
Mu no kiroku: chronicles of void

All will be known in time and through time

Z_a_y_n_e · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Arc 1-chapter 17-too cool for this


_ as Yakko and Oblivion started running in circles around the giant metal spider (spider that consumes metals as nutrients and produces a web of said metal it ate , also as increasing in size and strength with each different metal ate , needless to say a giant one was incredibly strong ) they shot a ray of elemental magic, of fire and ice respectively, to weaken the armor that is present on the spider's body , after succeeding to do that Yakko got two of it's legs and Oblivion chopped off a big chunk of its body . The spider screeched really hard and covered itself with a purple-ish mist which , because of it being extremely acid, the 2 had to step away untill it went away, revealing a spider-legged woman , not an arachne but more of a woman with multiple eyes and spider legs coming out of her limbs_


_ the queen than punched the ground causing it to crack and start melting and the cave to start shaking , then after seeing the two enemies destabilized she started chanting a spell wich started condensing in one sphere all the heat genated from the magma she just un produced in the room_

-ahahahahahahaha no.

_ oblivion jumped on a wall and at a speed that almost broke the barrier of sound spring jumped towards the queen , completely annihilating the target_

-thanks for the food!

_/ predator system initializing\_

_/alpha-type monster slayed , announcing extra skill assimilation \_

_/skill : mineral assimilation -> you may assimilate and evolve with various minerals including both crystals and metals\_

_after that he chose "heat manipulation mk1" as the aquirable skill , for it was not linked to "mineral assimilation " . Then he proceeded to eat and consume the body "armor" that was on the queen's chest and legs to see if the minerals previously assimilated by the queen would just pass to him , unsuccessfully _

_/ alert ! "Mineral assimilation is not based off diversity , but quantity, so you must consume it from the ore directly or something which has assimilated only one mineral in particular , samples do not unlock a mineral completely \_

-better luck next time… although this made me have an idea

-System : info

_/ info points remaining : 4 , use them wisely and according to the rules\_

-system : question

_/awaiting question\_

-what is the most heat resistant mineral i can find in this cave system and where ?

_/ question in the info parameters, answering…

Answer found : mineral type : crystal mineral name : mana graphite origin: mana accumulation on graphite samples throughout millennia Fusion point : 7000 cº quantity in this cave : 3790,56 kg location :1km directly below current position , 1,01km 1,02 \_

-oh no , oh nonono


-it's on something or-worse even - inside it!

_ they started digging down thanks to the skill they got from eating numerous molebears and found behind their feet a gigantic cave which… they fell in_


_ they bounced off the ground olmost back up to the hole they came in and after 4 or 5 bounces they stabilized . The cave was magnificent: entirely made out of different shapes and colors of ice and crystals , with stalagmites and stalactites, together with gigantic columns here and there , but most importantly very far away an enormous, gigantic tardigrade , which on his stomach had hanging the very same mana graphite they needed._

-tardigrades are basically immune to all temperature changes so using those two elements would just be useless , got to admit those lessons Salamander gave me are really coming in handy . Anyway lets try with stun and tear


-ur kind of right but do we have other options


-that's actually a good idea , since in the end the material we need is not in the tardigrade we can just try to not fight it ( considering this cave system has stronger monsters the more downwards you go ) , let try it , worst thing is we have to make a run for it after all

_ they sneaked near the tardigrade and tried to chop off some of the graphite , but it wasn't coming of as if the live tissue of the monster held it tight and sealed _

-here goes nothing

-Ruff….. (~.~)

-sudden impact!

_ Oblivion starts charging up a fist that then gets unleashed at a speed nearing the one of sound and hit the side of the tardigrade… bouncing right off into the ground , he was completely shocked and noticed that not only the monster had stopped , but was looking at them silently_

-i think we might need to run

-you don't need tooo … don't youu worryyy


-yes i think it just spoke

-why wouldn't iiiiii?

-tardigrades don't speak?

-I'm nooot a tardigraaadeee…. I'm…kevinnnn. What are youu heeereee foor?


-ooooooooh theeese on myy belllyyyy??? Why didn't youu ask befooooreeee… how manyy do you neeeeed?

-4 crystals Kevin

-ooookaaaaaayyy there you gooo , byee byeee

_ Kevin just casually made fall 8 crystals from his belly and just got back to moving like nothing happened. Each mana graphite crystal was about as big as a whole white wolf (about 1,5 m large and 50 cm long and wide) _

-they looked way smaller hanging from his belly

_Yakko shook his head up and down_

-so… how do we eat these


-if you say so

_they both just bit into one the crystals and it was… crunchy? They then proceeded to eat it really easily and then the other three came along the same way_

-those tasted like…


-i was going to say molebear but caveboar is more accurate , still much better then i expected a mineral to taste


-i wonder how other stuff tastes… but better to just consume things like this if we want to have the upper hand on salamander, which we have to fight 4 months from now… time sure flew by uh? Anyways-AAAAAAAA

_they both fell due to excruciating pain reversing everywhere in their body, as if someone was manually swapping out their bones and tissues. Pain which made both pass out _

-what the- what was that? No, wait i think we know what it was


-yes it was the skill . so…anyways, shoot me .


_Yakko blasted off Oblivion with an air cannon blast _


_Yakko started laughing (as a dog would, dont ask me how or why but he was definitely laughing at him)_

-again-with a fire spell this time, im watching you


_a fireball formed in front of Yakko's mouth and then compacted into a smaller blue fireball, which was then sent flying towards Oblivion, causing a gigantic explosion which inevitably hit Yakko as well. The smoke settled and both of them… were completely unfazed , yes covered in ashes and dirty, but unfazed, not even slightly _