
Multiversal martial artist

So I’ve died, not the best but certainly not the worse thing that could have happened to me and now theres a glowing green screen asking if I want to be a gamer…… Wait what? I can’t use magic!? I’m screwed! ——————————————————————— First world: legend of Zelda - age of calamity Aka the tutorial arc I don’t own anything expect the OC’s

Lordbord · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Oh how the tutorials have turned…


(Felix POV)

Fate left the room after making his offer to me as I am stuck on what I should do now, on one hand I was just a normal office worker who occasionally watched anime or manga and then wiki dived if it was annoying to look at, I wanted to keep myself locked away with my head in the sand so I would have to worry about how I got here and why.

On the other hand I, know I will get involved in something during my time in either FATE or DXD with me being in vampire central or the literal extinction level bomb that is Chaldea.

But either way I will be watched, there's no point in denying it as my sash and Lady Lucks blessing are proof certain beings of power will be watching if I catch there interests even worse if they start interfering with my new life.

So if I go with Fate's offer I can get a reasonable safety net that while not protecting me from watchful eyes will probably protect me from wandering hands.

Feeling nervous but also excited by deciding to accept the offer I was startled by a sound and looking at the door conveniently opening I can't help but think fate might have been watching how long it would take for me to decide.


(3rd POV)

" so what have you decided now Felix." Fate asked as he retook his seat behind his desk,

The office is very plan between the black floor and white walls the only thing that got Felix's attention is the desk that is trying to whisper something to me.


Very cool.

Fate slapped the desk stopping the whispers and snapping Felix's attention back to the conversation.

"I have decided to take your offer Mr.Fate." Felix said figuring that's there's no point beating around the bush.

"Great, on to the tutorial then." Fate said before snapping his fingers and conjuring a hat and briefcase before walking past the young reincarnate.

"What." Felix couldn't help but ask Fate as they walked to the door.

"No seriously what." Felix asked and while his hand was on the knob fate turned back and addressed him.

"It's simple, in order to be fully qualified for your position you need to complete the special tutorial mission made for new recruits,

this give you the chance to familiarize yourself with the system and powers you have before you get thrown in a real mission."

As fate finished talking he opened the door to an abyss and closed it behind himself as he walked out Felix turned to his system friend and ask the next question on his mind.

"Sooooo how do I start-." He was then cut off by a system prompt.

[ quest has been received:

Complete the tutorial(hard mode)


- minor regeneration

- access to the Fate archives

- qualifications to be an agent of fate

- level up x 5

- 10 prismatic coins

- 1000 coins


- death

Accept quest?



Felix looked at the screen with a complicated expression as he turned to the part of the system that was the 'face'.

"System whats with the rewards and difficulty


{ difficulty is mainly decided by what's in your own capabilities basically skills,abilities and perks, can you imagine making every potential recruit do the zombie dungeon at the start with a fucking Ryujin Jakka?

It's like dropping a anaconda into a chicken coop, complete massacre, which is why the world you will be going to is based on different world line stories, like the ones from your pass life except different.

Rewards on the other hand are randomly handed based on the difficulty, and based on the rewards currently I would say you are in the upper limits of hard tier} the system answered as Felix was sitting there contemplating before pressing Y, surprising Jeff

[why the fuck did you do that!?] Jeff screeched at Felix who was confused

{ initiating count down 10...9...8...7}

"Why, what's wrong?" Felix asks

[ do you even know where your going!?] Jeff shouted at his brain dead host.

"It wasn't in the quest page so I thought I would have to figure it out once I'm there."


[you don't even know how much your body can take with your skills dumbass!] the system insulted his user who suddenly paled at that but before he could say more….

{2....1....0, initiating teleport, have a safe trip.}

And just like that Felix was taken away in a flash of light nothing to show that he was there besides a system screen.

[.... Fuck it, it's HR's problem now

(╯ ͡•  ͟ʖ ͡•)╯┻━┻ ]


(Felix POV)

As the light faded from my eyes I got a look around my current surroundings, trying to assess where I am before look at a few windows that suddenly appeared.

{ Welcome to world-line hyrule warriors: age of calamity(bad end edition 34), in this world as link tries to pull the master sword out he ends up getting killed by Astor who picked up links broken sword before stabbing him through with it.

Your mission is to navigate through korok forest and join up with link as a companion in order to prevent his untimely death.

Part 1 of 5 for the tutorial quest

Clear condition: complete at least 2 parts of the tutorial to finish it.

Bonus reward for completing each additional part: ???, ???, and ??? Will be given upon completion. }

So I'm in Korok forest? Explains the fog at least but damn is that one anti Climatic way to go.

