

~25 September 2006~

*Rizevim Livan Lucifer POV*

Ahhhh. It looks like Marius is dead, what a shame. If only he didn't keep complaining about him losing the other grail to a human, then I will make a more powerful Dragon from his race. However, with his death, I can use this opportunity to sway the vampire that ran away to the Carmilla faction for protection into joining my cause.

Ah… How long has it been since I felt this excited? A new and unknown enemy with the same unknown power. Will they be able to defeat me? Will they be able to give me more excitement? Ahhh~ I cannot wait to find out.

I still remember how my life is all grey and so lame that I think of myself as an object with a brain. However, when Euclid Lucifuge comes to me and informs me that there is another world with an unknown threat and unknown place to cause chaos, for the first time, I feel my life has a color other than grey.

I keep thinking about the chaos I will bring to the new world and how I will show them the true devil.

Ah~ thinking about it makes me shiver in delight.

However, my plan to cause a terror in the other world has a slight pending as a group of humans decide to kidnap my tool, Valerie Tepes. A small problem for my plan but sadly for them, I already have one of the Grail in my hand. However, Marius decided that he wanted the grail in my hand, saying that I did not have the right to have the grail as it was the Sacred Gear of his sister.

Oh, the taste of hypocrisy coming from Marius' mouth is delicious to hear. However, I can't just give him my tool for my plan now, can't I? So I 'enchant' his army of vampires to attack the city called Faysummit. The place where they keep Valerie.

Just like predicted, Marius is dead while fighting them.

While I didn't want to admit it out loud, Cao Cao and his group of misfits are more powerful than the Tepes faction and seeing that Cao Cao and his group get beaten and even get one of their Scared Gear stolen, I know that Marius and his army will lose.

Not only does Marius don't have enough firepower, but the Tepes Clan also is not united like Marius imagined it to be. The low-level vampire wants to use humanity as their slave and not only used as a food and undead army. The Dhampir also began to flock toward Faysummit to join under the Vongola banner. Lastly, Marius' fellow vampire noble wants to seize the title of Head of Tepes for themselves. I also hear that Marius' brother began to rally the remainder of Marius' faction to join his faction.

My informant also says that Marius' brother Flavius will come to me and beg to enchant his army. It looks like he wants to push back the incoming Carmilla faction army that begins attacking their territory after hearing the death of Marius.

Ah~ How my luck continues to amaze me. Even with the defeat of my soon to be an evil dragon army, I get another source to create my evil army.

However, what makes me more excited is the emergence of something that I have never encountered in my long life.

They have something that I never see, and they called it Dying Will Flame. Seven types of Flame with a different ability. I want to know about them in detail, but my spy cannot penetrate their barrier, and the Dying Will Flame user in Constanta always keeps their mouth shut to the point they kidnap the one that asks a question about the flame and kills him or her to silent them.

I even hired some mercenaries to kidnap one of the flame users, but they disappeared without anyone knowing. I continue to employ a mercenary to kidnap one of the flame users. Still, when I employ the fifteenth mercenary and how they also disappear without any news, the other mercenary begins to reject my offer as they didn't want to disappear like the other.

I guess I can't get myself a fascinating sample anytime soon.

However, while I can't get a sample, I can still see how they prevail against a group of evil dragons attacking them. Ah~ I wonder how they stand their ground… Will they be easily defeated? Will they possess a threat against my army of evil dragons? Will they easily defeat them? Ah~ I cannot wait.

Now the only thing I can do is wait.


*Serafall Leviathan POV*

Ahhh~ This is life.

How long since I have visited a hot spring? A month or two?

"Ahhh… This is nice, isn't that right, Grayfia?"

Sitting on the hot spring next to me is the strongest queen in the underworld, Grayfia Lecifuge. She is the queen to Sirzech Lucifer, the current satan that handles the domestic affair. She is a strict woman, but when Sirzech takes her to his bed, she will be mewling like a kitten asking for attention. Oh? Did I forget that she has a fetish for a maid and a master play? Yeah, she has that fetish. How do I know this? Well, let say that we have a weird sexual life in our youth.

Anyway, the reason why Grayfia is coming to Faysummit is that Sirzech wants to have a quick vacation where he can relax for one day. So I brought him here and true to my prediction, he likes this city atmosphere. However, I need to tell him to suppress his power even more, as I didn't want the other to feel uncomfortable with his aura.

"I must admit this place is nice."

"I know, right? The people are friendly, their food is good, and the atmosphere around here is comfortable."

"Yes. A totally different atmosphere than the vampire territory."

Yeah, that is the thing that set this place away from the other place in Romania. If you go to the northern side of Romania, you can smell something so sweet that it makes an untrained person charmed. That is because of how the Carmilla faction hunts their food. They charmed the victim using their charm spell to lure them into their trap. The magicians across the country successfully prevent the spell from coming into the city. Still, even with their effort, they can't stop the vampire from walking inside the town and hunting for themselves.

On the west side of Romania is the home to the Tepes faction. If the Carmilla faction uses a tactic to lure their victim into walking toward their territory, then the Tepes Faction is the complete opposite. They hunt the food for themselves and doing it while their bloodlust is flaring in the air. If the Carmilla faction is the 'elegant' hunting process, then the Tepes Faction has a savage way to hunt.

There is a rumor for a long time that a portion of the country is not possessed by a vampire faction but rather a human. In the past, I can't confirm this information, but after stumbling in Faysummit city, I know that rumor is true. It looks like the human faction in Romania can hold their ground against the vampire. Not only that, but I hear the lord of this land, Lexian Vongola, successfully defeat the vampire force that is coming toward his land and kills the leader of the Tepes faction, Marius Tepes.

I know that after defeating Marius and his force, Lord Lexian will try and take a piece of Tepes' faction land, and by the look of it, Lord Lexian will not discriminate against the vampire that surrenders to them. I know that I see many vampires walking around in this city and what makes me even more surprised is that they walk when the sun is at its highest position. Do they have a barrier that prevents the sun from hurting the vampire living here? Do they have some amulet that lets them walk when the sun is up? I don't know, but I will let Ajuka know about this.

For another few minutes, we continue to soak our body in the hot spring before we get up and fully dressed, then go back to our place. We decide to rent a whole building for our vacation. As we walk inside, I see Ajuka, Sirzech, and Falbium sitting on the chair while enjoying some wine they got from the local wine store.

"Welcome back, Grayfia Serafall."

"I'm back, Sirzech. How is Millicas doing?"

"He is asleep. After we finished using the hot spring, he immediately went to sleep."

"I see. I guess it cannot be helped. It was his first time seeing so many wild animals being domesticated in this place."

That is also one of many things this city has that the others didn't have. They have a zoo on the east side of the city and inside that said the zoo is full of many rare animals.

"Yeah, Millicas like riding the pegasus. He also spent some of his time petting a unicorn."

I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me—all of my friends enjoying their stay in this place and without stressing themselves with paperwork. Maybe allying with Lord Lexian is a good thing, after all.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts