
A Whole Lot Coming

As Li Cheng ran to the computer to check her company. Her stocks were down so low they had 10,000 USD a day to start off with and they had nearly been shut off! 1,000 Renminbi only? That's enough to get weekly groceries and a few extras but that's not enough for a tech company! How will I improve my tech if the stocks are so low? I can't do this! She searched up and down for traces, they left one trace no ordinary hacker would find. A mistake. She fixed up her stocks so it could be back to normal and not look like no one hadn't bought it. After that she hired expert and best workers in all of China. Now that she had a lot of time in her hands it was time to make her mischievous plan. She was going to kill Mr.Wong with torture just like he does to her. He had a whole lot coming soon and soon she will be free from him and live the life she wanted. Alone rich and non miserable because of other people. She did love a good book in her nose then owning a company. She wanted to hide her company and just work as a waitress so she changed the owner of Cheng Corps into Mah Cheng. Now nobody could suspect what she had devised. She cleared up her calendar and soon left for job interviews at cafes and restaurants. Perhaps she could go to the one they didn't let her into for being 'ugly' they will see a modest and soon regret. As soon as she got there she looked like a model coming into the spotlight stage. She went to the counter and asked for the manager. "Of course madame, would you like anything else?" "Ah yes," as she stroked her chin Ike a wise man thinking. "You did not accept me 7 months ago to speak to your manager, why now?" "Madame we have never seen you in the 5 years this restaurant had opened." "You see, I was a beggar then. My inner beauty had been covered by dirt and cuts, I just needed a good wash. Now you let me?" Once she said that the manager came and looked at her star struck. 'What could a modest like her doing into restraint?' He thought. "Hello young Madame I suppose your here for a dinner?" "No, for an interview job." "Why yes you don't need an interview you are now specified as a waitress or cook." A big smirk came into her face. "Why so? Just 7 months ago you were tempting to slap me and saying I'm too old to get the job, why now?" She demanded for an answer. "Well, I-" "WELL I DON'T WANT A JOB LIKE THIS THEN!" As his mouth dropped she stormed out the restaurant. "This bitches." She muttered to herself.

This is the last real chapter until Volume 2! Please comment on your thoughts for the next volume

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