
Chapter 66 Ther're like dad and daughter

Leonard held her hand and led her to the ladder. Sharon, like a puppet, followed him mechanically.

In front of her was the man's broad and healthy back, as if she could protect her from all the wind and rain as soon as she got close to him, so that she would not be disturbed by him for the rest of her life.

On the second floor.

In front of the door of Sharon's bedroom.

The Leonard stopped and looked down at Sharon. "Don't stay too late. Go to bed early."

Sharon's eyelashes were under her eyelids, and she nodded in a low voice.

Leonard handed her the schoolbag in his hand.

Sharon glanced at it and reached out to take it. It was a little heavy. As soon as she took it, she lowered her shoulder.

The Leonard frowned deeply and reached out to open the door for her.

Sharon lowered her head and her eyes fell on his tightly-clenched hands.