
Mr. Clark And ME [BL]

[ Warning: BL, DC and Marvel Fanfic, Self-Insert OC ] The fanfic about a man named Soren who transmigrated into another world full of superheroes from DC and Marvel. Note: 1. Superman (Top) x Soren (Bottom) 2. Slow paced story 3. Marvel And DC world setting

BLovers777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
220 Chs

Clash of Titans

His eyes burned crimson, with a red glow even beneath the skin around his eyes, while Thor was similarly enveloped in divine lightning, his eyes glowing white with blue, and his body crackling with electricity.

They fought against each other amidst Superman's terrifying power.

Superman's eyes shot out heat vision as thick as fire columns, and Thor summoned blue lightning.

The red and blue beams nearly illuminated the entire sea, intertwining and colliding.

Within mere seconds, the air roared with shockwaves, and the sea surged in waves, crashing against the shores of the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Their clash of waves lasted for several seconds, both Superman and Thor roaring in anger.

The brilliance of the red heat vision finally overpowered the blue lightning in the last second.

Superman soared into the sky, and the heat vision, like a world-destroying flood, rained down and sent Thor crashing into the water's surface!

The launch pad of the underground base emerged from beneath the sea, and Thor smashed into it, creating a massive crater, like a spring gushing out fresh blood.

Superman flew towards him, his right fist raised high, and delivered another heavy punch to Thor's face.

"I warned you not to meddle with my Earth," Superman's eyes glowed red with fury as he pressed Thor's shoulder, whispering a menacing threat.

Thor's face was covered in blood.

He grinned at Superman, revealing his bloodstained teeth.

With his right hand open by his side, he summoned the storm axe through the crashing waves towards him. "I'm not like you… I have friends, and I fight for my friends!"

At the same time, Steve picked up Thor's hammer.

Under Wonder Woman's assault, he used the hammer to strike and block, executing a series of expert moves.

Odin's divine lightning shot out like electric cables, exploding with a deafening roar, sending countless blue and white lightning branches flying and knocking Wonder Woman far away.

Diana let out a fierce cry, throwing her Lasso of Truth to ensnare the clouds in the sky.

The golden wings of her armor spread to their fullest extent as she lunged at Steve with a flying kick.

Steve dodged and raised his shield to block Diana's ensuing sword strike.

The Sword of Athena clashed with the shield, sparking a burst of star-like fire.

Steve swiftly swung Thor's hammer, countering with a reverse strike.

Diana immediately drew her Fire God's shield, holding it up to block the hammer's attack.

When Thor's hammer struck the Fire God's shield, the meeting of these two divine artifacts from different pantheons created a clash.

Both shields were held in their hands as the two unyielding warriors locked eyes on the vast launch pad.

Behind their shields, Diana revealed her strikingly intense eyes and said in a deep voice, "It seems we are destined to clash."

Steve's blue eyes looked at her from beneath his visor as he took a slow step back.

He kept a watchful eye on Thor's battle, and seeing Thor at a disadvantage, he made a decisive choice.

He signaled Angemon approaching Diana's back, instructing it to hold Wonder Woman, while he quickly ran to support Thor in his fight against Superman.

Angemon held the Excalibur and fluttered its seven feathered wings as it lightly descended behind Wonder Woman.


His voice was deep and hoarse, with white feathers quivering slightly in the wind.

The Excalibur was covered in a digital purple flow, and the beam shield flickered faintly on his left arm.

Beneath the crucifix crown, he glanced quietly at the distant light blue sky.

Just minutes earlier, Batman's aircraft had taken off from the base, heading towards the North American continent along the skyline.

Batman would find the last box of kryptonite on that homeland.

He just needed to buy Batman a little more time… to secure a little more time for the fate of all humanity.

Seeing Steve leave, Wonder Woman immediately threw her Lasso of Truth at him, but it was intercepted by Soren with the Excalibur.

"Little boy," Diana looked at him, the tip of the Sword of Athena drooping, "you know I'm not like Superman."

— She wouldn't show leniency to his subordinates like Superman did.

She would defeat everyone who obstructed her.

No one could block the path of an Amazon warrior!

Magna Angemon remained silent, he simply raising the Excalibur towards Diana as if it had already made up its mind.

Seeing this, Diana stepped forward, let out a fierce shout, and charged at Angemon with her sword!

On the battlefield in the Arctic Ocean, the main force of the resistance clashed with the Justice League.

Steve and Thor engaged in fierce combat with Superman, while Angemon's white figure darted through the air.

War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, and Spider-Man fought against the remaining members of the Justice League.

The gods were entangled in chaos, and the fury of the King of the Seven Seas turned the ocean into boiling magma.

The waves roared like thunder, nearly uprooting the entire underground base from the seabed.

The golden Lasso of Truth, like an all-encompassing net, aimed to bind Angemon's wings used for flight.

Angemon deftly evaded Wonder Woman's attacks.

Upon hearing that most of the personnel at the base had been evacuated, the Excalibur suddenly blazed with dazzling purple light, and its power surged!

Angemon countered Wonder Woman's attack with the Excalibur, the blade's edge slicing through the air like a temporal rift, flashing with a cold gleam in the wind.

Wonder Woman raised the Sword of Athena to block this world-shattering strike capable of flattening mountains.

The two swords clashed in midair with a resounding, crisp metallic clang that echoed long and vibrated intensely, sending powerful shockwaves that propelled both Wonder Woman and Angemon backward.

Wonder Woman tumbled several times before plunging the Sword of Athena deep into the ground, tearing a fissure several dozen meters long and effectively countering the strong inertia.

As she lifted her gaze once more, her eyes brimmed with fierce excitement and the thrill of a worthy opponent!