So prevent his death and do another quest then I can leave, but turning to the last message he was pretty sure he was pale as a ghost from what he read.

[ hey this is Jeff soooo remember how I told you to wait before you go? there was a reason for that.

The system wasn't full bound to you soul as such some features like the inventory, store, and point allocation aren't available yet to use

You can still check your status but unless you gained the stat point naturally you won't be able to use the free ones you have.

And since the system isn't fully bounded the return feature isn't working right so you will need to complete every part of the tutorial in order to get out, since it will end and send everyone not of the world line back to where they were.

Maybe next time you should let someone finish explaining before pressing buttons

Good luck~ ]

{current objective: SURIVIVE

The bombardment from divine beast Vah medoh has ended but it will be a while before the hyrule warriors make it to the forest.

Survive for 2 hours in the monster infested forest before meeting the hyrule warriors.


1000 exp

Recovery pills (r) x 10

100 coins

Inventory returned(10 slots)

Bonus objective: monster elimination

The monsters are not as grouped up as they should be and as such will be easier for you too fight

Kill a certain amount of monsters before the hyrule warriors get to you.

Reward 1 :

5 free points for every 50 monsters killed

Reward 2 : mage-craft: reinforcement

Gain reputation with korok forest, hyrule kingdom and ??? for every 100 monsters killed.

You can not reject this quest

Time remaining

1:55:45 .}

"Oh" I said before turning his head and seeing countless glowing blue eyes staring straight at me.

"Oh fuck"


Just keep running

Just keep running

Just keep running, running, running.

How long have I been running for?


Not long then and if I looked behind me I will see….

{stalkoblin lvl 8 hp 100}

{stalkoblin lvl 8 hp 100}

{stalkoblin lvl 8 hp 100}

{Stalkoblin are the remaining pieces of malice from a living bokoblin given a new form to fight again, they go down in one or two hits but require you to destroy the heads so that they don't come back}

three level 8s are all that's left still chasing me

Looking at my own status shows me this apparently.


Name: Felix

Occupation: fresh recruit

Race: human

Age: 18

Sex: male

Title: The Gamer, the man cursed twice, martial arts prodigy(when equipped user gains a 50% increase in learning speed for new martial arts

Class: martial arts prodigy


Level: 1

Exp: 0 / 600




STR: 12

DEX: 15

END: 13

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUC: 3

Point: 0

Passives >



Apparently when I hit those 3 earlier, before I had to run, I gained STR on my 1st and 3rd hit and have been gaining DEX and END since I stared running.

"Alright enough running around." I muttered before pivoting into a spin and getting into a basic stance for karate, while I could have tired the everything goes style, it is still incomplete and needs to be refined with my other martial arts before I can actually use it

It's why I was running before, I tired to use it straight away and after three punches I couldn't do anything else simply because I didn't understand anymore moves to connect everything, it was a style based on using moves from other martial arts and thus needs time to incorporate, and while I am adaptive it's not on the level of Ranma Saotome.

So I will have to make do with switching styles until I find a time to actually practice, until then these stalkoblin need to die….. again.

I waited till the first one running towards me took a swing from its greatsword to cut me in half from the waist, leaning back out of the way another one hop over the first and tired to slam its short sword down on me

Parrying the strike to the left I clenched my right and swung knocking back the undead and making it drop its sword and shield.

[-40 hp]

As this one falls I have no time to look as an arrow flys past my head, shifting my eyes I see the skeleton toss the bow and grab a knife from its side trying to stab me as the great sword wielded tried to once again line up a swing at me

seeing this I grab the knife arm of the other undead and twist it dropping the knife before grabbing its other arm to immobilize it before spinning each other around and kicking it into the swing of the other skely goblin.

{crit! -99}


As that happened the undead from before shield bashed me in the side causing me to lose my breath at the damage


Rolling before the skelkobin could stab me in place I kicked its feet out with a sweep kick and rushed to the other stalkoblin off head and the body looking for it

Pushing the body out of the way I stomped on the head and crushed it watching as it and the body it used to have disintegrate.

{gained exp 25}

Ignoring that I turn to the goblin undead that was rushing at me to stab me through and I'm reminded of a move from sekiro, rushing towards it I bring my foot up and as it thought I was going to attack it I dropped my foot hard on the sword breaking it in two and pulling it forward before grabbing it's head and breaking its skull in with a high knee.


{Gained 25 exp}

Looking at the last one putting on its head on backwards I run to it and bring my heel around in a ark before crushing it down on the skull


{gained 25 exp}

{Congrats on completing your first fight,

STR x4

END x2

DEX x2

You have received skill battle sense(passive) gives you an overall awareness of where everyone you are fighting or fighting with in a 1 km radius}



Name: Felix

Occupation: fresh recruit

Race: human

Age: 18

Sex: male

Title: The Gamer, the man cursed twice, martial arts prodigy(when equipped user gains a 50% increase in learning speed for new martial arts

Class: martial arts prodigy


Level: 1

Exp: 75 / 600




STR: 16

DEX: 17

END: 15

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUC: 3

Point: 0

Passives >



Damn that's actually really impressive gain for a first fight but I need to be quicker which mean also using my skills, but how do I actually activate them?

Jeff hasn't been saying anything which might mean that its a result of my premature

teleportation that caused this.

{Skill list

-focused mind(active): increase perception by 50% for a duration of 1 min (lvl1)(cost 20mp to activate)

-focus strike (active): increases damage on next strike by 120%(cost 25mp)

-dash(active): quickly appear a short distance ahead of you(cost 15mp)

-resist(active): resist 50% of damage done for 3 attacks for 5 mins

(cost 30mp)

-prodigy's mind(passive) allows for quick learning and understanding of techniques.

- battle mind(passive): allows for calm analysis in the heat of battle and grants the recipient a higher perception while fighting(does not work outside of combat)

-iron skin (Passive/Active)

passive: allows for the skin to be as tough as iron( increases END gain by 1.5x)

active: increases endurance by 2 times for a duration of 5 mins(note: evolvable)

-counter(passive): allows for a 30% chance to counter an opponent's attack for the same amount of damage (note: evolvable)

growth rate(passive): allows skills and the user to grow faster (times 2 to skills and level experience

Note:skills can be activated by saying or thinking the name for them with the intent to use them.}

Well that's helpful, I should probably look through the system more when I get back.


Turning to the noise I looked and saw torches and blue eyes heading to my direction and I knew that there would be a lot more coming for me then the 3 I fought

Despite that though as I look at the swarm of lizards and lighting bats I can't help but be excited as the sash around my waste loosen to allow the two end strips to be grabbed by myself launching one end to a tree I pull my self out of the way of some arrows before kicking a electrical bat back and away from me.

{you took 10 damage}


{Electric keese lvl 5}

{electric Keese are keese able to harness electricity and make a field around themselves damaging friend and foe a like}

'That's interesting'

I grab it with the other strip of the sash and start swing wildly into the hoard of lizalfo trying to reduce the numbers while also trying to avoid the numerous arrows heading towards him.

{gain 25 exp

gain 25 exp

gain 25 exp

gain 25 exp

gain 25 exp

gain 25 exp ...….

Gain 35 exp

You've levelled up!


Name: Felix

Class: martial arts prodigy


Level: 2

Exp: 15 / 1200




STR: 16-22

DEX: 17-22

END: 15-20

INT: 10-11

WIS: 10-11

LUC: 3

Point: 10

Passives >



Feeling invigorated by new found strength, I jumped from branch to branch and started to fight with the monsters punching kicking and tossing as much as I could until there was only a single lizalfo left

It shot its tongue at me and after experiencing this already I grab it before pulling it to me and then smashing the flailing lizard into the ground, using my sash I pulled myself after it and squashed it under foot.

{gained 30 exp}

How many have I killed now I wonder and how long did that take me

{current objective: SURIVIVE

Survive for 2 hours in the monster infested forest before meeting the hyrule warriors.

Bonus objective: monster elimination

Kill a certain amount of monsters before the hyrule warriors get to you.

Reward 1 : 1 level for every 50 monsters killed

Reward 2 : mage-craft: reinforcement

Reputation with korok forest, hyrule forest and hyrule castle for every 100 monsters killed.

You can not reject this quest

Time remaining


Monsters killed: 40 }

'So that took 30 minutes to do.'

I looked around and tired to see anything else only to jump forward as I felt a new presence right behind me.

Turing I see what looked to be a giant green radish, it hade stubby arms and legs and the green from its head, which I think is hair, was ridiculously like there were two branches of tree leaves hanging off it it was wearing a satchel had big eyebrow looking things and seemed to have a huge leave as a beard but what caught my attention was the pair of maracas the size of my head and what was above his.

{spirited magician Hetsu lvl 22

Hetsu is a special korok able to use magic but is only capable of such through his maracas in order to for it to work, he is a resident of the forest but got lost after the monsters appeared

Thoughts: curious, hopeful, amazed, wants you to say something. }

Blinking at that last part I look at Hetsu and realize that he has been dancing around me while I was in a daze.

