
Mr Vlad

In a mysterious palace ruled by vampires, Claire finds herself thrust into a world of darkness and intrigue. Haunted by dreams of a enigmatic vampire figure, she grapples with her growing, inexplicable connection to the creature of the night. However, Claire's world is shattered when she is abducted by a vampire and thrust into a nightmare realm. There, she learns of her chilling destiny as a breeder, fated to bear an heir for the ruler of the night. With only her steadfast handmaid, Lia, by her side, Claire must confront the horrifying truth of her fate. Filled with gothic romance, suspense, and supernatural intrigue, "Mr Vlad" is a captivating tale of love, betrayal, and the quest for freedom in a world where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred. Follow Claire as she navigates the treacherous waters of palace life, fighting for autonomy in the face of dark forces beyond her control. This evocative narrative blends elements of gothic romance, high-stakes drama, and thought-provoking questions about destiny, power, and what it means to be human (or inhuman). Readers will be enthralled by Claire's journey of self-discovery and survival against the backdrop of a hauntingly beautiful, perilous vampire kingdom.

Nikilov_Love · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Twelve

"All you need to know about being a breeder" the vampire said, her voice smooth and melodious. "I thought you might find this useful."

Claire glanced at the title, her heart sinking a little. She had been trying to escape thoughts of her current predicament, but it seemed the library, like the rest of the castle, held no refuge from her reality. Still, she couldn't deny her curiosity. "Thank you," she said cautiously, eyeing the vampire. "Who are you?" Claire glanced at the book, then back at Elara. 

The vampire pulled out a chair and sat across from Claire, crossing her legs elegantly. "My name is Elara" she said. "I've been in the king's court for quite some time. And you, Claire, are the new breeder everyone is talking about."

Claire felt a chill run down her spine. "Yes, I am," she admitted. "Why have you provided me with this book?"

Lyra leaned forward, her eyes never leaving Claire's. She gave a small, enigmatic smile. "I thought you might find it enlightening, I've noticed you've been... curious about your role here." This book will tell you everything you need to know about what is expected of you."

Claire glanced at the book, then back at Elara. "Curious is one way to put it," she replied, her tone laced with a mix of fear and dread. "Terrified might be more accurate." Claire hesitated before picking up the book. "And why would you help me your kinds loathe we humans ?

Elara's smile widened, revealing her sharp, white fangs. "Not all of us are as callous as Isolde or as indifferent as the king. Some of us still remember what it means to be human, to feel compassion. Besides," she added, a glint of mischief in her eyes, "wisdom confers strength. The more you understand, the better equipped you'll be to navigate this world." Elara 's smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of genuine concern. "I understand. It's natural to feel afraid in your situation. This book contains the history, the rituals, and the reasons behind the breeders' existence. It might help you make sense of what you're going through." and perhaps it will help you understand the king's intentions better."

Claire opened the book, her eyes scanning the contents. The first chapter was titled "The Origins of Breeders," and it detailed the ancient pact between humans and vampires, a pact that had been twisted over centuries into the current, dire reality."

She began to skim through the pages, her eyes widening at some of the descriptions and expectations laid out for breeders. "This... this is..."

"Overwhelming, I know," Elara finished for her. "But it's better to be prepared. The king is a complex man, and his court is filled with intrigue and danger. If you play your cards right, you might survive this."

Claire looked up from the book, meeting Elara's gaze. "And if I don't?"

Lyra's expression turned serious. "Then you will meet the same fate as those who came before

"Why do you care?" Claire asked, looking up from the pages.

Elara sighed, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Because once, a long time ago, I was in a similar position. I was brought to this castle under different circumstances, but I know what it's like to feel powerless. If I can help you, even a little, then perhaps I can make up for the times I couldn't help myself."

Claire nodded, respect for Elara forming in her mind. "Thank you,"

Elara gave a small nod. "Read the book. Arm yourself with knowledge. And remember, you are stronger than you think."

With that, Elara turned and walked away, leaving Claire alone with the book. Claire took a deep breath and began to read, feeling a mix of dread and determination. She had to understand her role, her fate, and perhaps find a way to change it.

Not long after Elara left, Claire's handmaid soon, returned to escort her back to her chambers. As Claire gathered her things and prepared to leave the library, something on one of the lower shelves caught her eye. It was a book that seemed to almost glow under the dim library lights, the title "Coveted Crystals" embossed in shimmering letters. 

