
Chapter 293 Don't Challenge My Bottom-Line

Bella had a long dream.

In Bella's dream, she was being chased by many people, and she was running desperately.

However, ahead of her was the cliff, and behind was the pursuers.

Bella had no escape.

"James, help me..." Bella subconsciously wanted to shout, but her throat was so dry that she could not say a word.

Bella was pushed down the cliff, deep into the abyss, and she kept falling down...

"Ah..." Bella cried.

Bella was shocked and gradually came to her senses.

Bella thought, what's wrong with me?

Was it a nightmare?

No, everything felt so real. It happened. It can't be a dream!

Bella tried to move her fingers, but she felt she had extremely sore muscles and felt very tired.

Bella remembered that Nolan had the brake of her car broken, and after she managed to get out of the car, she was besieged by Nolan and his men again.