
Mr. CEO and The Betrayed Love

Loving someone is not a wrong thing but loving the wrong person can lead your life to a turn from where you couldn’t return. Samantha wished she had never done this to anyone. But responsibilities put her in the whirlpool where your mind and heart can’t work together. She loved Alvin and betrayed him. But she wanted to explain everything, she wished she could get a chance to change her past. She has to pay for her sins in this life. Alvin truly loved her but ended up empty-handed. His prestige, money and love all vanished. It made him ruthless and arrogant. He became the one whom he never wished for. His life became a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. He finally got a chance to move on in his life but his past still hindered him. Would he give his hundred percent in a new relationship or his unfinished love win over his heart again? This story is about love betrayal and reconciliation. Samantha and Alvin will break many hearts and heal as well. How they would go through it. Let's read.

La_Zoya23 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 1 We met again

While walking on the pavement on a busy road. She was walking along with her baby boy, who was continuously bickering for the ice cream on this cold, windy day. Though the sun was clear and the snow didn't start to fall, for a child to have ice cream could be worse. Being his mother Samantha most of the time diverted her son's attention here and there, but today Gabriel was not ready to accept any excuses. They walked continuously for some time and reached a crossroads. It was a busy mega city circle and lots of vehicles were moving as per the traffic lights turning on.

They both were standing and waiting like others to turn on the lights green for them so they could cross it.

Suddenly her phone buzzed out, and she fished it out from her coat's pocket.


"Oh, hi Juliana, long time."

"Yeah, just returning to the office after dropping Gabby at kindergarten."

"He is four now."

"Oh, that's cool. I would love to join."

She caught up with the call, though her one hand clutched her son's hand so he couldn't leave in that dangerous traffic.

When he saw his mother engaged in the call, he swiftly left her hand. He looked here and there and found a vendor selling balloons across the road. He nudged her mother's skirt hem to drag her attention there, but Samantha told him to wait.

Soon the traffic lights turned green, and that vendor crossed and moved away from the road.

Gabriel didn't want to leave without a balloon, so he ran away without thinking. The traffic was moving fast and soon he was in the middle of the road. Being a little boy, he was barely aware of traffic rules and walked as fast as he could to reach another side.

A big honk broke Samantha's attention, and she looked here and there. Gabriel was not there. The honk made her heart palpitate. She hurried in that direction.




Her ankle twitched, and she fell on the road, hitting her head on the ground.

She quickly got up, ignoring her pain. Her entire body was sweating and the fear of something unwanted made her breath difficult.

When she reached the place, she found a man had already taken him to the other side and was trying to coax.

"Mumma, mumma, mumm,...." the boy was crying his heart out. He was full of sweat and feared like a lamb.

"Young boy, tell me where your mom is. I will take you to her."

"Don't cry, shush,"

"Everything is all right."

"Did you get hurt somewhere?" His voice was magical and sweet. But it was not making any effect on the boy's mind. He kept on crying. Many people watched them standing there. He scanned him from tip to toe if he had any bruises but got relaxed when he was all right.



Suddenly, he got up with the female voice, and the little boy chirped in fear.

"Mommy, I am here."

He ran away in her mother's direction. Till then Samantha too reached there, tearing through the crowd.

She quickly knelt on the ground and embraced her son as if her life depended on this. She was crying and scolding him.

"I told you not to leave, mamma. Don't you understand for once?"

"What if something has happened to you? Where would I go?" She kept on yelling, and‌ it drenched her cheeks with tears.

"I am sorry, mamma. I wanted the balloon." Gabriel spoke in a childish voice innocently.

"I told you already that we will buy one in the evening, then can't you wait?" She spank him on the back softly.

She completely forgot that a man was standing there watching them amusingly.


The man coughed a little to drag their attention.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I completely forgot you are also here. Thank you for saving my…." Samantha quickly got up and kept on saying she noticed someone familiar.

Her eyes bulged out when she saw him.

A man with a straight face was standing there. A few minutes ago, he had a sympathetic heart for the young boy and her mother. But when he saw it was Samantha, the old bitter memories rolled out in his eyes and filled with disgust.

They looked at each other for a long time without speaking a word. She could not decide how to come out of this awkward situation.

Alvin wanted to leave right away, but couldn't go. His emotions were stirring up and the world just stopped for them at the moment.

"Alvin,...." She could barely pronounce the name. Her voice was cracking.

"Yeah, it's me. The world is round, isn't it?" He flared in anger.

"We finally met again." Samantha nervously said. It baffled her what to say or not.

"But I wish it never happened. I don't even want to see your face for my lifetime. You were my biggest mistake." He was livid with anger.

"Alvin, it was a mistake. And I can explain to you." Samantha tried to speak.

