
Multiversal Rider Adventures

Whoever wins in the DGP-X shall become the God of Desire, and he shall get three wishes. ..... Azuma Jin, the son of the previous generation rider, Azuma Michinaga had succeeded the title of Buffa and embarked on an arduous path to win the DGP-X and restore the balance of his universe. And he succeeded! He became the God of Desire and used one of his wishes to restore his universe to what it was before. But nobody expected that he had a much deeper secret that only the higher ups of the DGP knew. Azuma Jin, was in fact a reincarnator... And an avid fan of anime, novels, manhua, movies, and most of all Kamen Rider. so he used his last to wish to fulfill his dreams of exploring the myriad worlds, accompanied by a way to obtain all the Rider Systems. Will he make friends along the way? Or perhaps enemies? So stay tuned and follow his journey towards the cosmo's. ____________________________________ World's he visited in: Sololeveling-(Current world) ????? ????? ????? I'll let you vote which worlds he goes at a later date~ ____________________________________ Rider system Obtained: -Mirror Deck(Blank)(SIC)(Ryuki template) -?????

LazyWriterZ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2:Edge Lord and a Trap

"It seems that you're now healthy! You just need to recover for a few days—a week at most and you're good to go!"

'I see… '

After minutes of the two doctors explaining as the other examined me, I finally figured out my background on this world.

It seems that I was just a no-named orphan and is 21 years old, no background and hell, not even a hunter.

My background is even more inferior than Sung Jin-Woo.

Well… the fact that I was in a coma for 4 years explains that fact, that's what the doctors said anyways, and the reason why I'm in a coma is because I was hit in the head by an unidentified flying object.

An object that mysteriously disappeared without a trace once it hit me…

Suspicious as f*ck, but what can I do?

They tried their best to find what that thing is, but they have not an inkling clue what it was after multiple scans, be it scientifically or magically.

And by they, I meant both the government and the hunters association, now the multi dollar question is;what was it that hit "me" exactly.

Is it my soul along with the system?

Or is it just a coincidence?

Either way…I'll find out sooner or later

I'll rest for now..

Seeing me lying back down and closing my eyes, the two doctors and the nurses nodded at each other before excusing themselves.

"You seem tired, so we'll excuse ourselves while you rest up"Dr.Lee voiced before leaving the room, followed by the rest.


I woke up later that day at 2pm, my thoughts clearer than before and my body felt better. The room is empty so I took my time to check the surroundings properly.

The room is your standard hospital room.

White walls and ceilings, a clear window where you can see the outside world.

Beside me is a drawer where a digital clock is placed,a telephone, along with a vase full of flowers to keep the room fresh.

The room also has a door which I guess leads to the bathroom.

The curtains, and blanket are colored blue, the same as my gown, while the pillows are white.

There are wooden chairs and a table in case someone visits, it looks classy.

Oh and let's not forget the dextrose that's connected to my wrist.

The monitoring device has been removed before so it wasn't here anymore.

Overall, the room is pretty cozy for a hospital room, there isn't any of that smell you can typically find in hospitals, so it's relaxing.

But my relaxing time was short lived as a nurse entered the room, most likely here to check on me.

"Hello!"I called out with a wave which surprised the nurse at first but she handled herself professionally and greeted me back with a smile.

"I was sent to check on you, and it seems that you look better than before!

it's actually quite fast compared to a normal person, so I can assume that you must have awakened! Congratulations for Awakening!"

"Although, I still need to do some check up just for formality's sake, is that fine with you?"

I nodded with approval as I know she's just doing her job, and it would be quite insensible of me if I prevent her from doing her job.

Seeing this, the nurse once again smiled before she went beside me with her stethoscope and started to check my pulse.

It finished very fast, as she was very efficient with her job, so it only took 3 minutes at most.

After writing in the results she nodded and looked at me before voicing.

"As I've guessed, you are fully recovered. I'll go ahead and talk to the doctor about your discharge papers, and as for the pay.

The hunters association pays for all the hospital bills of a civilian that got hospitalized because of the dungeon break.

Also! I suggest that you take the hunters exam as soon as possible after you got discharged.

That's all, I'll go ahead and prepare your papers"

After saying that, the nurse went out of the room so I just laid back down to await the papers.

Suddenly I came to the realization that I seem to forget about something, but remembered not long after what it was.

'Wait a sec… where's my system?'

Thankfully, just as I thought about it, two system windows opened right in front of my face, which made me breathe a sigh of relief.



