
Multi-Dimension Harem Adventure

R34 Economy with a twist. Disclaimer: I don't own all the crossover. Another Disclaimer: This is an Extreme AU

LuxVonDeux · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs


~21 July 2006~

*Valerie Tepes POV*


Where am I? The last thing I remember is my brother coming inside my room with this creepy man. The man has this creepy aura that is so black I can't see his soul. He is also the one that takes a piece of my soul away from me. When I see my brother walk inside my room that day, I know that the creepy man will take another part of my soul away from me. I don't want to become colder than I do right now.

However, to my surprise, I still have my sacred gear with me. How? Did the creepy men decide to cancel the ritual? No, that is impossible, I see his soul, and the only thing I can see is malice and a constant sense of greed. I know that he will take my sacred gear away from me, so how?

I snap from my thoughts when the door of my bedroom(?) open up. Coming from the door is a man around his twenty with black hair. He came inside while bringing two vials of potion with him. The man did not come alone as two other people were walking inside the room following the man.

"Hello. It's good you are awake. My name is Lexian Vongola. How are you doing?"


I can feel my cheek begin to burn as I just realize what I'm saying. While the man in front of me is handsome, my stepbrother is more attractive than him. The reason why I say it is that his Aura and Soul is beautiful. His aura and soul is like a rainbow that shines brightly on the sky after the gloomy rain. His aura also gives me a warm like I never before. It makes me feel complete. His orange aura that gives me the feeling of a home that I never have, his red aura is like a storm that will lay waste to anyone that threatens his family, his blue aura gives a soothing feeling that assuring me that it will be alright, his yellow aura is like the sun that gives warmth to the world and heals me from all my injury, his green aura is like a guardian that will take all the damage coming after me with a smile on his face, his indigo is like a magician that will always create something new just to make me happy, and lastly his purple aura making me feel free just like the cloud in the sky.

All of those colors, I cannot take my eyes out of them. I want to see them forever. I want to be complete once again.

"Are you okay?"

I snap from my fantasy and look at the gentle eye of the man in front of me.

"I-I'm okay."

"That's good. Here some potions. Don't worry. It's not a poison."

I slowly drink it, and I can feel the effect of the potion immediately as I feel my body begin to rejuvenate.

"Let us introduce ourselves. As I said before, my name is Lexian Vongola, and this lovely lady is…"

"Medea. Mist guardian of Vongola family"

"Carol Danvers. Cloud guardian of Vongola family."

"Haaaaaaa. You know you guys don't need to introduce your title as well, right?"

"Of course we are, master. We want to make a good first impression on our guest, after all."

"Medea is right, My Lord."

"Haaaaaa. You guys…. Anyway, can I have your name?"

I couldn't help but smile at their little banter.

"My name is Valerie Te… I guess I don't have a surname anymore."

I look at the man in front of me with a hopeful feeling that maybe I can free myself away from my family that cages me.

"You guys are the ones that free me from that castle, right? Or maybe…. You take me away just to sell me to the Carmilla clan?"

Lexian looked at me with an offended expression.

"Of course not! We take you away so you can be free from your prison. When we feel a disturbing wave of magic near us, we decide to investigate, and when I hear your scream, I decide to rescue you from that creepy man while my guardian here takes care of the other people inside the castle."

"I see."

I'm finally free. Free from the torment my brother gave me. Free from all those mockery people give me inside that hollow castle. Free to go anywhere I want. Free from those dark, gloomy castles.

My body tenses a little as I feel Lexian come near me and hug me.

"You are free. Let it flow. Let your tears flow. That is not a sadness tear. That is the tear of happiness. The tears that indicate you are free from your prison. Let it flow."

As Lexian speaks, my tears begin to flow into his chest. I continue to cry for who knows long before I stop, and Lexian releases his warm hug before saying.

"You don't need to be alone anymore. Let it be known that this place will be your home from now on. We will be your family."


"Good. Valerie welcomes home, my dear."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"You are welcome."

This is the day where I find my true family and my true home. I wonder if Little Gasper has already found a place he can call home?


~28 July 2006~

It has been a week since I arrived in this place. In one week, I get myself a new name! My name is Valerie Vongola! The same surname as my new big brother Lexian! My new brother already takes care of the legal stuff in the mundane world using his connection to the local authority.

My brother also gave me the greatest gift in the world. My brother made me feel warm once again. Brother says something about harmonization(?) I don't understand. With this harmonization thingy, I don't feel cold anymore, and also, my skin does not irritate when I walk under the sun, which is good as I like the warmth of the sun.

Oh yeah! A few days ago, I got the same flame as my brother. It has the same beautiful orange flame like my brother. Sadly I only have the orange flame and not the rainbow one like my brother. I'm not jealous! Not at all! Promise!

After my flame awakened, my brother and his guardian decided to train me on how to use it in the fight. My brother is also proud of me when I awaken my flame or as my brother calls it a Sky Flame.

Brother Lexian also says that I need to search for a guardian soon, but he also means that I don't need to force myself and let my intuition lead me to the perfect guardian. He also says something about shovel talk or the 'talk' that I don't understand. That must be some secret code my brother created.