"What explanation, Sam? What?" he screamed. It made another passerby look at them.

"There was a reason I can explain." She said without glancing into his eyes. His eyes were still influencing her heart, and it was pounding.

"You should stop pretending, OK? I know the girls like you. Bloody bitches." the words slipped from his mind finally with no control over his tongue.

"Alvin," she shrieked.

"Mind your language. You can't talk to me like that." She raged upon hearing those words and gritted her teeth,

"You know what? It's good we met. Now the countdown begins. I have lost everything because of you. Now it's your turn to pay back." Alvin sneered.

"Who is paying what?" another manly voice interrupted their conversation.

It was Oliver, owner of the news channel and a Fortune. Samantha was a news reporter in that firm.

"Who is he?" Oliver asked Samantha with his dancing eyes.

"He…" she wanted to say something but halted.

She looked back and forth between the two men.

"What happened, Sam? Why stopped? Go ahead." Alvin taunted.

She glared at him.

"He is my ex." She spoke in one breath and glanced at him. Soon she looked the other side, not making any eye contact with any of them.

"Hi. It's Oliver and Sam's boss." he stretched his hand to shake.

"Alvin." He shook hands without interest.

"I passed from here and saw Sam. I thought to offer her a lift to the office but found she was already busy," he teased her and laughed. 'Though he was her boss, they were standing so close to each other that anyone could assume they were a couple.

"Let's go, Oliver. I have to drop Gabriel in kindergarten as well." She dragged him out of the place.

"We will meet soon," Alvin shouted on their back with a smug.

She turned her head back and her eyes quivered.

In the evening

"Oh, you are back." Lucy, her roommate, opened the door.

They both were working together on the same channel and she was the self-claimed girlfriend of their boss Oliver Peyton.

She was slightly chubby but had a decent look.

"Yeah, just arrived. Come on Gabriel, go and get changed, I bring something to eat." Samantha pushed her son into the room and headed towards the kitchen after putting her bag on the couch.

"Did something happen today?" Lucy asked nonchalantly while changing the TV channels. She slides a glance at the girl busy in the kitchen.

"No, it was as usual." Putting some fires in the oven, she headed to make juice for Gabriel. That question confused her.

"What happened? Why are you asking?" She turned on the nob of the mixer to crush the fruits.

"Nothing serious. It was Oliver who was saying he met with someone today." Lucy blurted out.

"If he was meeting with someone, then how was it connected to me?" She asked without looking at her.

"Maybe or maybe not. Oliver knows." Lucy headed into the kitchen when she heard the beep sound of the oven.

"Let me do this. Come down quickly after freshening up. I arrange the dinner till then." Lucy pushed her out of the kitchen.

Since she came to this city, Lucy has been her biggest and only support on this earth. She was completely lost after what happened to her four years ago. It was Lucy who helped her to collect herself.

Lucy was the one who helped her to get this job, and she was there for her when she was at her crucial time.

At the dinner table, Samantha was eating quietly while Gabriel kept on talking with Lucy.

"You know Aunt Lucy, today I met with an angel. He saved me from the accident." He spoke in a childish voice, chirping.

"Eat quietly. Too much talking is there. Then you have to go bad as well." Sam scolded her.

"But Mom, I was talking about the angel." He spoke in despair.

"What happened, Sam? Could you tell me why you were scolding her? I am watching you uncomfortable seeing you return home. You can tell me. I am always there for you. You know me," Lucy asked her affectionately, holding her palm.

"We will discuss another day." Sam ignored.

"Look, Sam, I have known you for very long. I have seen your ups and downs. You can tell me anything. I am always there for you. You know me," Lucy tried to coax her heart.

"Can't you understand my simple words?" Sam stormed out of there and closed the door with a loud thud.

All her anger, her frustration poured out. She welled her emotions with no control over them.

After an hour or two, when she could finally feel better, she heard a knock on the door. It was already eleven in the night. She jumped out of bed because it was already late and Gabriel must be waiting for her to get sleeping.

She opened the door and found Lucy standing there with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"Gabriel." She asked quizzically.

"He is sleeping in my room. You need not worry about him." She said with puffed cheeks and slipped inside.

Lucy was pouring wine for both of them when Sam gave her a tight bear hug.

"I didn't like your behaviour today." She pushed her away with dramatic anger.

"I am sorry, Lu." and she kissed her cheek to make up for her mistake.

"Only on one condition. Tell me what happened. Dare you to hide anything from me?" Lucy hugged her back.

They both sat on the balcony and Sam dived into the past.

Hello My lovely readers, This is my first book on webnovel. I hope you would give your love and affection to my creation. Your comments and reviews are the motivation to my writing.

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