
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 2 Coma!

15 years ago. Japan Tokyo. June 11, 2036

There were 12 people sitting at a long table in a huge hall. Discussing the affairs of one of the largest companies in Japan.

At the head of the table sits a luxurious woman in a business suit, who is the president of this very company.

Since all the issues have been resolved, I declare the meeting over, everyone can disperse - President Xue said in a stern business voice

Then she got up and went to the door where her personal bodyguard, who looked to be between 20 and 25 years old, was waiting for her.

Having opened the door, the bodyguard waited until she came out and then silently followed her along the corridor.

Since you are successful

Pak Xin's company was eliminated, my contract is over - the bodyguard said, walking ahead of her and calling the elevator.

 As soon as the woman heard about the end of the contract, her good mood from the victory over her eternal competitor disappeared and her pretty face darkened.

She still remembers how 4 years ago there was a completely failed attempt on her life. Although there was no evidence, this is definitely connected with Park Shin, the President of one of the most powerful competitive companies!

At that time, her late grandfather sent a 20-year-old out of concern

boy as a bodyguard.

How indignant she is then!

She simply could not understand why her grandfather, being a retired General, sent

Her guards consist of a couple of three seasoned warriors and some green youth. Although Igrid at that time was only a year older than the boy, she was a Business Genius!

Her grandfather was the only family she had left, apart from her older half-sister Ophelia. With whom Igrid had the same father but different mothers. Igrid loved her grandfather very much and for this reason she accepted the boy without any objections and without much thought.

But a month later she simply could not help but appreciate his skills! In just one month, this green boy saved her life three times! And the longer their collaboration continued, the more nervous and confident Igrid became.

other professional

bodyguards are even worth comparing with him! His skills at the age of twenty were so varied and strong that Igrid, without noticing it, began to admire him.

In addition to the dangerous situations of attempted poisoning and armed attacks, which Xi Yu dealt with with flying colors. He helped with prevention

future assassinations and instructed on how to avoid them more easily. In places where her professional guards did not pay much attention, Xi Yu found the beginnings of future disasters!over time Ingrid

began to become interested in Xi Yu and his past. But direct questioning led nowhere.

Because of Xi Yu's professional behavior, Igrid's self-esteem even began to fall at one time. No matter how she exposed herself in front of him, no matter what she dressed in, this green boy completely reacted to her.She even began to suspect that he

gay or powerless.

When those around her look at her in the eyes of men and sometimes women. Igrid noticed lust and desires to possess quite often. At 25 years old, Igrid is developed beyond her years and looks like a Goddess that you can only admire, but it would be a sin to touch!

And now, after 4 years of working together

and countless situations which, thanks to the blog, he managed to avoid, Igrid did not want to part with him at all. Xi Yu has already become close to her, like a family member. And how is it possible, having been saved so many times, not to be imbued with sympathy for this very attractive, capable guy. But how to keep someone so stubborn and cruel not only towards his enemies but she also didn't know the person to herself

- President Xue, could you help me with all the necessary papers today so that I can resign tomorrow? - as soon as the elevator opened in front of them, Xi Yu's professional voice, as always, immediately brought Ingrid out of her thoughtful state.

- Y-yes... Listen Xi Yu, how about we sign a new contract? I agree to increase my annual salary to $10 million! - entering the elevator, Ingrid offered a lucrative contract, looking at Xi Yu with hope in her eyes.

"No, I'm tired of living like this... I want to travel and start a family... And working part-time near home while spending time with my family would be the most acceptable," Xi Yu said with a calm smile, entering the elevator and pressing the button first floor.

Ingrid was SHOCKED!

This was the first smile she saw from Xi Yu in 4 years of working together! She even pinched herself, fascinated by Xi Yu's easy smile.

She had also never heard of Xi Yu's plans for the future. No matter how much Ingrid tried to bring their conversation to personal topics, he always remained silent or turned the conversation to a work-related topic.

After thinking a little, Ingrid realized that the reason for his behavior lies in the fact that after this meeting, the terms of their contract are considered fulfilled! And now he doesn't treat her like a boss!

This made her happy and distracted at the same time, and his conversations about his family, for some reason unknown to her, spoiled the mood. But you won't be nice either... After thinking a little, Ingrid decided to let him travel for a while, and then she'll come up with something.

"Aaaaah," Xi Yu suddenly heard a deafening scream, bringing Ingrid out of her reverie and into panic.

Even before the elevator stopped, Xi Yu, with a heartbreaking cry as if his soul was being torn out of him, grabbed his head and fell to the floor, losing consciousness.

One week later.

In the hospital room, an unconscious young man lay by the window, and at the head of his bed, Ingrid sat as if in a trance, not taking her lovely eyes off Xi Yu's peaceful face. She took a vacation for a couple of months, devoting all her attention to him alone.

"A week has already passed... Please wake up, I will do whatever you want! I'll even... Let you go..." Ingrid thought in despair, and tears came out from time to time from her already swollen eyes.