[[Main System]] (Rider System)

<Status >

<Quests >

<Gacha >

<Storage >



[[Sub-System]] (Desire Group Chat)

<Group Chat>

<Inventory >(locked)

<Mission >(Locked)

<Shop >(locked)



'I see, so there are two systems, and not just one, I thought they would combine the two, but I guess not.' The first thing I did is of course the customary status check every main character that has a system does.


Name:Seung Woo-Jin(Azuma Jin)

Rider Tokens:1

Gacha Token:0


Titles:[Singularity], [Awakened]



Passive Skills:

Language(B),Mana Manipulation(E)

Active Skills: Enchant:Grow(E)

[Class-Specific Skills]

Active Skills:N/A





You are the singular existence of "you" in the whole Omniverse. The future of the universe you visit will be uncertain and unpredictable depending on your actions.

Effects:In the world you are in, time and reality altering devices,abilities will not work.



You are touched upon by mana.

Effects:Grants a random ability and grants the skill mana manipulation.


The status isn't that complicated like the others, or Jin Woo's leveling system.

It's more like a nerfed version of it?

Anywho, it's good enough, considering that I'll be relying on the Rider system anyways, although developing my skills would not be a bad idea along the way.

Especially since my singular active skill is pretty unique.

[Enchant:Grow] a pretty average name but it's effect is without a doubt a hack on its own.

It basically lets me enchant anything and I mean anything with the ability to grow.

Not grow as in bigger, but growing as in absorb experience to become better!

The items I enchant will grow in quality and stats! Be it weapons, shields, or heck even a wok.

It also works on living beings! Meaning, anyone that I enchant in this world would progress just like Jin-Woo!

This is literally ground breaking in this world, considering that every hunter in this world is basically stuck once they awaken.

Unless of course, they had a double awakening.

So if they awakened as an E class, then they are effectively stuck there forever.

But with my skill they can go way past that!

The growth of the enchanted item or being will also base on their own skills and user, meaning that if a master swordsman uses a sword that I enchant, then the sword will grow rapidly.

But if an amateur uses it, it would not grow as fast.

Unfortunately, due to my skill being on the lowest level, the growing enchant is only temporary, meaning that the thing or being I enchant would not be able to grow again once the enchantment fades away

And currently, the enchantment will only persist in an hour at most. What's more, I can't enchant a living being right now, only items.

And as for, how to make the skill grow? No idea.

It seems that I can't enchant the skill on itself, but I can enchant other skills in the future..

Although I have no idea how high my proficiency should be to be able to do that.

Maybe A? Or higher.

Moving on.. mana manipulation and language is as its name suggests, so let's skip that.

Gacha Tokens, which is as its name suggest, for Gacha

1 Rider Token, Which is for Gacha as well…

And with that, the status is done.

Next up is quests. Once again, it's pretty self explanatory, and currently there's only one quest.


[Dungeon X Henshin!]

Type:Main Quest

Go on your first dungeon dive, henshin, and clear the dungeon.


-Kill monsters in the dungeon:0/???

-Kill Boss monster in the dungeon:0/1


°Rider Token X1

°Gacha Tokens X3

°Mystery box


°Dungeon key

Remarks:A dungeon that is based on the person's strength


The rewards are not bad I guess? 1 Rider Token and 3 Gacha Tokens, along with a mystery box, although it's a bit surprising how there are other types of tokens, that does not matter.


Moving on! The next one is Gacha! Pretty much the same as a standard one, I do need the tokens to draw, which is fine by me!

And it seems like there's a free daily draw for the normal Gacha, and none for the Rider Gacha.

Moving on! Last but definitely not the least is the Storage!

Very different from the Inventory that most people received,although there's actually an inventory in the sub-system as well, but that is locked for now, unfortunately.

The storage is an independent space only accessible to me, where all the rider items I own will be stored.

I can enter and go out as I please, although I can't go right now, as this is a public space, and someone might enter and see me.

And it seems here that;

"Inside the storage, there are cabinets, pedestals, and shelves where all the Rider Items I get will be displayed… neat" I voiced, before closing the info window of the storage, now all that's left is a button that says [Enter] and again, I won't enter for now.

I closed the Storage window, before moving on to the Sub-system aka the Desire Group Chat.

And the Group chat is the only thing accessible in it for now, but let's check it!



-Invite a member-



It seems like the Group chat won't be activated until I invite a member, so I guess I'll do so right now.

So, I pressed on the Invite and scrolled through the candidates before I settled in the main character of this world itself.

And as for the other invite… It seems that this one is a random one that will be sent on the multiverse to whoever is lucky enough, so I sent it as well, after inviting Jinwoo.


[Group Chat 1]

(can be renamed)

-Group Chat 1 has been created.

