
Multiversal Reincarnations

This story isn't original, but you know its kinda weird how hard it is to change the typing on a book from novel to fanfiction and back.

KingIceReaper · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Prologue-I'm ROB

You know that being that's super bored with how each world turns out super predictable after their creation one after another. Well, you do now, My name is G$%^ but my mortal friends call me ROB. Now i'm sure some are curious on my i'm contacting the mortals of this plane and I assure its for a very good reason. I just want to find a few souls to transmigrate into another world. Simple enough right. I'll even give you a spot in this book I'm making here if you're lucky and I take a particular interest in your story, and no Karen 88 that doesn't include you. Now that introductions are out of the way I wish to introduce you in this wonderful story of life called Multiversal Reincarnations, and once more I wish you luck in your story.

Did you seriously expect me to leave an additional comment down here. I ROB said I'm done and that means this section as well. Wait, responding to this counts as leaving something here doesn't it? Ah, well I'm to lazy to delete this so consider it your win or something. Woopty doo.


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