
Mr Passasive

"Adrian, why did you cheat on me?" Adrian Kingston, a billionaire made from scratch and a forgotten royal life as a cold being, deprived of any positive emotions meets Sophie Rose who is a carefree, chirpy woman who went to England to study. There, She turns his life upside down. It wasn't lust but rather the longevity and desire to be close narrowing down to the identity of love. With all the money playing and power, he fought to protect her. The cold Porcupine as she named was in denial to find he loved her thinking it would just end in misery. Along with self demon named toxicity, he suffers the betrayal of his mother but she never tried to change him it was he who wanted to be the best man in her life. Fighting all the people factors of jealousy, possessiveness, the agony they finally got together. What happens next? Did Adrian really cheat on her? Why? What is in store for Adrian and Sophia? Read "Mr. Possessive" only on Web Novel to know more.

Jay_Dinu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter-4 Yoy can't control me!


"Contract of you working for me" he said

Work for him? I think the way he acts all superior and mighty must mean either he's rich or he is a spoiled brat of some rich family but working for him seems alright cause I'm just 18 and this way I'll gain some true experience so...I think it's a good idea.

I should probably agree with him cause who the hell is so stupid to ask for money and then will give money from his own pocket to have it back in EMI.

DEFINITELY He's that Stupid one! Lol!

Anyone could tell from my face that I was happy but was compressing my joys to maintain a "not interested" moderate face cause who knows when he will change his mind.

"Umm..Though I'm just 18 and I'll not be help with much in your company but I'll try my best.

So, what job do I have in your co.?"

Literally happy deep down cause except from the fact of giving him the money, I can save some too!

"A maid in my house will be your job"

He said maintaining eye contact.

"Whaaattt??? A maid?"

"I mean are you out of your freakinn mind?..."

"Your maid?"

*I said almost screaching.*

I should have known that my thoughts were just fantasies.


Did you think you can work in my company?

" Do you even know how to add and subtract?"

He asked mockingly

"Ughh You're a..... " (Gritting my teeth)

"I'm a what?"

He asked all interestingly with a Pikachu face.

"Y-you're every 'swearing' I know"

I said in a fast tone while fluttering my finger directly pointed at him..

(He slowly laid down on the bed with his face and half torso in my direction and his hand supporting his head above the ground)

"Is that so? Then I would like to know what swears my maid gives me in her little stupid working brain"

"First of all, when did I agree to be your maid .

Secondly, my brain is in a pretty good state and you're the one who needs a Medical brain checkup." I snapped

"Ok enough arguing, eat your food and tell me if you need anything.

We'll talk downstairs when you'll be finished."

"No!! I won't eat your food. What if you poisoned it?" I shouted

"In that case, starve"

And just like that he went downstairs.

then.....came the growl.

I should better eat now!

Btw I thought this lavish room is part of some Expensive hotel but when he said something about his maids it was confirmed that this house is his but this single room is so big so I guess it would be wrong to call it a house.

maybe villa or mansion can be used. I am starting to envy his money now. Lol.

(I finished eating and went downstairs)

Oh my god! This is too beautiful!!

Gold embellished stair sail and red carpet all the way down.

Ceiling with very beautiful glass chandeliers and the interior was all very lavishly decorated and there he was near the glass door talking on his phone.

He looked somewhat cool while working.

(Then he his eyes turned to where I was)

I slowly stair by stair got down but I gotta say these stairs are way too many for me.

"Here you are." He said looking a little around and then at me

"Why didn't you use the elevator?"

Whoaaa I didn't see that coming. A freaking elevator in this villa. That is soooooo coool!

"Um. I didn't know that" I said with a moderate expression.


We sat on the couch for a few moments in silent.



We spoke at the same time..


I broke the silence cause I am a very extroverted type so I hate awkward moments.

"Your mansion...is veryy..um what can I say.. royal"

I said smiling sloppily.

"Actually.." he paused

"This is my family's house."