-Admin:A Passing Traveler has joined.

-member:Edge-Lord Hunter has joined.

-member:Slime Trap has joined

-Admin Changed his username to "Traveler"

-Traveler:Hello! And welcome to the Desire Group Chat!

-Slime Trap:Eh!?

-Edge-Lord Hunter: What is this?! Who are you people?!

-Traveler: No need to panic, let me explain.

-Slime Trap:Wait! Before that,what's up with my name?!

-Edge-Lord Hunter:... Speaking of, my username is strange as well.

-Traveler: W-well… It's not me who decides the nickname haha..

-Slime Trap: Whadya mean "haha"?!

-Traveler:Relax! Let's worry about your names later, let me explain the group chat and afterwards we can introduce ourselves.

-Slime Trap: Alright.. But you better change my name later!

-Edge-Lord Hunter: Mine too..

-Traveler: Alright..anyways, the Desire Group Chat is an Omniversal Group chat for those with desire in their hearts.

It can be simple things, like food and clothes, or it can be an ambition like conquering the world you are in, or becoming the strongest.

The group chat will help each member to reach that desire that you have!

And well.. You two are chosen to be the first two members!

-Edge-Lord Hunter: So… This isn't one of the system's functions…

-Slime Trap: Desire… I see

-Slime Trap:Wait.. Edge-Lord what do you mean by systems function?

-Edge-Lord Hunter:.. Please don't call me that… and as for the "system"... Uhmm..

-Slime Trap:??

-Edge-Lord Hunter:Well.. I guess I can tell you, basically I have this leveling system that suddenly just appeared after I almost died in a double dungeon incident…a week or two ago.

-Slime Trap: Ah… I Apologize for asking.

-Edge-Lord Hunter:It's fine! I'm well aware of how weak I am, I am called the weakest hunter for a reason. Haha

-Edge-Lord Hunter: But don't misunderstand! That's in the past! With this system that I got and this group chat, I'm certain that I will become the strongest in my world!

-Traveler:... Ah.. Well I guess as long as you're happy.

-Slime Trap :?

-Edge-Lord Hunter:?

-Traveler: Edge-Lord will find out soon enough.

-Edge-Lord Hunter: OK.. Can we change our nicknames now?

-Slime Trap: Ah! You're Right! I almost forgot.

-Traveler: Alright, let's introduce ourselves then, also tell what should I change your nickname into.

I'll start.

-Traveler: I am Seung Woo-Jin, I'm in South Korea right now, Nice to meet ya!

-Edge-Lord Hunter: Sung Jinwoo.. I'm also from South Korea, 24 years old.

You can change my nickname to Jinwoo

-Slime Trap: EHHH?! You guys have a very similar name! the two of you are also from the same country on earth?

-Slime Trap:

As for me! I'm Rimuru Tempest, a middle aged man who got reincarnated into a slime!

And as for where I am… Well, I'm in a goblin camp? I became their leader for some reason. Oh and! It's not just goblins now, I'm also the leader of the dire wolves that were previously an enemy of the goblins!

And as you might notice, I'm not on earth anymore.

You can change my Nickname to Rimuru!

-Admin has changed Slime Trap's nickname to Rimuru

-Admin has changed Edge-Lord Hunter's nickname to Jinwoo

-Traveler: It's nice to meet the both of you!

-Rimuru: Same here!

-Jinwoo:Nice to meet you..

-Rimuru:I need to go for now, See you guys later!

-Traveler: Cya!

-Jinwoo: See ya!

-Traveler: Oh yeah, Jin-Woo I would like to confirm something if you don't mind.

-Jinwoo:??? Sure, what is it?

-Traveler: I wanted to confirm if we're in the same world, and if we are, then the two of us can meet up!

-Jinwoo: I don't mind, what do I need to do?

-Traveler: Well, I need you to tell me what your world is like, and some popular places that may or may not exist in your world. Like for example in my world, Jeju Island is actually destroyed, completely run over by monsters.

-Jinwoo:... It seems that there's a high chance that we're on the same world, because in my world Jeju Island is also destroyed and is now infested with monsters.

-Traveler: You're right… Does your world have this blue portal thingies called gate that connects to some unknown place full of monsters as well?

-Jinwoo: Yes… I'm a hunter that deals with those monsters.

-Traveler:Waaah! So we are most likely in the same world!!

-Jinwoo: It seems so.

-Traveler: Alright! To really confirm that we are in the same world, and one of us is not in a parallel world or something, let's meet up!

-Jinwoo: Sure man, where would you like to meet?

-Traveler: Aha.. About that..…


A/N:How was the chapter?

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