
Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

"I hope my wife liked the arrangements... for the wedding night." His low husky voice made her heart skip a beat. She tried to walk away from his reach but to her dismay, he held her wrist in his hand. She licked her lips. He pulled her wrist and her body crashed into his broad chest. Trying to calm her breathing, Xu Mey looked up at his face to say something but couldn't do it. Ye Jie was pleased with her transfixed countenance. He lowered his face towards her. Inadvertently, Xu Mey took a step back. They continued with a step back and a step ahead until Xu Mey's legs felt the edge of the bed behind. There was a haughty smirk playing on Ye Jie's lips. He lowered his face again towards her. Xu Mey bent her body backwards but she lost her footing making both of them fall on the comfy bed. As she laid on her back with Ye Jie's body pressing on her own, gazing at his handsome face inches away from her own with his piercing gaze penetrating her soul, she realized she had no ability to push him away. She wanted to get him off her body. She wanted to stay far away from him. But she couldn't do it. His face was so close that his breath tingled her. When his soft thin lips touched her cherry plump ones, her mind was electrified. He softly nibbled on her lower lip, sucking it slowly. The kiss was not urgent or passionate. It was just a simple kiss which displayed a gentle but sincere feeling. --------- What do you do when your family abandons you? Do you start to hide? Xu Mey wasn't the one to hide. The only thing she hid from the world was her real self. Seemingly, a timid girl was terrifying inside but only a few knew about it. She was running for revenge. For every wound that she received, she had a burning desire to pay back ten folds. Ye Jie was heartbroken. He had a perfect life for the world but only he knew what he was trying to hide even from himself. At first, Xu Mey was just his interest. A girl who popped up in his life out of nowhere and yet wreaked havoc. But he soon realized that she had walls built around her heart keeping the world at bay. Losing love once felt enough to him but with a certain someone's appearance, a lot is intended to bring a change. What will happen when she'll alter his idea of love? Will he be able to shatter the thick walls around her heart? Or, She'll shatter him? Life shattered her into pieces. Will his love be able to pick up those broken pieces? ********* This is an original work and not a translation. All rights reserved! ~~~ Join Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gwfrsYyc Instagram: amaya_meehee ~~~~~~ Other works from the Author: "The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise" "Imperfect Desires" "Master's Untamed Wife" "The Moon Mistress"

XiaoMeeHee · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
440 Chs

Let's Bet On Him For Once

A relationship with insecurities can never last long. When insecurities enshroud the credence in a romance, what leaves behind is a crumbled relationship.

"Insecurity is a side effect of loving too much but receiving too little."

Xu Mey's insecurities came from her own family. An abandoned daughter that had nothing else other than insecurities in her. The girl who was abandoned by her own mother right after her birth, what could she expect from the rest of the world?


That foolish girl still attached all her hopes with her father. The same father who let her down time and time again. The only thing Xu Mey knew about her mother's absence was that Fu Lan also got pregnant with Xu Liqing while her mother was in her last month of pregnancy. She knew her father cheated and it would have infuriated her mother but that thing will never be able to explain why she abandoned her own daughter.

And if she did, she should have come to look for her at least once in the past 28 years. But that woman didn't come, even when Xu Mey wished for her to come and take her away. She didn't come.

With her father evading her, Fu Lan's constant reminders of how her parents don't love her because she's not worth it and the way Xu Liqing made her feel useless; It all became a reason for her low self-esteem in herself. That low self-esteem made her feel jealous of Xu Liqing. And eventually, that jealousy made her lie to her own self.

Insecurities give birth to low self-esteem.

Low Self-esteem gives birth to jealousy.

Jealousy gives birth to lies.

And Lies puts you to your death bed.

Lies even pulled her to death but there was someone standing at the edge. The person who managed to pull her up from the sea of lies and jealousy. But insecurity was something she needed to get rid of herself.

Even though Ye Jie's words were sincere but her insecurities were not letting her believe in him.

'Let's bet on him for once.' She heard her heart's voice nagging her.

'You can't break a broken thing. So, why not just give him a chance?' Even her mind was in cahoots with her heart. And that was a rare scenario.

Xu Mey took a deep breath to ease up her stiffened body and looked at his brown eyes. Those orbs were akin to an enchanting vortex that kept pulling her in. She opened her mouth to say something but her mind froze without a warning. That gaze held a million questions in it but there was not a single word that came out of his mouth.

It was the first time in her life when Xu Mey wanted the other person to ask her. Because she desperately wanted to know whether she'll be able to speak about her own dark past or not.

Confusion is also a curse. You can't even know what you want. She was having a battle inside of her. She wanted him to know everything and at the same time, she didn't want him to learn anything about it. She wanted him to know 'cause she was tired of lies but she didn't want him to know because...

She couldn't comprehend why she didn't want him to know. If the question was asked a week before, she would've answered without a pause that it doesn't matter whether he knows or not. But it was not the same after just a week. If in only a week, he was making her mind turn into a confused-box, she didn't want to think about what it'll be like after spending more time with him.

She suddenly realized that she was getting more scared of his presence in her life than she was of her own past.

When nothing came out of her mouth, Ye Jie stared at her cherry-blossom lips with a faint smile and held her hands in his own making her jolt. "Stop running your mind. I'm right here." His beautiful soft voice was akin to the dew-drops that caress the flower petals in the early morning to refresh them.

In her daze, Xu Mey nodded at his words still lost in his eyes that held an indescribable feeling in it.

Ye Jun coughed loudly on purpose to let them know that he was still feeling sick and their lovey-dovey mood was making him feel worse.

Recalling that Ye Jun was still here, Xu Mey tried to free her hand from Ye Jie's grip but he ended up tightening his hold. Xu Mey didn't want to bother with him at the moment, so she turned to Ye Jun. "Why were you here last night?"

Ye Jun scratched the back of his head with a guilty face. "I was out drinking and ended up being wasted. I couldn't go home like that. Mom would have killed me. So, I decided to crash here." He told everything honestly.

Xu Mey frowned. "Why were you drinking?"

"It's all your best friend's fault." He replied accusingly.

"My best friend?" A crease appeared between her brows. "Which one?"

"Jun Li Na." He replied matter-of-factly.

Xu Mey nodded her head in understanding. "What did she do?"

"She didn't pick up my calls." He was resentful.

"You have her number?" She raised her brows feeling surprised.

"Yeah! She gave it to me during your wedding." Ye Jun smugly replied while passing his phone to her.

Xu Mey looked at the number displaying on the screen and didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. But she ended up laughing. Her laugh fell like thunderbolts on Ye Jie's heart. Just the laugh made his body react in the way even he didn't know it could.

"Why are you laughing, sis-in-law?" Ye Jun pouted.

"Sorry... Haha... It's just that... She made a fool of you... This is definitely not her number." Now it was Ye Jun's turn to be stunned at her reply.

Yesterday, while I was watching a video with my mom and sis. there was dialogue in it: "If a person smiles a lot, he's hurt. If a person sleeps a lot, he's sad." Both my mom and sis looked at me with accusation in their eyes at the second sentence.

While it's true that I love to sleep but whether I'm sad or just lazy is out of my own mind.

Even if I'm sad, I wouldn't know why. So I believe, I'm just lazy like a cat.

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