His look right now feels sad and I can blindly tell that he has bad memories in this place.

"So..? Have you thought about being my maid?"

"I take back. He's a certified annoying human being in this realm"

"I can't.. ..cause I can't even cook and I'm very lazy. I am not good at organizing and I get sick after working too much so it would be a burden on you to make me your maid"

"Then, learn to cook and then do all the chores. In that way you won't be lazy anymore and whereas you talk about getting sick then it won't be a problem cause I've my personal doctor"

"Problem solved, and btw whatsoever you won't be able to earn so much money by Working part time. So it's a win win for both of us."

"Um..let me think"

He said he has maids so that means I'll be one of them so I won't have to work so much. So, I think it doesn't sound too bad right now but still I've to see his face everyday which will make me mentally sick.

"How much will you pay me?" I asked

"50000$ per month."

Whaattttt??!!! That's a lot. Are you serious right now. I'm gonna be Rich..

"Uh huh um.. I see. I'll have to take that much then. I will give you 30000$ every month as EMI."

"YES. that will be alright"

he said smiling like he was gonna burst out laughing any second.

Ok. He saw through me that I was excited about m-money....lalala. embarrasing

(He clapped)

A tall guy in black suit with a ear peice and straight posture stood in front of me with a poker FACE. Though he's good-looking I guess.

He kept a thick file in front of me with "CONTRACT" Written on the cover page.

But I'm just working for him not dealing drugs. (ノ*0*)

Why is this so thick?

Have they never been taught to "SAVE PAPER" TO "SAVE TREE"

I opened the file. *Their eyes on me*

And there were... conditions...

"What's this supposed to mean?"

I said looking at him with the file in my hands.

"Rules and conditions"

he said like it was a normal thing.

"You can't control me" I said demanding for a logical explanation for it.

"I can! When you owe me Money" he said again with shrug

"Yeah that money.... which is for some non-existent stuff"

I attacked back

"Read them" he said sternly


"Ook.." I said in a hush tone.

He really looks scary,

when he gets angry.

I read about 5 minutes then I started yawning...

Like who the hell prints so much just for hiring a maid. he must be sensitive with his money.(≧▽≦)

Let's just sign, it's too much of an eyesore. The print is so small that I would require a need for glasses if I read any longer!!

"I read it!."

I said putting it down

"Give me a pen. I'll sign,.

but I've my 'own conditions' "

I reasoned standing up from my position.

"Go ahead" he stated

I began confidently,

"1st, you have no right to intervene in my private life.'

"Ok" (Adrian)

"2nd, I'll get weekends off"

"100./." (Adrian)

"And 3rd, you do not get to control me and my actions"

"Ok. Anything else?" (Adrian)

Is this man really agreeing? I doubt that. NO, I Cannot be deceived.

I've to make sure it's in the contract otherwise he may say there's no hard proof for that rule.

"No. This much only.

I want all these printed in the contract and 3 copies of them to be given to me"

"Bill, do as she says immidiately " he ordered him.

"Yes sir" ,he bowed (Bill)

Puff...haha his name is 'BILL'. The name would suit him if he wore something like shorts and were a little old. The name sounds like it was meant for an old loyal butler.

It's seems...! like bill saw my silent laughing face as soon as his name came.

Shitt...why am I so childlike??..

He gave me a straight face and left. But I know deep down he is cursing me lol! look I can't control my emotions so this instance wasn't any different.

"What were you so happy about?" someone spoke from behind me. Soo close that the hot breath tinge can be felt on my neck and the cologne is so manly and good. I turned around slightly...,,

*I shrieked*

"Wh-what, are you doing jerk?"

I said glaring at him.

"I thought you were so happy and I intend to know what is it! That's it." (Adrian)

*I narrowed my eyes*

"You could've just asked me?' why the hell do you have to get so close"

" and for your information I don't speak from my ears so need not to get close there"

I exclaimed in a warning manner but a little nervousness could be felt in my words. Cause I don't deny that I didn't like it.

