
Mr Passasive

"Adrian, why did you cheat on me?" Adrian Kingston, a billionaire made from scratch and a forgotten royal life as a cold being, deprived of any positive emotions meets Sophie Rose who is a carefree, chirpy woman who went to England to study. There, She turns his life upside down. It wasn't lust but rather the longevity and desire to be close narrowing down to the identity of love. With all the money playing and power, he fought to protect her. The cold Porcupine as she named was in denial to find he loved her thinking it would just end in misery. Along with self demon named toxicity, he suffers the betrayal of his mother but she never tried to change him it was he who wanted to be the best man in her life. Fighting all the people factors of jealousy, possessiveness, the agony they finally got together. What happens next? Did Adrian really cheat on her? Why? What is in store for Adrian and Sophia? Read "Mr. Possessive" only on Web Novel to know more.

Jay_Dinu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter-2 - Is this your girlfriend ? this is cute


I've been tolerating this girl too much since I sat here. I mean look at her, she snores like a bald fat man sleeping after working overtime.

but I guess, She is annoying yet a lot better than those panty-throwing sluts.

Whatever, still she's not normal to be arguing with me. doesn't she know? I'm Adrian Kingston. CEO of Kingston corp. with a business empire of my own.

and that old hag..., it is all his fault for me to be sitting in this junk. he wanted me to have a plane experience. What a good experience I am getting.

I would have been in London already in my private Jet and now... I'm trapped here before a sleeping monster. I don't complain but "her" *annoyed*

*snoring gets louder*

Oh! c'mon, I'll sue you for noise pollution, little Lizard!!!

*furious Avatar of him*

I couldn't take it anymore.. so I pressed her lips shut with my hands.

finally, some peace!

15 seconds later

*snoring starts again*

are you serious? *irritated

I had to put my headphones on for the next few hours.

You just come to London and see how I revenge you for your every torture.

I glanced at her and only one word came from within me

"weirdo" * I mumbled*


Mam good morning, your breakfast is here. please wake up. ma'am? ma'am?

I opened my eyes halfway, looking at the hostess calling me. I yawned for a decent 10 seconds and then I said thank you * smiles at her*

then she looked at him and served him something very... different than mine. His part looked yummier and much expensive than mine but, why is that!!!?

why am I being discriminated against? I want to taste that a little.

shall I ask him? he won't mind, I bet how unaffected he looks by the food means he eat this every freakinn.. day. A little won't make him poor. right?

so, I used my fork and took a bite from his plate and he sat there watching me like *girl..., did you bump your head somewhere* but he didn't say anything so I take another one...

I mean what if I ask and he says "no". so, this way is better. at most, he won't ask me to spit out his food cause I've already eaten it. LOL. stay with me and y'all will get smarter with my life hacks.

Then as I was eating, the hostess came with something in a glass... for him!!.

No..! discrimination. again?

I gotta speak up for myself, teacher told me to never bear with discrimination. so, I gotta speak for me and all people here not given this.

"I want that too," I said to her

that hostess and porcupine looked at each other in shock in the context of my demand.

"Did I say something wrong?" * I wondered*

N-no, ma'am. it's just.. this is alcohol! *she hesitantly said*

*what? for real??, this is the first time I ever demanded to someone unknown and in the end it's alcohol.

but... I can't lose my spirit cause equality=equality *

"I'll take a glass, thank you," I said

uh-um okay, mam, she handed me one too then she said, ma'am, I hope you have a good alcohol tolerance cause this one's strength. I smiled and nodded gesturing her to leave cause, I don't like people standing on my head all day.

But to be honest. I never drank alcohol in my whole life and here I am, away from my family, drinking this alcohol to fight against the social evil of "discrimination" for the sake of humanity. (〒﹏〒)

I was about to take a sip and to my surprise, he was watching me from beside.

"what?" "Never seen a beautiful girl before" I confronted.

Ik.ik. I'm just revenging for his "seen enough dialogue"

let's see what he replies.

well, I'm curious!!

One, He can say he has a very beautiful girlfriend, so I'm nowhere to compete with her

second, he can say I'm ugly which is not true but he does have seen so many prettier girls in his whole life.

"Oh! I've never" he said nodding his head in agreement.

Oh my...my....! so he does know how to be sarc interesting..!