Doctors ruled that Xi Yu was in a coma. And no one knows when he will come out of this state. He may wake up tomorrow, or he may never wake up at all.

Ingrid spent the entire week in the hospital room. She occasionally left to eat and clean herself up, spending the rest of the time next to Xi Yu.

Ingrid talked to him, prayed to the gods, looked for specialists who could bring him out of the coma, but all to no avail. She had never worried or cared so much about anyone outside of her family before.

Sitting in the ward and looking at Xi Yu, Ingrid constantly recalled the days spent with him. Although his demeanor always remained professional, he also had moments when he was gentle.

There was a case when she was kidnapped right from her home, and when Xi Yu rescued her, she was severely beaten and received several fractures. At that time, she was defending her chastity from the kidnapper, and scratching his face with her nails, Ingrid hit him right in the eye. After which, out of pain and rage, the wounded kidnapper began to beat her severely until Xi Yu arrived and saved her.

She was beaten so badly that she had to live in the hospital for half a year. At that time, her mental state might not have recovered from what happened, but thanks to Xi Yu, she quickly returned to normal. At that time, although he did not go beyond the bounds of professionalism, his sincere care and gentle gaze... They represented a quiet haven for Ingrid, where she felt calm and completely safe. What she often, already healthy, remembered with warmth in her heart.

Since then, to increase her safety, Xi Yu began to live in the same house with Ingrid. He settled on the first floor, and she on the second. They had separate bedrooms, bathrooms and only a shared kitchen, where he cooked her breakfast every morning.

When her grandfather died, she fell into despair...

At that time, Xi Yu hugged her for the first time and began to stroke her head, comforting her. And Ingrid, in a fit of emotional weakness, clinging to his chest burst into tears, pouring out her pent-up pain from the loss of her grandfather...

During this week spent in Xi Yu's ward, sitting and looking at the serene expression on his face, Ingrid constantly thought about the time she experienced with him!

"Ummm..." a moaning voice was heard throughout the room.

- SI...! Xi Yu how are you? Are you feeling well? Does something hurt? - Ingrid exclaimed in a happy and excited voice.

Waking up after a seemingly endless life-long sleep and feeling very unusual, as if the entire world around him was completely unfamiliar to him. Xi Yu began to look around and try to bring his 

Turning his head and looking into the bright, blinding light from the window and smelling the pleasant smell of flowers from the vase, Xi Yu was surprised at how sharp his vision and sense of smell had become. But now he was more worried about this sexy beauty boss, whose presence surprised Xi Yu very much, because their contract had already ended. Paying attention to her gentle, happy and excited look, he could not believe that this was the same always strict and restrained boss Xue.

- I'm fine, don't, don't press the button. "Everything is fine with me, the condition in which I was not subject to treatment by more than one doctor," said Xi Yu, stopping Ingrid's hand, who was about to press the button to call doctors to the room.

- Are you... Are you sick with something? - Ingrid asked worriedly.

- No, it's all over... Better tell me how long I lay unconscious? - Xi Yu asked, calmly leaning back on the pillow, collecting his thoughts.

- A week has passed... Maybe I should still call the doctors? - Ingrid asked, still worried.

- And what will they do? What could they do before I woke up? I'm telling you that this will never happen to me again. Have I ever deceived you? - Xi Yu said calmly looking at Ingrid.

"No, never... I believe you... I'm glad that you came to your senses," Ingrid said happily, not wanting to argue with him.

When Xi Yu was in a coma, she wanted to tell him so many things... But now Ingrid doesn't have a single thought in her head about what to tell him, but this didn't upset her much.

"The main thing is that he woke up!" - Ingrid thought as she put the food in the microwave to heat up, wanting to feed Xi Yu.

Although Xi Yu looked calm, there was complete chaos going on in his head, causing him to panic.

He slept all week, and his brain experienced in detail the fantastic life of another Xi Yu. Everything up until the moment he lost consciousness, in these memories of the other Xi Yu, was absolutely identical to the life he lived! But what is supposed to happen in less than 2 months... Xi Yu can't wrap his head around it!

This is not because it is difficult to understand, but rather because it is impossible to believe! Some fantastic nonsense that Xi Yu was not going to believe even now.

- TV, channel 23! - Xi Yu said, but nothing happened.

"Ahhh, well, yes. How can my voice be registered if I was in a coma all the time..." - Xi Yu thought when he came to his senses.

In 2028, some kind of technological breakthrough was made and since then all equipment has switched to voice mode, even cars began to start and drive using voice commands.

"Ingrid, turn on the TV to channel 23," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

The room in which Ingrid placed him was very luxurious, there was a TV and furniture with a kitchen. The furnishings were more reminiscent of a luxurious home than a ward.

Without asking anything, Ingrid gave a voice command and the TV turned on to the TV channel Xi Yu needed. After which, with a happy smile, she continued cutting fruit like a caring wife.

- Dilas shares jumped by 5 points in the last 5 minutes while Shares... - a voice was heard on the TV and it would seem that nothing unusual was happening, but in Xi Yu's head a catastrophe was happening!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kaniucreators' thoughts