Curiosity piqued, Claire reached down and picked up the book. The leather-bound tome felt unusually warm to the touch, as if it were imbued with a faint energy. Glancing around to ensure the handmaid was not yet within sight, Claire carefully opened the cover.

The pages were filled with intricate illustrations of various gemstones and crystals, their surfaces sparkling with an otherworldly luminescence. Claire's eyes were drawn to the detailed descriptions accompanying each entry, detailing the purported properties and powers associated with these precious stones.

As she slowly turned the pages, Claire felt a strange pull, an almost magnetic draw towards certain crystals - the amethyst, with its deep, rich purple hue; the emerald, its green depths captivating her; and the obsidian, black as night, yet radiating a mysterious allure.

Suddenly, Claire heard the soft footsteps of Lia approaching. Quickly, she closed the book, her heart racing. She knew she should return the tome to its place on the shelf, but something compelled her to tuck it safely into her cloak.

"My lady, are you ready to retire for the evening?" The handmaid asked, her voice gentle.

Claire took a deep breath, forcing a calm expression. "Yes, I'm ready."

As she followed the handmaid out of the library, Claire couldn't help but glance down at the book concealed within her cloak. She feel drawn to it, as if it calls to her." She had the distinct feeling that her life was about to take an unexpected turn, and that this mysterious tome held the key to unlocking secrets that had long been buried.

As they walked back to her chambers, Claire couldn't suppress her curiosity about the mysterious book concealed within her cloak. The tantalizing descriptions and illustrations of the Coveted Crystals had piqued her interest, and she felt compelled to learn more.

Gathering her courage, Claire turned to her handmaid, "I must ask you about the book - the one titled 'Coveted Crystals'. What can you tell me of its origins and the secrets it holds?"

Lia glanced sidelong at Claire, her expression thoughtful. "My lady, that is indeed a tome of great power and significance to the vampires. The Coveted Crystals chronicle the history and properties of certain rare and ancient gemstones, each imbued with remarkable abilities."

Claire's eyes widened. "Abilities? What sort of abilities are we speaking of?"

The handmaid's voice lowered to a hushed tone. "The crystals described in that book possess mystical, even supernatural powers. 

Amethyst is said to grant the wearer clarity of mind and protection from dark forces. Emerald is believed to amplify healing energies. 

Luminescence Quartz crystal is said to emits a soft, ethereal glow and is imbued with the essence of light magic. It enhances the bearer's ability to manipulate and control light, granting them the power to create blinding flashes, illusions, and even bend light to render themselves invisible.

Verdant Emeraldite A deep green crystal infused with the magic of nature, the Verdant Emeraldite bestows upon its holder the ability to command and communicate with plants and animals. They gain the power to accelerate growth, manipulate vines and roots, and summon creatures of the forest to aid them.

The Aurora Opal pulses with the energy of the northern lights, granting the bearer mastery over elemental forces. Those who possess it can summon and control fire, water, air, and earth with unparalleled precision, unleashing devastating storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, and infernos at will.

Ethereal Selenite This shimmering white crystal is attuned to the energies of the spirit realm. Possessors of the Ethereal Selenite gain heightened psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and astral projection. They can commune with spirits, manipulate dreams, and even peer into the past and future.

And obsidian..." She paused, her brow furrowing slightly. "Obsidian is a conduit for the most potent - and dangerous - of these crystalline energies."

a crystal of immense and terrifying power. Formed from the volcanic heart of the earth, it is a conduit for the most potent energies, capable of granting its bearer unparalleled abilities.They are known as the 'Shadowstones' within the fae lore, and their origins are shrouded in mystery and dark magic.

obsidian's capacity is said to amplify the wielder's innate abilities tenfold. For the vampires, this meant a drastic enhancement of their strength, speed, and dark magics. However, this power comes at a grave cost."

"What cost?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

"The obsidian crystal has a corrupting influence," The handmaid explained. "It feeds on the darkest emotions and desires of its bearer, twisting their mind and soul. Many who have sought to harness its power have been driven to madness, their ambitions and fears consuming them until they become mere shadows of their former selves."

Claire felt a thrill of excitement and wariness. "And the vampires, they have had possession of this crystal and for generations?"

"Yes but the vampires have lost those mystical crystals to the fae king?"

Claire's thoughts whirled as she tried to piece together the meaning. "So, the vampires lost these crystals to the fae king?"

The handmaid's eyes darting around as if ensuring they were not overheard. She nodded slowly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and fear. "Yes, my lady. Long ago, there was a great conflict between the fae and the vampires. The fae king, wielding ancient and powerful magic, managed to wrest the crystals from the vampires' grasp. It was a significant blow to their power and influence."

