
A Crossover?!

It's been a year since I started training mage-craft with my sister, gosh even mentioning her name gave me shivers down my spine.

She whipped me (literally) into shape, a slight mistake could lead to horse crop-chan in mah face.

Good thing, it wasn't reinforced thought, speaking of reinforcement despite how advanced it is. It's the first magecraft I mastered, others might be surprised by that because it wasn't part of my elemental affinity.

So how exactly did I master it faster than any magecraft that is part of my elemental affinity?

Simple, it's because of my sister's crop that gave me nightmares, to minimize the pain damage I have to learn reinforcement, screw other magecraft reinforcement is too useful to me at the moment!.

Even Lorelei is surprised by how easily I mastered reinforcement. It is a dangerous magecraft after all, with one mistake a part of your body would literally explode.

The next craft that learned how to formulate is Hell Fire, whoever named this magecraft, good sir you are a chunni, no doubt.

Despite its name, this fire spell is quite powerful, by my standards because, in the eyes of my dear sister Lorelei, it's weak.

Not that I can blame her after all, she's The Greatest Modern Mage, so that's definitely why she finds it weak, with her capable spell that is capable of blowing an entire city is probably what she considered 'powerful'.

But that's not magecraft anymore, it's a freaking Noble Phantasm!

Or True Magic.

Anyway, I could cast hundreds of Hell Fire and it wouldn't be enough to drain my prana, hooray for my amazing genetics.

If there's one thing I love about being a Barthomeloi it's their blue blood, because it's as overpowered as it could be, in the modern era where magic is rapidly declining, having perks like this is amazing.

Other magi struggle because of their pitiful amount of magic circuits, not to mention their quality is shit, barely can cast the weakest spell available.

I'm really lucky to be born into this family, or maybe it's not luck at all because I requested it, even though it wasn't what I expected.

Because in Nasuverse, a great family background matters, especially for magi.

With great family, comes great resources!

And my family happens to be great with almost limitless resources, a million dollars is like a penny to us.

Getting magical items is easy with my family connections and riches.

Now, for my next spell, it's wind magecraft. A powerful one too, because the wind is Lorelei's specialty, she had a lot of wind-based spells.

And she was especially extra harsh with this particular subject, which I guessed it's because it was her specialty, and didn't want me to mess up.

The wind magecraft that I learned from Lorelei, is something that she created back when she was younger, and as a perfectionist, naturally, her spell even from years ago is nothing to be scoffed at.

Now, she called it 'decent' yep, she did and it's literally ten times as powerful as Hell Fire!

After memorizing the formula of how to cast it, I managed to perform it without a mistake, but still, it wasn't perfect in the eyes of Lorelei, but she told me that it's 'passable'

Passable…. passable?!

Amazing! She never compliments me or anyone for that matter, so a 'passable' in her standard is basically saying you're amazing.

To impress the great and powerful supreme magus Lorelei Barthomeloi is an achievement.

I was proud of it, honestly, when you never heard any compliment for years, a simple compliment no matter how weak it is, makes me proud.

After that, I learned a few magecraft that wasn't worth mentioning, though Gandr was nice but definitely wasn't one of the top spells that I've learned.

Today was the day I'm going to attend school. I wasn't needed but I insisted because I didn't want to spend most of my time learning magecraft, that wasn't life.

I wanted social interaction, even though I'm wise beyond my age, since I'm technically an adult, despite how young my human biology is.

No matter, how annoying kids are it still beats being alone, despite how big the Barthomeloi castle is, there aren't a lot of people there, not to mention my parents and sister are always busy, especially now that Lorelei is a full-fledged Vice Director of the Clock Tower, congrats for her before she was just the acting Vice Director because the seat was technically from our grandfather who I never met by the way, but from what I hear my sister admired him.

And also he was cursed by some Dead Apostle Ancestor, and that's how Lorelei became the acting Vice Director because she was the most fitting for the job.

Oh, did I also mention that she's also the head of the Department of Policies?

Anyway, enough with that it's time for me to go to my supposed to be school, it's a private elementary school, the best in the country, since they agree to hear my request of enrolling to a school, as my family motto is, only strive for the best which exactly what happened here, my family sent me to best private elementary school.