Oh nooo.. what am I thinking. I must be Bewitched by his looks.

No.!! I didn't like it.

I totally hated it.


I have no thoughts of him rather than he's a jerk, pervert and a demon.

"So?.. you want me to get close to your lips cause you speak from your mouth right? "

"I was naive before. I should have known you don't speak from your ears but Don't worry I'm a pretty fast learner.

Next time I'll remember to be close to your lips"

he said smirking

I'm flustered. My ears started turning red and I could feel the heat radiating through my body. He's too much.. I'm speechless..

"Don't cross your line. I never meant that, you evil narcissist." I blurted out

"I'm leaving.. right now!" *furious* I rushed over to the fancy gate still flushed with what he said when suddenly he held me...

by my waist.⊂(・﹏・⊂)

I was caught in a frenzy and from shock I froze in the situation. Then I was suddenly back to my senses...

"Get your hands off me!!!!!" I screamed trying to get off his grip. You pervert!!! I said leave me!!!

Don't test me or else I'll..."

"Else what?" He said leaning on me

(I can't do anything, he has authorities under his control)

"I- I'll do nothing..."

" but tell me why are you clinging on me?.. when you think I'm not even 0.1./. Of a beauty?"

He smiled

"who said I want to hold on you?"

"Then why are you all on me?"

"Weirdo! If I don't stop you in place then my reputation will be tarnished."

"what if people think I'm spending time with such an ugly girl?"..

"What do you mean?" I asked

He loosened his grip and said

"Look at yourself"

"I looked down at myself and...

I'm still in his shirt and that belt isn't making it feel a bit of a shirt dress"

*Face palm*


I muttered jeez..

"No problem,

now go and take a shower I've got girls clothing in the second room upstairs from right. They're my sister's and she don't wear them anymore, so you can have them if it fitsᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ"

Why do I feel like he's insulting me. I'm not fat!!

Also, I don't wish to be malnutritioned.

But he saved me from having a huge embarrassing oopsie moment..

so I'll let him off the hook for only this time but he better watch out in the future .

"Hmmph. Fine" I turn to leave.

"Also, hand wash my shirt" he called out to me (adrian)

"Huh, are you so poor that you can't even afford laundry services?" I asked standing on stairs

"But why bother laundry services when 'YOU' have screwed my clothes."

I don't smell ok! But whatever!

He's the type of 'the more you say, the more you provoke'

so, ignoring is the best policy right now.

(30 minutes later)

I came out of the shower and wore that dress that was there on the bed with roses and a beautiful embroidered frill at the bottom with slight embellishments onto the breast part. So beautiful but...

Am I even fit to wear this? This looks expensive.

BUT I wore it.

It looks pretty..but why is it showing too much skin.

I never wear anything above my knees and the top part is showing cleavage...

. Umm is this type of dressing normal here..

if it is then I don't understand how GIRLS HERE have so much confidence going around.

Without overthinking, I combed my hair which is really high maintenance and

kept his shirt in sun to dry up and headed for downstairs..

Still conscious with the length.

I was trying to tug it down again and again..

I looked down and there he was sitting watching me with... some different expression

and his ears are red.

Is he blushing?


I must be crazy.

I slowly paced down stair by stair and his gaze is still on me.

Totally still.

I feel like if I can't control my Expressions then I'm clearly gonna blush this instant.

.Control... Sophie.I told myself..

I glanced at him again. He's still looking.

Boy get your eyes off me. I'm shy!!

I was finally down.

Fuckk i remember there was elevator too!!

Why did I have to do this exercise stairway again. Forget it..I moved forward to where he was.

He got up from the couch with his gaze 'still' on me.

"YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL"...I heard in a low voice.

Thankfully my ears are sharp but did he really say that?

I can't trust what my ears are hearing..

"What was that again?"

I snapped at his face 3 times

"Uhmm. Nothing" I haven't said anything yet.

He immidiately turned around.

His ears still red.