

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

To Get Her

Dave Pov ;

Lisa's eyes widen. Her lips smiled beautifully. I stroked her white cheeks lightly, she didn't dodge or stop me. Her brown eyes looked at me calmly, not the fierce look she had a moment ago when she told me to take the medicine.

Her long black hair fell forward. I tucked her hair behind herear, she smiled again. Looks very adorable.

Our meeting may be counted on the fingers. I'm also not a man who quickly seduced women. But Lisa was different, the only woman I felt attracted to in the first place. Her beautiful brown eyes from the first time I looked at her always filled my mind. Her body which is only as high as my chin even looks very suitable to me. Her childish way of dressing makes her special in my eyes.

"You look much prettier from this close, Lili." I touched her little nose. She chuckled, amused.

I was about to kiss her lips again, but Gerry opened the door first. Lisa texted to pick me up a while ago. Gerry was a little surprised, but he didn't move to close the door again. I looked at him, moved my eyes, signaling him to leave. He nodded hesitantly, then closed the door again.

Lisa looked at me. "Your call has arrived Dave, time to go home."

I nodded firmly. "Soon Lily." I put on a sad face, acting cute. Lisa laughed. She tugged at the shirt she had made a blanket over me a moment ago.

"I will forgive you if you obey." Lisa told me to get up. Putting my black suit back on when I was in a sitting position. I complied, putting on a sullen face. It's good news that Lisa will forgive me, but I'm not ready for our time to run out so quickly.

Lisa opened the door, spoke to Gerry who was waiting outside the door. Gerry came into the room. I looked at Lisa, begging to let me stay with her a little longer. I don't care if my body temperature gets higher, it would be good if it made Lisa care more about me.

Lisa shook her head firmly. That's the final decision. I can only obey.

Gerry helped me out, leaving Lisa behind. I glanced at her again in the doorway, hoping she would change her mind. But Lisa still shook her head. I staggered, a little disappointed.

The sound of dance music could still be heard faintly from the corridor. The party seems to be going on for the next few minutes.

The car drove slowly, the streets were not crowded. I looked out the window, remembering the incident in the dressing room with Lisa earlier. Gerry watched me through the windshield, chuckling.

"Boss seems to really like Miss Lisa." I looked at him, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Gerry was the bodyguard Dave had assigned to me since I was five. He's almost the same age as Dad. Gerry was the one who knew the most about me, apart from Mom and Dad.

I answered stuttering. "I-is it that clear?"

Gerry laughed again. His eyes remained focused on the road, driving.

"The boss has never asked me to do background research and follow a girl before." I laughed shyly.

At first I asked Gerry to investigate the background and all about Lisa because she was the only candidate to be my ticket for cooperation with Alan. I just quibbled to myself from the start, I liked Lisa from our first meeting. Until meeting Alan, and today, it's all because I like Lisa, not co-op.

The car drove smoothly through the night, towards William's residence.

The next day.

I opened the files on the table that needed to be signed. Brenda, my secretary brought the hot tea, put it on the table. "Mr. Dave, Alan left a message for you." I looked at her doubtfully. Alan?

"Say." I said, continue checking the remaining files.

"The cooperation contract with him will be officially signed after two months of your marriage." Brenda said doubtfully, afraid of the wrong message. I stopped turning over the file, letting go of the pen in my hand. Alan wasn't joking about the terms he said on the night of his company's anniversary last.

I looked up at Brenda who was still waiting for an answer. "Tell him just do what he wants." I checked the files on the table again.

Brenda was still standing by the table, "So.... are you really going to get married?" she hesitated to ask, afraid of hearing my answer wrong.

"Of course, soon." I answered firmly. Brenda walked out after getting an answer. Her steps look doubtful, as far as she knows I've never had a lover, how can I suddenly get married.

Four o'clock in the afternoon. I sent Gerry into my office. Give him a task that he must finish immediately. He nodded, understanding, then stepped out the door. I smiled at my plan. This time I mean Lisa won't be able to run away from me anymore. I will keep him by my side no matter what.

I opened my phone, saw my name made the headlines this morning. A photo of me and Lisa kissing was plastered there. Not bad, I muttered to myself. The photos were well taken. Lisa looks beautiful from any angle. We look good together there. I smile. Mom and Dad didn't seem to have seen him this morning, no one was making a fuss about asking who it was. Whether it's for dinner tonight, he'll probably be asking all night.




Brenda opened the door. "Mr. Dave, there's a guest looking for you." I saw her confused. It's almost time to get home from work and I don't remember any appointments with anyone today.

"Dave. I'm back." A woman with shoulder-length brown hair in a bright red dress that matches the color of her lipstick. Her hands were full of shopping bags. She took off her glasses.

"Emma?" I stood up from my sitting position. I looked at her in surprise. What is she doing in my office? Isn't she in Germany? She put her shopping bag on the floor and jumped into my arms.

I was shocked, trying to let it go. Brenda looked at me. I signaled Brenda to help me keep Emma away from me. Brenda called the four security guards on duty. They helped me with difficulty releasing Emma's hand which was holding me tighter.

I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the Security Officer managed to hold both her hands that kept on rebelling

"Dave William, you can't do this to me?" Emma struggled, trying to get her hands off the Security Officer.

I glared at her, "Crazy woman," I patted my shirt, wiping it from the touch of Emma's hand, on purpose.

"I don't want to see it out of my sight thirty seconds from now!" The two security officers who didn't hold Emma quickly carried the shopping bags that they had brought outside following the two colleagues who were leading Emma out. Her shrill voice irritated the ears. The employees who are getting home from work see it

"Tell all the security guards not to let her enter the company doors, let alone my office." I said sternly to Brenda as I left the office, getting ready to go home. She nodded obediently.

I closed the door of the car that stopped in front of the entrance of the William residence. When I was about to open the door, Mom opened it from the inside for me first. As soon as she heard the sound of a car in front of the house,sahe seemed to immediately run. Mom was standing there with a bright smile, looking impatient with her barrage of questions. I laughed a little at her behavior.

"Dave my dear son, would you like me to get you a drink? What drink would you like? You name it, Mom will bring it for you." Mom helped her take off my shirt as I walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. She looked at me with sparkling eyes and her smile was still wide. I laughed again. Look how happy she is.

"Okay Mom it's Lisa, are you satisfied?" I said as she was about to ask. Her hand reflexively hugged my arm. I lay down on the back of the sofa. She looked at me, still with her big smile, about to ask another question.

"Didn't Mom just say she'd give me the drink I wanted? Was that a lie?" She waved her hand, not wanting to hear what I said.

She looked at me again, "Mom already thought it was Lisa, Daniel even asked me for Lisa's photo. We were waiting for you to come home a long time ago." Mom happily told the story, looking very happy.

"You brat. When are you going to bring my daughter-in-law home?" Dad came with a glass of water in his hand. He took a seat beside me, looking at me seriously. To my left Mom looks at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

I took the drinking water Dad had brought, took half a gulp. I looked back at Dad and Mom, they were still staring at me, waiting impatiently for an answer. I put the water glass back on the table.

"Quick." I answered firmly.