
Ms. Shy's Love Potion

Ms. Shy, Li Xiu, never intended to use the ridiculously expensive love potion on Wang Jian, the prominent king of Royal Crest Highschool. It was supposed to be for her special someone but due to unwelcome circumstances, Li Xiu is now forced to hunt down the missing seller of the mysterious potion while trying to keep her sanity intact as she tries to cure Wang Jian. But Wang Jian is known to be cruel and merciless. So what will happen if the magic brought upon by the potion disappear? Li Xiu raised her hands to her mouth, silently screaming. Regretful and frustrated, she attempted to wipe her tearful eyes, "Stupid love potion! It captured the wrong heart!"

minpenzz · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 2

Li Xiu's hands were dripping with sweat. Her shaking body was as visible as the swaying autumn leaves, and as she tread forward, she carefully hid the bottle of love potion within her royal blue knee-length jacket.

The other students, fortunately were too occupied with their homeworks that no one noticed the direction she's taking, well, except for one. The only flaw to her plan was Choi Rui, who was currently, and dreadfully watching her every tiny and hesitant moves. She was Li Xiu's number two bully since kindergarten and even now, Li Xie is unaware of the reason why she dislikes her so much.

Li Xiu's fragile heart pounded at the sight of Tang Shui, the person she adored the most. Her adoration bordering foolish and illogical.

He was sitting with his friends beside the windowsill. With the two people he considers friends. One was the person he likes and the other his bestfriend, the king of this highschool. Unlike Tang Shui, Wang Jian was considered devilishly handsome and also the top student. He is currently the student president and is leading this academy succesfully. But in Li Xiu's eyes, Tang Shui's bright and almost blinding personality beats Wang Jian's intimidating and quiet ambience.

She curled her fingers, stretching them as she headed towards the trio's table. It took a week for her to finally decide to use the potion and now she's finally doing it. Her plan was simple, it's to tell Tang Shui that a teacher is calling him and lead him onto an empty room before giving him a rose with the potion's scent.

The seller explained that the magic is mainly within the scent. If it is inhaled by a person, then the potion will take effect. But if the magic is in any way halted, then it will return to the bottle and the owner will have another chance to use it.

Li Xiu concealed her excitement, her future plans running wildly in her head, but then, something blocked her foot and suddenly, she was falling ---


She looked up, her initially closed eyes clashing with onyx ones. Wang Jian was right in front of her, his long but lean hand carefully but firmly holding her elbow. How he managed to catch her before she ghastly hit the formidable floor was beyond her. She slightly averted her head and seeing the rose she's holding with the hand he's now handling dangerously close to his nose, she gasped.

Immediately, she pushed herself back but it was too late, he had already inhaled the scent of the potion.

Wang Jian's face remained impassive as he watched Li Xiu's antics. This was their first interaction but it was as if he knew her all her life with that penetrating gaze of his. Something flashed in his eyes -- maybe the magic starting or realization, who knows really?

And with a tilt of his calm, cold chiseled marble face, a subtle lift in his lips occured.

"Be my girlfriend."

Li Xiu fainted.