"Hetsu says can you hear me? What are you, you don't look like a hylian and you aren't a Gerudo, since your a male, so what are you?"

Hetsu's rapid fires questions caused my head to spin and shaking myself from my daze I moved myself out of his grip and looked at him.

"I am a human named Felix I was asked to go to this forest by my boss, we were hired by an unknown party to offer our aid to princess Zelda and her group, our intel told me, I to wait by korok forest entrance for them

although I had to duck and cover when that divine beast started blasting everything cause of that I'm lost and don't know where to go, speaking of who are you." I had already thought up a cover story when I was running earlier, I don't know if there will be problems if I said I was an otherworlder but I decided not to take chances for that, saying I'm on a job for my boss however is much more plausible.

"I am the one who brings song and dance to korok forest, HETSU!!!" He screamed out while shaking his maracas.

"Nice to meet you Hetsu." I said while looking around to make sure nothing was coming after us.

"So why are you here Hetsu, shouldn't you be with the other Korok?" I asked as I see nothing coming and relaxed my guard for now.

"Hetsu would be, but there's a lot of scary monsters here….

but then Hetsu see you jumping and throwing monsters everywhere and you beat them all so quick too!!" So Hetsu was watching me fight the monsters that concerning that I didn't even hear him since he doesn't seem the type to hold in his excitement.

"So what did you want Hetsu?" I ask him as he suddenly perked up he explained his desire to get to the outer area of the forest and wanted me to help him get there so they could find the proper path.

'This lets me have a lot better excuse to help the warriors then approaching as just a random mercenary hired by someon- this plan was so full of holes it fucking stupid.' the fact I overlooked them being actual warriors is stupid and I should feel bad.

"Alright I'll help you Hetsu, do you think I can talk to the great tree here?" I don't have to reveal everything but the fact I am cursed might be helpful for me.

Letting Hetsu know will make it more sincere and maybe just maybe I can get help for the curse.


Following Hetsu has been rewarding and exhausting, rewarding because there were monsters in our way and I got to level 3,

Exhausting because I am level 3 and need 3000 exp just to level up to 4.

On the other hand Hetsu isn't the only korok out and about right now and we were able to help some of them give me a good chunck of exp so I am now a quarter to 3000.

I was able to kill the 50 monster too and got the reinforcement magecraft from it, now it's just the optional defeat 100 enemies for rep and we have about 5 more minutes for that.

'Hopefully Hetsu calm doesn't run off' snapping out of my daze I looked around and realized that yes he is not here and what's worse is I was currently hearing some very heavy footsteps....

It's probably behind me

Turing around I see what is essentially a bokoblin on steroids standing at over 10ft if I had to guess, it wields a giant dark club, has the blue glowing trademark eyes that I associate with the rest of his species, its tongue is purple and dripping with droll as it stares at me, a necklace made of bones is around its neck and the only other thing on him is a loincloth around its waist

{ black moblin lvl 22 (mini boss)

The black skin is meant to signify that this moblin has killed enough to evolve to the next stage the more malice this species consumes the stronger it will become

If there are flecks for sliver along it's skin that mean it needs one more kill to ascend to a new rank

Hp 1500

STR: 500

END: 150

DEX: 60



LUC: 5 }

And with the way it's looking at me I am probably what it needs in order to reach its next stage

Without any further warning it lifts its club and immediately tries to squish me, as I roll out of the way I quickly activated two skills

{focused mind} which caused my perception to slow and my newest magic {reinforce}

{Magecraft-Reinforce(active): a spell used to give a boost to STR, END, and DEX, by 3 times, last 5 minutes and takes 30 mp to activate at a time.}

Str: 28-84

Dex: 27-81

End: 25-75

As my body shines with the reinforce I stand up into a stance only to have to dodge away as even with STR and DEX in the 80s I know for a fact that blocking the boss is suicidal with its current strength stat.

An evolved mini boss version might be in the 500's for strength, but that's the only thing it actually has though so I'll count myself lucky since everything else except END is under 100.

I jump into the club as it comes down again and jump up to its head, thanks to focused mind I notice the arm moving towards me and place my hands in a way that vault over it before spinning in the air and dropping my heal right onto its head causing it to flinch back in pain.


Using the sash to move away it looked like it was the correct choice as the second I did it started to flail wildly around itself in order to hit me causing a smoke screen to cloud its vision.

