
Meeting a new freind::Chapter 4

"Hello and what's you're name? I'm Gwen." Kong was slightly taken aback.

" My name is Kong. My clan is Frost. Miss Gwen-ghost. I'm known as Frost Kong."

He stretched out to clasp his hand as he'd seen his father do many times. A tiny spark ignited as they shook hands and Gwen looked more solid.

"So Frost Kong what do you do here other than play?"

Smiling he said "I love plants. I have my own garden. Come." As he skipped away laughing.


It was a rather large plot with a even larger scarecrow and several squirrels perched on the head. Upon entering a few squirrels leapt off to run to the boy. They scrambled up his leg to rest in his arms or on his shoulders. Chattering incessantly to deliver the latest gossip.

[First brother, First brother there are crows attacking our brothers!]

[Ah. Tenth sister, Third sister show me the where.] I raced after as my sisters ran ahead. Gwen looked on curiously as the boy made noises with the squirrels before racing after them. What a strange boy she thought. Gwen followed as well.


Several large village boys were throwing stones at the squirrels. Some boys had cornered them between two muddy puddles while other boys used them as target practice.

[Stay back sisters!] I ran though the puddles to block the stones from hitting my family. Opening my robes I scooped up my brothers and deposited in the inner pockets. I became the target instead. A stone hit my forehead to open a cut. Other stones struck my arms and back. "Get him he's protecting those pests!" Yelled the boys. As I ran beside my sisters they also jumped on me and burrowed into my robes. I ran past the other houses the village boys were hot on my heels.

Gwen watched the whole scene below. She had thought Frost Kong a coward but he saved those small animals. Incurring ire as he did so. She could see he was fast approaching a cliff. Twenty feet below the edge was the tops of evergreen trees. She should warn him that he'd be trapped. Yet she waited to see what he would do. This was the most interesting penalty round in the game yet. She checked the game clock and realized two hours had past. She had to level up Kong quick before her fleet was destroyed. The game ran in real time and she was the admiral. "Frost Kong watch out there's a cliff."

She saw him running faster and run off the cliff.