
Mr.President, It's Time to Put on the Dog Leash

Seven years of love, only to discover her fiancé betrayed her with a celebrity. After enduring such a betrayal, She quickly dumped the scumbag and focused on her work! But fate had other plans and She mistakenly became the CEO's personal assistant. And to her surprise, he was the same man who brought her true happiness that night... This ruler of a business empire, nine years her junior,showed no sign of dominance in private. He’s a perfect blend of little devil and affectionate little puppy. He was simply an affectionate little puppy! But who would have known the sweet love had so many intricately woven lies behind it...

Magnoliagrove · Urbano
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149 Chs

Mary, You Are Special!

Marigold gazed at the man before her, his gentle gray eyes fixed on her, as if they were transporting her away from the present moment, back to a moment in the past.

In comparison to those years gone by, he seemed utterly unchanged.

"Evans... Are you boasting? It is you who hasn't changed a bit in over a decade, the grand, illustrious star."

"How could I possibly remain unchanged?" Evans's gray-blue eyes curved into a crescent moon as he smiled, but then suddenly dimmed as he said somewhat sullenly, "When I saw you falling into the water, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. After finally reuniting with you, such an unfortunate incident occurred..."

He restrained the impulse to embrace her and instead took her hand. However, Marigold hesitated for a moment before gently withdrawing her hand.

Evans was taken aback, not expecting such coldness from her, but he quickly regained his composure.