I actually saw the enrollment cost and I couldn't help but shudder at it, if I recall it was 6 digits in number, not to mention it wasn't the U.S. dollar that was used as currency but Pound sterling.

Which was more than a dollar. My family is rich, true, but it doesn't mean I'm instantly okay with spending a lot of money. I was poor in my last life and seeing that amount of money being paid for a single semester of school is making my young heart ache.

Anyway, I'm going to stop thinking about it for my sanity, even if I'm rich now I still hate buying things that are obviously overpriced and unnecessary.

Stepping inside the private elementary school. I wasn't exactly surprised that the children here are from very wealthy families.

Looking at the school parking lot, the most common cars are limousines, a lot of them are varying in colors, there's white, blue, black, and gold.

Shaking my head, I went toward the building with my homunculus maid made by Einzbern.

The class immediately started, and the teacher was professional and pleasant, but the subject wasn't.

Math wasn't exactly my brightest subject, but I was okay with it, the lessons were a surprising advance for a first-grader.

But then again, this is the best school in all Europe, so it was to be expected that the education would be more advanced than most schools.

Upon reincarnating I realized that my IQ and memory became better, that's because I could recall things faster than before.

Since I already know about this, my attention wasn't on the board but on my classmates, I've noticed that my classmates are mostly blondes.

Or redheads, while mean in brown.

I'm the only one with such color in the class, with only 10 children in the classroom it wasn't surprising.

However…does blonde really have to do with nobility or rich people in general? Because look at this class the majority of them were blondes.

Anyway, I'm gonna pretend that I didn't learn that.

It was lunchtime, I heard a childish Ojou-sama laugh behind me. "Ohohoho! As expected of the best school in Europe, the subjects are a higher grade than most!"

How did she know that? Anyway, it doesn't matter, I shifted my gaze toward the child and was immediately surprised by this familiar person.

Sure, she looks younger but there is no doubt about it, that fancy dress, that drill-like hairstyle, and most importantly that Ojou-sama laugh.

Yep, this person is Luvia Edelfelt, a significant character of Nasuverse, a character with a decent amount of scene time.

While she isn't as important as the main characters of Nasuverse, she's still a popular character in the franchise.

And she's definitely someone I have to befriend, not because of her background, while this might be biased but I like her character.

To interact with a fictional character was a dream come true for me.

I mean my sister Lorelei doesn't count because it doesn't feel like I met a fictional character, but a perfectionist who is my sister.

A hardass, but regardless I love her, despite being hard on me, I know that she loves me too, even though she doesn't show much of it.

If she dislikes me, there's no way she'd even bother to correct or teach me magecraft for that matter.

In a way, she was showing her love through action rather than words. Lorelei is very busy because she's a Vice Director and the Head of the Department of Policies, despite that she is busy, she always makes time for me, to groom me into the best magus I could be.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce myself to Luvia since this is the perfect time to do it!

However, before I could approach her, all of the sudden a blonde girl bumped into my shoulder.

I couldn't help but be annoyed at this girl's interruption, however, it vanished as soon as I saw her very familiar face, though I couldn't point where I saw her.

But I was sure that I knew her from somewhere.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" The familiar blonde girl immediately started apologizing.

"No, it's fine, just be careful next time," I said while looking at her face.

"Umm…i-is there something in my face." The familiar blonde girl couldn't help but ask concerned.

Shaking my head, and replied. "No, there's nothing, you just look familiar, that's all. I'm Alexander Barthomeloi."

"O-oh, I'm Teresa de Luxembourg.." Teresa bowed for a bit while lifting her dress with both of her hands.

Suddenly, I felt like lightning struck at the back of my head, as I recalled who she was after learning her name.

'Teresa de Luxembourg, a princess from the country Luxembourg!'

However, that wasn't the thing that made me feel shocked, it's because Teresa de Luxembourg wasn't a character from any Fate franchise, but from an entirely different series!

Is this a crossover world?!

So, Alexander realized that he may not be in the normal Nasuverse as he always thought.

By the way, Teresa de Luxembourg, or Teresa Wagner is a character from Tada-kun wa koi wo shinai!

It's one of the best rom-coms I've watched personally, while it isn't popular it's very good at least to me.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters there