

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Little Girl

Dave Pov ;

Ten o'clock at night.

I shook Lisa's shoulders lightly, trying to wake her up. Her body leaned against the back of the chair.

Jack who was sitting in the chair next to her was also in the same condition. Since Lisa and I arrived, Jack has been the most excited. This meeting, of course, was also his proposal. He had been insisting that he wanted to meet Lisa since the family gathering a few days ago.

They were only a year apart in age, and Jack, of course, excitedly chatted about things to his new friend. He kept bragging that Lisa should call him big brother, because he's a year older though. Our table was filled with laughter at their antics.

The atmosphere got better. Not as awkward as when Lisa and I were alone. I had thought that Lisa would also feel awkward when she met Jack, Harry, Tommy and Brian. But, who would have thought, the atmosphere would be better than I thought. Especially Lisa and Jack, they are still like children among us.

Two glasses of wine had made them talk gibberish and act a lot, especially Jack. He climbed into his chair, clapped his hands merrily, then sang his free time. Luckily I rented the entire restaurant, no one else would witness his shameful attitude.

Lisa chuckled from her seat, then started giggling together again after Jack sat back down in his chair.

And now, they were both leaning languidly, tired of playing. I feel like I'm taking my two little childrens out to play, really.

Lisa opened her eyes, she looked at me briefly, then fell back asleep. I lifted her slowly, stepped out of the restaurant.

I closed the car door slowly after making Lisa sit nicely in the back seat.

Lisa muttered under her breath as I slowly closed the car door, getting ready to pick up Lisa's bag that was left at the restaurant.

I looked at her, not hearing her clearly.

Lisa got up from her seat, then stuck her head and half of her body out of the car window.

"Where's my spicy noodles?" Her little lips tasted.

I brought my face closer, "You want noodles-" Cup.

Lisa pulled my tie hard, then kissed me, a few seconds.

I fell silent, Gerry mumbled muffled from the front seat, I'm sure he did.

Lisa removed the kiss from me, then licked her lips, "Ah, why not spicy?"

Her eyes remained closed, the look on her face and tone of voice annoyed. She returned to her sitting position as before, then fell asleep.

"Wow, perfect photo isn't it?"

While I was busy analyzing what happened to Lisa kissing me just now, Tomy's voice came from behind. The four of them, with Jack on Tomy's arm, had been standing with their strange smiles at the door of the restaurant, watching what had just happened from beginning to end, without me realizing it.

Harry showed me his shot, then laughed, proud of his work.

"Keep our future Mrs William safe," Brian tossed over Lisa's small bag, laughing mischievously. I nodded, stepping into the car.

The car drove slowly, leaving the restaurant.

Half an hour passed, the car pulled into the Wilson residence.

I opened the car door, ready to lift Lisa's body. Lisa squirmed a little when I was about to lift her up, opening her eyes slightly.

Her flushed face looked at me in surprise.

"William?" She asked faintly, sounding more like a mumble.

I looked back at her.

Look at her, some time ago when I forbade her to drink wine, she refused in annoyance, saying that her body was resistant to alcohol. Meanwhile, in her first glass, she had started talking incoherently with her new friend, Jack.

Lisa's right hand moved. She gently stroked my nose, then my eyes, face, and lips with gentle movements.

"What's with this face? Why so handsome? Are you an angel?" Even though her voice was muttering, I could hear it clearly.

I looked at Lisa, smiling a little.

"You! Don't smile like that often. Those women are looking at you." Lisa covered my lips with her palms.

She looked left and right, as if to make sure no one else was around. I chuckled. Lisa laughed too, then pulled her hands that felt amused. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

I was silent, rather surprised. Lisa mumbled again softly, I lifted her body, carried her into the house.


Three days before the wedding day.

Various things for the wedding day are ready.

At home, Mom is also busy with various choices of which dresses to wear. Every day I ask everything, how is the development of my relationship with Lisa, what about the honeymoon, and so on. I've also taken care of company matters, everything that requires my signature and approval, Brenda will take care of the rest.

I descended the stairs to the dining room. Mom and Dad had almost finished their breakfast when I got there.

"You're meeting Lisa today, Dave?" Mom asked.

I glanced at Mom, then smiled a little.

"What's with that smile?" Mom asked again, looking at me in surprise. I looked at Mom again, then shook my head slightly.

I actually haven't seen Lisa lately, to be precise Lisa refused me to see her.

Lastly, during our meeting last week, when I took Lisa out to lunch. She asked how she came home from the restaurant at dinner with four of my best friends. She didn't remember.

I gave her a mischievous look in response. She tried to remember it, but there was no memory at all. Until I showed her the photo Harry had sent. Lisa was shocked, then looked conscious, it seemed her memory came back. Her face reddened. Then she asked me to come home.

Since then Lisa refused when I asked her to eat together, she only sent a few messages, with various excuses that that night she was just joking with everything she said, asking me to forget it.

"Dave?" Mom's voice calls out my memory.

I looked at Mom and Dave who were looking at me in surprise, they'd been asking questions ever since, and I was busy daydreaming with a goofy smile on my face.

I chuckled, "Don't worry Mom, Lili won't run away even if I don't see her for a day." I stood up, leaving Mom and Dad still staring at me in disbelief.

"Master Dave, there is a guest looking for master." Casey, one of my housekeepers told me as I prepared to turn on the television in the living room.

I looked at her in surprise, "Who?"

I don't have an appointment with anyone today. Casey shook her head in response. I stepped hesitantly towards the door.

"Dave." When I opened the door, Emma immediately jumped into my arms.

I was still speechless, shocked.

"Who's there Dave?" Mom's voice came closer. I tried to release Emma's strong arms wrapped around my neck. She struggled even harder, not wanting to let go.

"How dare you touch my son, let go now." Mom was standing behind us.

She looked at Emma with a bright red face. Emma let go of her arm. Mom stepped in front of me, distancing me from Emma. Emma looked annoyed.

"I'm back Mrs. William, I miss Dave." Emma said quietly, looking at Mom.

"He already has someone he loves, and they're getting married soon. Don't ever expect you to get close to my son again." Mom replied, her voice still angry, her face red. I held Mom's hand, trying to calm her down.

"Dave loves me. I know he must have been forced to marry that cheap girl." Emma answered, her voice slightly irritated.

"Don't you dare call Lisa cheap with that filthy mouth of yours. She will be my son's only wife. Now leave my house, don't let me see you again."

Mom pulled my hand back into the living room, ignoring Emma's cries of protest at the security guard pulling her out of the house.

"That's enough." Dad handed Mom a glass of water, sat beside her.

I looked at Mom who was breathing hard. I knew Mom didn't like Emma, ​​and the exact reason.