
Mr. CEO's Devoted Love

Seven years…. I have been locked away… Far from him… Will he still be the same?... Will he still love me when I look scarred and ruined?... Lu Jia, has spent seven years in captivity. She was taken away from her family and left her fiancée with their son. After escaping, she found out that her brother betrayed her and plotted against her. Now she is back with anger as deep as her scars. She will make sure to return the favor ten folds. But before that, she has to reclaim her man. Build her empire again and raise their son as her true heir.… ------------------------------------------------- Follow Lu Jia's journey as she rebuilds her life with her family and exact revenge to those that hurt her. This is story of a strong willed woman born and raised to be a leader. Her ways might be brutal and over the top sometimes, but please always note, that she is what she is, because of her experiences. I hope you will enjoy her story. -------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Hi Everyone! This is my first novel, so please take it easy on me. I will do my best to write as much as I can? English is not my first language and grammar is not my forte, but I will study how to strengthen my vocabularies and grammar. Please be patient with me. Thank you! I hope you enjoy this novel. I will check my comments every time, so please leave your comments and support this novel by giving your reviews and your precious votes!.. ------------------------------------------------ Want to support me? I need some love @: ko-fi.com/miclyce

Miclyce · Geral
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76 Chs

Behind his riches

68- Behind his riches

Jia Garden, Year 20XX

Secretary Yang joined his boss as he step-out from the underground dungeon built inside the mansion. Based on his facial expression, it seems that he didn't get the result he wanted to extract from his uncle who betrayed his trust again.

For a bystander like him who watches on the sideline, he saw how the man works tremendously to make Xu family in its current state. Although his boss looks hard and cold on the outside, he is, in fact, generous to others. Evident from how he gave multiple chances to the people around him; however, time and time again, he was betrayed by those he trusted the most.

Just yesterday, Xu long Wei's uncle who was supposed to be the best friend of his father had announced to the monthly family gathering that the man is hiding a woman in Jia Garden. For some unfathomable reason, he had to find out the secret his boss wanted to conceal from the rest of the family.

The elders, especially Madam Xu, was surprised with the news and wanted to know more about it. The uncontrollable situation made Xu Long Wei irritated the whole night. Secretary Yang was present at that time and could already see the storm brewing based on his boss's closed fist hidden under the table.

"How was the situation with the elders? Xu Long Wei face him.

"Some of them are already making their move, and we might need to tighten up our security. Boss, I think what Miss Jia suggested to recruit more of our people to protect the house is right." He suggested.

"I know she is currently on the process of training them. Of course, the result is still undecided. For now, I want you to arrange our best man to keep an eye on the elder's movement, even my grandmother. Also, make sure to find the person that leaked the information. Get rid of that person before he or she could do more damage." Xu Long Wei, turn his back and look at from a distance after saying the last word. Sadness loomed around his face as he stares at the mountain in front where Vera is. How much does he need to sacrifice to leave a peaceful life? Since taking over the family, he was often occupied protecting his son against his enemies attack. Now, Vera came back and is also vulnerable.

Secretary Yang couldn't help but feel pity for the man. They say that being on top alone could be lonely and witnessing the man who has it all guard himself and his beloved wife and son from treat coming from his own family is painful to see. He doesn't want to be in the same situation even if it could give him the luxury life others aim to have.

A buzzing sound from his phone breaks the silence; secretary Yang read the message then gasp. Xu Long Wei noticed his reaction and got curious as well.

"Boss, Draco is requesting for medical assistance. He said that miss Jia tried to kill him."

Xu Long Wei, grab the phone to read the message himself.

Draco: Yang Yang, I need assistance. The crazy woman, your boss, cohabits with tried to kill me!

Xu Long Wei, smiled subtly "Send someone to help the weak guy." He said then tossed the phone in Secretary Yang's hand. He could hear the amusement from the man's voice after learning about Miss Jia's handy work.

It is scary just thinking how the man finds it lovely when his wife almost kills someone. Until now, he is questioning the attraction his boss finds from the violent woman.

Secretary Yang made the call and proceeded to continue with his job for the day.


Bottom of the Mountain

Jia approaches the platoon that gathers at the bottom of the mountain. She is already late from her first appointed time, but considering the situation she was in a few minutes ago, there is nothing she could do.

While moving close to them, she studied the group, and for some reason, they seem spook and afraid. It made her confused, "what happened before she came?".

"PLATOON!!!!! GATHER IN YOUR ROW NOW! She shouted the command. The group got startled by the loud voice but trained soldier as they are, their body moved by the powerful order.

Pleased by their organised movement, Jia nodded her head in approval. Once everyone is in their position, she started instructing today's training. "Today, we will attempt to climb this mountain. Now, I know there are rumors related to this place, but as your leader, I can attest that they are all untrue. Early this morning, I have already scouted the area, and everything seems normal."

One soldier raises his hand "Ma'am, we just heard a scream coming from the deepest part of the mountain, are you sure there was no dangerous animal there?

Jia's right eye twitch from his question. So, the reason they got scared is because of her and that stupid man?! "Sorry about that. It was a long story but no need to worry — anyway, enough with that. As a soldier, this simple thing shouldn't scare you at all. You will be in a dangerous situation or places in the future. I expect you to treat today's experience seriously, for it could help you in the future. Understand?"

"Ma'am yes, Ma'am!" They simultaneously replied. The group moved inside the mountain a few minutes later, and they won't be coming back until late that night.

"What can riches do when you stand alone on top.

Where can you go, when even your family tried to kill you?

How would you act, when your hands are also tied?

I want love, I want quiet, I want my family to be whole in peace.

Until then, I can only ask, please don't blame me for my deeds, when even my riches couldn't protect what I love." - Xu Long Wei, MC Devoted love

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