Anyway, this day is the first time I go to another country. My brother, Sister Medea and Sister Carol say that they need to go to England and buy some raw ingredients for the potion.


"Hmmm? What is it, Valerie?"

"What kind of ingredient will we buy in England? I thought Romania had many varieties of raw ingredients."

"Well, Medea here wants to experiment with a new ingredient she never tested. This time she wants to test the saliva and blood of Welsh Green Drake and Hebridean Black Drake."

"I see. Also, why do you call them a drake? I thought the Wand Waver was calling them a dragon?"

"If I call them Dragon, I will get hunted down by the real Dragon. The Wand Waver calls them a Dragon because they never see the real Dragon. What the wand waver community call Dragon is a Drake and Wyvern. The difference between both of them to a Dragon is their size and, of course, their power. The biggest Winged Drake the Wizarding community has is Ukranian Ironbelly, but a fully grown Ukranian Ironbelly only can reach half of the Dragon size."

"I see."

Before I could ask him another question, Sister Medea came near us and said,

"Master, the preparation is ready."

"Good. Let's go, Valerie."


That is also the thing I want to ask my brother. Why does sister Medea call brother 'master'? Every time I ask the people in the town, they immediately change the subject or give me some cookies before murmuring something about BDSM or something like that.

They are weird.

I walk with my brother to the garden, where sister Medea creates the magic circle. As we step inside the magic circle, we are gone from the castle.

~Leaky Cauldron. Charing Cross Road, London, England~

We arrive in the alley near our destination (Sister Medea says that). Sister Medea then slowly releases us from her Mist flame that makes us invisible to the other when we arrive before we walk to what looks like a pub.

As we walk inside the pub, I can see many people talking at each other while also drinking and eating the food in joy. While following sister Medea, I look at a young boy sitting alone in the corner of the room talking to some fat guy. Unconsciously I activate my sacred gear and look at their souls.

The fat man's soul is full of greed and lies. It's like looking at rotten eggs. Not only does it feel uncomfortable to see but also unpleasant to smell.

On the other hand, the young man in front of the fat man has pure white souls with a hint of black souls leaching his magic. I frown in disgust at the black soul inside the boy scar? Not only does it feel unnatural, but also it feels incomplete. It feels like whoever the primary soul is that intentionally rips apart his soul. I want to use my Sacred Gear to extract that soul and combine it myself, but I fear that my brother will be angry at me. Brother says that I can't use my sacred gear in the open as it will attract that creepy old man's attention.

So I need to refrain myself using my sacred gear. When we finish our business, I will tell this to my brother because splitting your souls is not good. I hear there is a special place in Hades domain to the people that do that.

"Valerie, are you okay?"

"... I'm okay."

"No, you are not. Come one tell me."

"... Then… Can we talk about it when we are in a private area?"

"... Very well"

My brother then walks to the counter and says.

"Hello, Tom. It looks like we are here for longer than we thought it would be. Can we rent some room? I think one day should be enough."

"Of course. That will be five Galleons."

"Here you go."

"Thank you. Your room will be on the second floor, and the number is 20. Have a nice day."

"You too, Tom."

Brother then led me to the second floor, where we immediately walked inside our room and locked the door. I sit down on the bed while my brother takes the chair and places it in front of me.


"I already do it, master."


My brother then looks at me with a kind smile and says.

"Now. Is there something wrong, Valerie?"

"... Yes"

"I see. Then please tell me. I will help you."

"... The boy on the first floor has a soul leech inside his head."

"The boy is wearing glasses, a bit skinny, and has a lightning bolt wound on her forehead."

"You know him, brother?"

"Yes, you can say that. He is a rather famous individual in the Great Britain Wand Waver community."

"I see."

"So, what is this about a leech on his forehead?"

"Yes, the scar on his forehead is a parasite that feeds on his magic. Not only that, but it is also a fragment of souls."


I look at sister Medea in shock as she sneers in disgust after I say that.

"I see. So what can I do for you?"

"... I want to use my Sacred Gear and force the souls to combine and destroy it."

"I see. Then we will do that when we meet Harry Potter when he is alone."

"Thank you, brother."

"It was nothing. Now come on. We still need to buy the ingredients for Medea potion."



~29 July 2006~

Yesterday was so much fun! Not only do the goblins let us ride their cart at high speed, but they also respect us, unlike the wizard, especially those so-called pure-blood wizards. We also visited a place called Knockturn Alley, where I met many Low born vampires residing inside this alley. Lucky for me, they did not know about my identity because of sister Medea's spell.

After buying all the ingredients inside the Knockturn alley, we went to this awesome ice cream place called Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. It has many flavors of ice cream. For the rest of the day, we walk around the Diagon Alley and stay that for the night.

Now is the day where we confront Harry Potter.

As we arrive on the first floor of the pub, I see Harry Potter sitting on the corner of the room with a beautiful white owl on his shoulder, eating some beacon.

I see my brother nod at me before I walk toward the boy and sit in front of him. I continue to stare at him in silence before the boy says.

"Ermmmm, what can I do for you?"

"Do you want me to clean you up?"


I see my brother hit his face with his hand.

What do I do?

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts