
Mr Passasive

"Adrian, why did you cheat on me?" Adrian Kingston, a billionaire made from scratch and a forgotten royal life as a cold being, deprived of any positive emotions meets Sophie Rose who is a carefree, chirpy woman who went to England to study. There, She turns his life upside down. It wasn't lust but rather the longevity and desire to be close narrowing down to the identity of love. With all the money playing and power, he fought to protect her. The cold Porcupine as she named was in denial to find he loved her thinking it would just end in misery. Along with self demon named toxicity, he suffers the betrayal of his mother but she never tried to change him it was he who wanted to be the best man in her life. Fighting all the people factors of jealousy, possessiveness, the agony they finally got together. What happens next? Did Adrian really cheat on her? Why? What is in store for Adrian and Sophia? Read "Mr. Possessive" only on Web Novel to know more.

Jay_Dinu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter-3 Are you even worth?  

"I did. Is there any problem?"

*He remarked without any expression like how can he have a poker face while saying such a phrase. Totally unexpectable. But I was bewildered and shocked*


I said covering my chest.

"How could you? "

"I mean do you even know what is shame. You jerk! I'll call the cops and you just wait to spend your whole life behind the bars for assaulting me."

A slight anger taking over his face just as he was not happy with my remark.


"Am I wrong??"

She questioned with a slight tinge of hatred in her words

This stupid woman talks about Shame? What an irony!

"Do you even know what you did after being drunk?"

"What could I've done possibly to you porcupine and I'm not sure if that was supposed to be vice versa?

cause I clearly remember being passed out immediately after a glass. So don't slander me.!

"Oh really? I said with an sarcastic chucke.

"I already figured it out that you have a low IQ.

" so, I made the hostess to take a video. Do you wanna see it?"

Her expression turned from angry to hesitant.

"Mhm-mm...seems like she's deep in thought.

no no! Just tell me what I did? But if it's something illogical then I'll definitely see the video....in private"

*What is she thinking about? She probably isn't the pure little girl thoughts one.

A smirk escaped my lips*

"You woke 10 minutes after passing out and you held my shirt with your full force and started crying with your head on my shirt and you your snot was probably all over my shirt and wait you thought this wasn't much torture to me right? So you vomited on me and god knows what you ate to even vomit this disgusting."

*I noticed her expression, she was clearly embarrassed and was looking down at her feet listening to me! It's fun to watch her expression but I tell you that vomit was really the first time for me to experience and it was disgusting.

Also, that old lady was smiling there by saying 'she's a little childish but you're mature so it's a good match and now enjoy a little relationship hardships'

What the actual fuck.. she? Matches with me? Who is this granny kidding to..*

"You cried all night on me saying 'mom, I miss you but you don't care and stuff like that!'

I've a picture of You crying like a pig with snots and gasteral problems"

*She frowned like she's saying how dare you but couldn't say anything because this mess was hers??

Though i continued ignoring her frowny face*

"After some efforts of the hostess you agreed to let me go and we landed by that time.

Do you even know I had to carry that snot and vomit shirt gift of yours in my bag as it was gifted by my brother."

"I took you here and had to wash your

clothes because all my maids were not informed about my arrival so they were not here and then I gave you a bath and changed your clothes as you reeked of alcohol."

"Do you even know how much flying hands and kicks you gave me while I was showering you?"

'You rattled like an baby the whole time. I even gave you my shirt to wear and I dried your hair personally. So, do you dare to call me shameless now?

*Anger gushing all over me for all the torturing I suffered because of her. If it were someone else then she wouldn't have been alive by just snotting all over me but I'm interested in her character.

so, she won't die easily for now but surely I'll make her suffer for her doings*

"So, a total of £500000 for taking care of you."

*I said, extending my hand.*

"Wh-whaaattt? £500000. The one with 5 zeroes?

Huh! Are you kidding me?

I'm not some diamond. Why would it cost so much to do a little?"


"Fuck, who do you think I'm?

"You're surely not diamond but I'm and getting serviced by me costs this much only.

Though, I charged you a little less as you look broke."

*Don't thank me, i know I'm very kindhearted i said to myself.

Though just kidding but let's see how is she gonna get so much money*

"Who exactly are you? You said service from y-o...*

she's mumbling to herself*


"Now you recognize me?"

Good, I smiled at myself

"Yeah I do..,

you are a waiter!!!Right?


*I growled*

She noticed it and moved back a little with a slight fear in her eyes.

Then I suddenly, grabbed and spun her around to prison her between my arms and the wall.

I leaned closer to her ear . Our body leaving no space in between and said,

"I'm the CEO of Kingston corp."

"So, now you remember clearly?"

*I whispered. My lips brushing her ear and she quivered with the contact and in a split second it was gone and a pure little curious expression appeared*

"But-ut.." she stuttered with the sudden closeness and said.

"I never heard of it" her face leaning to the wall away from my face as far as possible.

"Are you even a part of this world? You seriously never heard of my company?"

*I questioned with curiosity to know if she is pretending to not know.

so, that she can grab my attention.

I've already handled so many woman like her.

She isn't any exception*

She snucked and escaped from the space below my hand swiftly and said-.

"Are you even worthy for me to know you?"

*Her expression changes like a minute clock. She should be an actress in my opinion. Just now I thought she was a little. No a minor cute with that pure curious expression but now she's turned from an a cat in prison to a lioness after after escaping. Hmm. This is getting Interesting.*


(Walking towards her)

"Honey, I am a golden bachelor and every girl dies to meet me and there's literally no one who doesn't know me."

" So, how come you never even saw me on news?


Well,I'm intentionally doing this to see her reaction*

(She looked annoyed) *as expected*

"Have those dying ladies ever told you. That you are so full of yourself?"

"I think nobody ever broke your little dream bubble of perfection. "

*Her body showed annoyance better than her eyes*

"So let me clear it up for you"

"I'm listening"

(I said sitting down on bed with a curious expression on my face but I was merely mocking her annoyance and the speech she was gonna give me)

"Hmm. How shameless"

she said in a low voice with a little stress on them.

"Sweetheart, weren't you going to burst my bubble. Do it fast cause I'm eager to listen to your little lovely words about me."


(she said throwing a murderous glare in my direction with her finger pointed at me. I'm enjoying this. No girl ever talked to me this way so I wanna see what's with her)

"Hmmph, firstly, you're so full of yourself.

Secondly, not every single person knows you and

thirdly, not every girl falls for a cocky, self absorbed guy like you.

I hate you and I wanna leave right now.

Either you let me leave or I'll scream and then see how everyone is gonna rush here to help me. I'm not doing it cause I believe not to destroy other people's lives!!"

(I paced to where she was and as she was short so I had to bend, I stopped right in front of her face)

"There is no one to hear you scream for about 50 yards because this is my personal property. Honey! And I'll let you leave"

(Her face lit up)

"But, after you give me my $500000 otherwise I'll register a case on you"

(she seems scared but still courageous to argue with me.)

"I don't even have $50000,

so there's no way I can give you $500000 and the money you're asking for is wrong.

"I'll call the police and report you for threatening me for money"

"Oh why aren't you saying something?"

" Are you mute now?"

"So you do get scared."

(She said enjoying her little threat worked aka proud moment)

"Oh, I am" I said sarcastically

"But do you think they're gonna listen to you?"


( He said with a powerful aura in his voice, denoting money and power)

"What do you mean?"

* Tension running in my veins*

Just remember there's no one to help with your rescue, senoritá.

(he said with a mock)

I mean is he really so powerful and I never even heard of him. Like what world was I living in? but It was better when I didn't knew him and that *icy guy* first impression was really good cause this one talks A lot and it gets threatening as he speaks more.

I wish this golden chance was given to his die hard fan girls of him but I can clearly say all those girls don't even have an idea of his personality behind his rich perfectionist godly mask of him.

In my view he is bad, a manipulator, cocky, his smirk is annoying and hate that he can have the legal authorities to his side just because he is rich.

I mean god, who does he think he is?...

But now... What should I do. I mean I came to London for studying and I don't even have money for his crap or whatever services he asked for.

I'm stuck here with this rich maniac.

I hate him!!!! Fuck him, fuck his riches, fuck

.. his good looks..hmph.

He's so rich but still he wanna take money out of a poor student like me

who don't know how she got a chance to study in an elite University but now I doubt my decision to come here.

I should have listened to my mom cause moms are always right.

Fuck my life...!!!!!

"Swearing in head?" He asked with a raised brow

(Whoaaa he's so close but I gotta control my breath)

"Yes.. A lot cause I'm going crazy". i literally screamed.

"I don't have money so Can I pay you some other way?"

He backed a little and looked at me more like checking my body.

I covered my chest with my two hands.

"I mean...not this way"

I said glaring between my brows..

(He laughed at my statement and said)

"Don't worry, there's nothing about you that interests me."

"You're not even 0.1./. Of a beauty." He stated

I'm literally offended like who is he to rate me on my look.

"Who said I'm not beautiful and interesting?"

*Pretty furious by his last statement.*

"So?, You want me to be interested in you?"

Ughh there comes his stupid smirk again...

"No!!!!! I never said that, now may you please tell me another way to pay you so I can get free from your illegal custody? "

"How about I pay you in EMI. I'll work for part time jobs."

"How long do you think is it gonna take you like that? maybe you'll be dead by that time. then who'll pay for my services?" He questioned

I am damn sure he's laughing at my condition in his mind right now.


"So, what should I do?"

I said smiling tightly.

"You'll have to sign a contract" he said casually.

"What contract?" I asked suspiciously amused. Raising my brows at him.