Hoping onto a branch mover it's head focus my mana for a {focused strike} on its neck as I dive down from the branch

It hears me coming and dodges to the left but as it does I use that chance to hit the elbow of the arm holding the club since it was lagging behind

{Crit! -400

Hp: 1000/1500 }

Hitting the elbow there was a crunch as the evolved moblin roared out in rage and pain dropping the club to the ground with a loud thud

Landing on the ground I wrap two strip to its legs and ran underneath to get behind it, using that momentum I swing around the moblin and tossed the thing into a tree.


Before it could get up from its daze I wrap the sash again around the handle of the club before spinning around twice and aiming at the arm

The moblin in a effort to not go down catches the club but not without a bit of damage to the remaining arm


It gets up with the club and starts trying to hit me again in a run straight for me as I use {dash} to close the distance after a swing to the ground and {focused strike} again to it other arm causing it to drop the club and go flying back into a tree and breaking it off

{crit! -320

Hp: 620/1500}

I'm pretty sure it's concussed but it doesn't matter

Looking at my mp I realized I don't have enough for another focus strike so before it can get up I run around the tree and trapped it to the now broken trunk before running again at the monster and kicking off its head and away.

{- 70}

As I was jumping I was waiting for a tug, when I felt it I pulled back on it and the same time and launched myself back at the moblin and dropped kicked it right in the neck as it tired to struggled to be free, after hear a loud snap I knew it was dead.

{crit! -555

Mini boss has been eliminated

Gained 1000 exp

Gained moblin silver tooth

Gained 100 coins

Gained title monster hunter(killed 100 monsters gives effect: 20% more damage on enemies considered monsters.

Gained 4 STR

gained 5 DEX

gained 4 END

Due to certain conditions being met user has gained the pre requisite for the skill Finisher(passive): when your enemy is below 20% of their health you do 3x the damage for 30secs (cost: none).

Requirement to activate

-must be a killing blow

-must be at least 20% or lower

-enemy must be dazed


"Status" I called as I watched the mini boss disappear leaving behind its silver tooth.


Name: Felix

Class: martial arts prodigy


Level: 3

Exp: 2755 / 3000




STR: 28-32

DEX: 27-32

END: 25-29

INT: 12

WIS: 12

LUC: 5

Point: 20

Passives(5) >



Finisher sounds like a great skill since for 30 seconds I could do a lot of damage with a 3x multiplier and I didn't notice it before but it's not the only quest that I completed too.

{ Survive for 2 hours in the monster infested forest before meeting the hyrule warriors.

Reward: 1000 exp

Recovery pills (r) x 10

100 coins

Inventory returned(10 slots)

Status: completed


Well that's good, while the inventory is limited it's still better than not having one now let's see the pills

{ Recovery pill(r): allows play to recover 200 health and allows allies to heal any major damage taken }

That's honestly really good, but it's says major so I don't think that it would work for fatal or mortal wounds.

{gained 1 INT}

'Oh that's good I got 130 mana now and- what's that sound?' I thought before I saw a flash and then pain erupted on the side of my head.

{ -40 hp}

"OW FUCK!!" I yelled out in pain holding my ear and jumping away when I heard more arrows fired at me.

I was about to look where they came from when instead I decided to look up and surprising me and my attacker, catch the talon about to claw my face out before tossing them to the ground and jumping away.


'Who the- of fucking course it is' lamenting as I see the person who almost one shot me.

{ the Rito's Greatest Champion, Revali lvl 25


Hp: 1300/1500

STR: 200

DEX: 300

END: 150

INT: 150

WIS: 100

LUC: 100

Revali is the greatest Champion of the Rito and is the pilot for Divine Beast Vah Medoh as he was accompanying the princess in her quest to find the master sword he noticed and heard a tree fall in the distance, assuming it was an enemy he shot and attacked to take it out quickly only to be surprised when he only grazed the man before getting thrown across the ground.


Wounded pride, possibly brutal murder }


"…."(a/n angry silence)

"Can we talk this out please?"



Worked on this for the better part of two days and just realized that it was over 4.5k words

Anyway I'm going to be talking about something that I feel will make this reading experience better for you

I am not going to spam the status every single time something happens anymore, for me it's just inefficient and would probably make you board of reading if you had to skip a status screen after every fight.

The only reason it's been showing up as much is due to wanting to show how the progression will look like before we get into the next part

I want to let it be know though that new skills will have there own separate descriptions in the chapter when first brought up

And a full status page along with skills name and perk names will be at the end of every 2 chapters so next one will have the status page

Last thing is the poll for FATE first or DXD first

in the next arc after the tutorial is over.

Well that's all I have to say, comment here for anything that makes you curious.