The vampires have long coveted these crystals for the power they bestow. Each clan holds a different gemstone, passed down through the ages. These gems are not merely treasures but keys to their dominance and longevity."

The fae king Galen recognized the peril posed by the obsidian crystal. He decreed that it be hidden away, guarded by the most powerful enchantments and the bravest of fae warriors. Its location remains one of the fae kingdom's most closely guarded secrets. The fae knew that if the obsidian crystal were ever to fall into the wrong hands, it could bring about an era of darkness and chaos. It is said that only one with a pure heart and unyielding will can wield its power without succumbing to its malevolent influence. But the fae king, recognizing their immense power and potential for corruption, did not keep them for himself," The hand maid explained. "Instead, he scattered them across his kingdom, placing them under the guardianship of the most trusted and powerful fae clans. Each crystal was hidden and protected, to ensure that they would not fall into the wrong hands again."Lia sighed, a hint of sadness in her voice. "The book, 'Coveted Crystals,' was a fae creation as well. It was written to document the history, powers, and dangers of the crystals. It was meant to serve as a guide for the guardians, so they would understand the magnitude of their responsibility. Somehow, over the centuries, it found its way back to the vampire clans, but with time it was taken back.

"The fae king... does he still live? Does he still guard these crystals?"

"He still rules, and the crystals are still under the protection of the fae. But there are whispers, my lady. Whispers that the vampires are seeking to reclaim what they lost, and that they will stop at nothing to do so. But it not only the vampires Other immortals have sought the crystals.

Claire's eyes widened. "What do you mean."

 "Throughout history, numerous immortal beings have pursued the Coveted Crystals, each drawn by their unparalleled power. These immortals include not only vampires but also ancient sorcerers, ageless druids, and even celestial beings."

Claire listened intently, her expression a mix of awe and concern. "What do they seek to gain from the crystals?"

"The book speaks of different motives," the handmaid continued. "For some, like the ancient sorcerers, the crystals represent a source of limitless magical energy, capable of enhancing their spells and granting them dominion over natural and supernatural forces alike. The druids, protectors of the natural order, seek the crystals to restore balance and harmony, fearing the chaos their misuse could unleash."

The celestial beings, guardians of the heavens, view the crystals as both a gift and a curse. They are said to be fragments of the stars, containing the essence of the cosmos. The celestials seek to safeguard these fragments, believing that they hold the key to maintaining cosmic equilibrium."

Claire's voice trembled slightly. "And what of the fae? How do they fit into this larger conflict?"

"The fae, under King Galen 's rule, have always acted as the stewards of the crystals," The handmaid explained. "Recognizing the potential for both creation and destruction, Galen decreed that the crystals be hidden and protected, to prevent their misuse by any faction. The fae's duty is to maintain this delicate balance, ensuring that the crystals' power is neither exploited nor lost."

As Claire and The handmaid walked back to her chambers, she whispered something that made Claire stop in her track.

"My lady," she said, her voice trembling slightly, "there is more. It is said that the true guardian of the crystals is a mortal/fae child. She is the rightful owner of the crystals, born with them in her possession."

Claire turned to face are, her eyes wide with surprise. "A mortal/fae child? What do you mean?"

The handmaid took a deep breath before continuing. "Long ago, a prophecy was made by the witches of the fae. They foretold the birth of a child who would be the true guardian of the crystals, one who would possess the purest heart and the strength to wield their power without succumbing to corruption. When this prophecy was confirmed, it caused a great stir among all immortal creatures."

Claire's heart raced as she listened, the implications of The handmaid's words sinking in. "And when this child was born?"

"All immortal beings sought her and the crystals," she explained. "There was a great conflict, with every faction vying for control over the child and the immense power she represented. The vampires, with their relentless ambition and cunning, ultimately emerged victorious. They captured the child and took possession of the crystals."

Claire felt a chill run down her spine. "What happened to the child?"

The handmaid's eyes were filled with sorrow. "It is said that the child was hidden away, her identity and location kept secret to protect her from those who would exploit her power. The vampires kept the crystals, using their power to strengthen their rule and maintain their dominance."

Claire's mind raced with the force of this new revelation. "If this prophecy is true, then the child—the true guardian—must still be out there, somewhere. And if she is found, she could potentially reclaim the crystals and restore balance."

She nodded. "Yes, my lady. The child is the key to the crystals' true power. But finding her will not be easy. The vampires and other immortal beings will stop at nothing to control her and the crystals."