yes, sir!"

Jeremy nods his head and takes out all the Ofuda he made last night. He let it scatter around the Oni and started to chant.

"God of the east sea, Amei. God of the west sea, Shokuryou. God of the south sea, Kyojou. God of the north sea, Gukyou. Gods of the seven seas, fend off a hundred demons and drive back the fierce disaster. - Order!"

A pentagram appears above the Oni, and underneath it, then a semi-transparent barrier appears around the pentagram. This is a barrier that keeps any evil spirit at bay and weakens them.

"You can go now, Owl."

"Yes! Go! Kanko, Kamaitachi!"

You can read more in my P@treon! in here!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts