
The Path To Doom

Two weightless bodies stared at each other while looking at the figure of a young girl standing alone in the wharf.

"Fate, are you sure about this?"

"My plans always work."

"We can get in trouble with this."

"I'll be slaving off for the next hundred years if we don't get this done today."

"I'm not sure this is…"

"Your ideas never worked. It's high time for you to listen to my plans."

With eyes set on the enticing figure which lit up the vast darkness, Fate floated towards the young lady who was heading towards the lighthouse.


Floating with hesitation, the other figure followed with a pained expression.

"This better be worth the punishment."


"You're going the wrong way. Please follow St. Elmo's fire."

Zuri looked around her and spotted tantalizing violet glow that the hooded figure referred to. Before she could say thanks, the figure was lost in the shadows.

The blaze ended in a large wooden doorway and fizzled out. There were no shadowy figures in the area and Zuri felt alone. Torches blazed on either side of the door providing much-needed illumination but other than that there was nothing else in sight. All she could see was the huge door in front of her and the pitch blackness behind.

Taking the knocker, she did what she had to do.

The sound of the knocker on the wooden door broke the serenity in the place.


Zuri waited a few seconds more but there was no answer.

She had no plans of giving up and she reached for the knocker to give it another go. Putting her ears on the door, she could hear some movement inside followed by heavy steps.


Before Zuri could put her weight off the door, it swung forward causing her to fall to the ground. She could see dingy toes on large irregularly large feet shackled with a ball and chain.

Looking up, she saw someone dressed as a green troll with a sour look on its face as if she owes him a full year's wage.

Zuri heard lighter footsteps descend from the stairs and she subconsciously looked up. What she saw blew her away.

It was a man wrapped in robes with the same color as fire. He had the blackest eyes which seem to be penetrating into her soul. The man was uncannily attractive with long black hair that concealed half of one eye.


"Mister, this soul seems to have wandered into the property."

The man raised an eyebrow and the troll looked down.

"Miss, we don't entertain souls at this hour." After a short pause, the troll continued. "You are not welcome here."

"I… but I was told to proceed here."

"You may take that path to return to the wharf."

"Why should I head back the wharf? I was invited to this party."

Zuri was about to reach for the invitation inside her purse when she realized that she was not holding anything.

Did she lose the purse when the ship moved violently?

The master of the estate was clearly the one descending from the staircase. Zuri tried to barge inside but the servant blocked her way.

"Miss, you should head over that way." The servant gave Zuri a disgusted look before pointing her towards a path. The man on the staircase almost had the same expression as the servant. The man stared at her like she was an unwanted guest and Zuri dared to stare back at him with determination.

"I have an invitation to this party, but I may have lost it on the way here," she insisted

"We are not holding any party in this property, Miss," the man spoke in a clear voice as he continued to move down the stairs.

"As you can see, I'm about to call it a night and my servant here needs to rest too."

As the man headed closer to the door, Zuri couldn't help but feel goosebumps. His voice was so cold, it was clear than her presence was unwanted.

She couldn't miss this chance, however. This was the only way to redeem herself. She needed to be at this party.

"This was clearly the address in the invitation. I couldn't be mistaken." Her voice did not betray her emotions but she was distressed deep inside.

"Do you see anyone else here besides us?" the man ask with nonchalance.

If this was a party, there should be other people here. Could she be in the wrong place?

But it was impossible! This party was on a private island and she was on a boat hired to ferry passengers to this venue. Someone even led her to this path!

She gave her surroundings a quick look, but it was impossible to see anything except for the vast darkness and the people before her.

"or were you thinking about partying exclusively with me?" Zuri felt her face warm up after hearing the words that the man had to say.

"Ah…I…" she could only stammer these syllables as the man raised an eyebrow.

A gentle wind blew and Zuri couldn't help but rub her arms. The man extended his arms and Zuri couldn't help but hold her breath as his fingers came closer to her face.


Still unable to form a coherent sentence, Zuri could only wait for the man's next move with bated breath. Her eyes widened when the handsome face came closer and closer.

She couldn't help but swallow when his face came almost an inch from hers.

"I suggest…"

The man's words which were spoken almost in a whisper warmed her up and she could only wait for anticipation.

"…you take the path Gogo suggested."

Before she could come back to her sense, the man who now had his hands on the door's handle slammed it shut.

Zuri's eyes widened and knocked again but this time, there was no answer. No matter how hard she knocked, the door did not open again. Resigned to her faith, she felt thankful that no one was around to witness her humiliation.

Still irritated, Zuri kicked the door before pondering about the man's words.

'Was she in the wrong venue?'

'Zuri, you can't waste time. If you have to go back to the wharf to ask, then you will.'

Regaining her strength and cheering herself on, she followed the path without hesitation.


From the shadows, two figures couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"I told you, Fate, it won't work."

Floating back and forth, one of the figures stared at the closed door.

"Do you think he'll figure out we did this?"

Fate snickered.

"Boatman, you forgot something. It's an official holiday in the land of the dead. It's Halloween."

With a sinister voice, he gave the other figure a look of malice.

"Now, watch me."

Fate floated towards Zuri who was walking towards a path.

From a distance, Boatman could tell that his little friend still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

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