
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Other worlds

Kei went ahead and found the function to change the nicknames into their real names so he did.

Kei<Owner>: Hey guys I found the option to change into our real names.

Bang: There we go I did it.

Gintoki/Megumin/Yukino: Me too.

Kei<Owner>: Alright now what I am about to say may freak you out but I think all of you are from manga and novels.

Bang/Gintoki/Megumin/Yukino: …WHAT!!!


Bang was in his dojo, sitting down on the floor when he looked at his phone and was shocked at the message that was sent to the group chat. He almost fell to the ground because of how shocking this news was. He is part of a manga, who would believe that. At the same time, he can't refute it since the group chat existed.

"I should tell him if he can send me a copy of it to verify if what he said is true" Bang then began to message Kei if he can send a copy of his manga to him.

Bang: Kei can you send me a copy of my manga?

Kei<Owner>: Sure give me a moment.

<Ding! Kei<Owner> sent "One Punch Man" to Bang>

The more bang read the more shocked he became. Saitama is insanely strong to the point where Bang started questioning whether they live in the same world. He also wondered how so many incidents could happen without them knowing about it. He questioned whether the Hero Association is full of Idiots. After he finished reading he took in a deep breath.

"I knew that Garou was troubled but I never imagined he would go on a rampage and start to take down heroes in broad daylight." Bang sighed and cracked his back since he was already too old.

"But before that, there is also the case about city A being wiped out. I am already too old but more trouble keeps on coming in front of our doorstep." Bang complained but he knew he was not strong enough for what is about to happen in the future.

He needed to make sure he minimized the loss of life that will occur in the future.

"Sensei is something wrong." his disciple asked.

Bang looked over at his disciple and took a deep breath. He shouldn't worry about the future so much and focus on the present.

"Nothing to worry over. Anyways Charanko, starting today you will spar with me every day until you can master the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist." Bang got up from the floor and went into a stance.

"R-Right now!?" Charanko panicked and went into his stance as well.

Bang might not be able to protect everyone but he would first make sure his disciple can protect himself.


Once Kei gave the manga to Bang, the rest of the members also wanted to see their stories so he gave them to them. After a few minutes, they all started talking again.

Gintoki: "Yes! I finally have a chance to get rid of my wavy hair! Since I am in a manga and the main protagonist then my wish comes true right! My story hasn't ended yet so there is still a chance!"

Megumin: "No! Why am I not the main protagonist and why is it such a useless and perverted guy instead! They don't even feature my explosion magic that much in it. And when they do feature it they depict me as useless luggage when I am done. Are they saying I am useless without it or something huh!"

Kei<Owner>: "…you guys are enjoying this huh."

Kei just now realized that they are part of a comedy manga.

Kei<Owner>: Oh yea, are you here Yukino.

Yukino: …yes it's just a lot to take in right now.


When Yukino read the story she couldn't believe it. She read about herself and it shocked her because of the events of the Grand Magic Games that will happen. She didn't join a guild yet but she was planning to join the strongest one after the grand magic games of this year. But upon reading it she decided to wait to join a guild.

Another, more important piece of news was about her sister. She will reunite with her in the future. She was nervous yet excited since her sister will return to her.

However, when she learned about the incoming invasion by Alveraz Empire and Acnologia she got scared. These guys are too strong. She doesn't even know how Fairy Tail beat them considering their strength. This just reminded her that even if she is considered strong there is always someone stronger.

Kei: "I know you are overwhelmed with information but don't worry too much about it for now since judging from your reaction these things haven't happened yet, right?

Yukino: Yes, I haven't even joined a guild yet."

Kei: Well don't worry then since there is still time to get stronger. Since this group chat was made then it might even issue quests for your world so don't worry too much. Even if it doesn't issue a quest, we'll help you.

Yukino: Yes! Thank you Kei-sama.


"Sama?" Kei asks himself confused about why this girl is calling him that.

"Well, it does not matter. I can see the rest of the group reading each other's stories. I guess I should sleep for the night." Kei then turns off his phone and the lights and drifts to sleep.