"hmph", "then stare all you want" *I backfired*

"No, staring is your thing. so, how can I take it from a very beautiful girl, I'm just looking for a way to kidnap you, and the moment you drink this, you'll get drunk cause I can tell you never drank alcohol in your whole life and then... I'll abduct you and....."

"And..?" I asked nervously

"don't do anything bad to me, I'm just 18 and a virgin, I've three exes and I'm not good in bed for sure. forgive me please"

I spoke so fast and in one go with a volume little higher than usual and then people sitting around started laughing hysterically and a grandma in the seat ahead of us turned around and said

"Is this is your girlfriend? my god she's cute"

yeah, I like her compliment! but I AM NOT ANY GIRLFRIEND OF THIS PORCUPINE. *

he's a jerk*

"No, granny. I don't even know his name. so, how can I be his girlfriend"

* I said smiling awkwardly* granny smiled, nodding that she can't believe me, and then she winked at him, like some kind of gesture, and then she looked ahead again minding her own business.



I said "ADRIAN KINGSTON is my name"

"so?" I asked

"you only said that you don't even know my name" *he said looking a bit agitated*

I don't get why he wanted me to know his name. though, I wanted to know it.

"so, are you so eager to be my boyfriend?" * I said smirking*

"Ah! I'm afraid that I'm not but didn't you wanted to know what I'll do to you after this drink.

firstly, I'm not interested in your body but I bet being a virgin attracts more customers. so, after you pass out. I'll sell you out. As simple as that"

"No way!!" you're kidding, right?

hoping it's a joke.

"I never joke," he said with a serious face

what if he does it?

like I'm not even married yet and I've never been in Love fully. am I gonna be someone's thing already?!! Mumma saves me from his nymphomaniac customers. *sobbing internally*

he was smirking at my panicky look like

c'mon, I like a poker FACE better.

I guess he fooled me and now he's laughing at me. what a jerk.. cause he doesn't look like he works for underworld illegal trades...

I took the glass and drank the whole in a gulp because of how stupid I felt from his threat.

Uh-umm. My head hurts. it's getting blurry...!!..____


I woke up and looked around and it seems like an expensive hotel I guess!

Rubbing my forehead a little!

My.. .head! Ah! It still hurts.

But Who took me here?

I.I..remember I was on the plane and after I had that drink, I passed out.

Jeez!! Seriously, why do I act so fast, and now.. where is this place?

W-wait a second!! Is it that Adrian?

Did he kidnap me and now he's prisoning me here so that he can sell me off when the time comes.

*Rush of panic running through my veins*

I removed the blanket to reach for the door when I noticed.

M-my..my clothes??!! I am sure this is not my shirt cause it's too long. Who the hell changed my clothes??? I am furious now!!, but a little terrified...

My phone!!, I saw it lying on the cabinet.

Oh, thank god that devil didn't take my phone.

Now I gotta call the police. Jeez, he's not the only smart one. I picked the phone.



Lord... why am I the one being constantly in bad luck since I saw him.

Now I gotta think of something to sneak off here!

However, this shirt is too big for me. so, even if I get out, I can't walk out in this right.?

I took a belt that was lying there and I wrapped it around my waist to make it seem like an oversized shirt dress.

Then I tried unlocking the door but it was indeed locked by some automated technology...

'But when there is the gate there is also a window' -Quoted by me!

So not to my surprise, I spotted a window big enough to let me pass through it.

umm... it's soo.. high up there but I gotta go out now so I placed a cabinet and a side table on top of it and thanks to my mum's genes that I'm a girl with a height of 5'4 so I'm not too short.

I set one foot on the cabinet and then the other on the side table.

Long legs make it easier to do so, I guess.

I grabbed the window sill while standing on the side table then I used my one foot to make it to the sill

but... I wasn't able to climb up there.

I was.. literally squeezing my butt to make it through with full effort.

Am I so fast that I can't even climb over a window.

By fat I meant, I've got heavy boobs they don't look like but I bet, a lot of my body's weight is because of them. THANKS TO MY MUM.


I tried again and this time ... I was hanging in the middle. One leg on the sill and the other barely touching the side table with a toe.

I was so determined I bet.


"Oh, good point you presented, very well I appreciate you!"

"Now I've to get down and make a rope"

I said not focusing on the person speaking.

"No problem, I'll ask someone to bring you a rope"

"N-o need", but wait who is it?

I looked down.

"Yo-you, when did you came here?"

"Just now. I thought I should give you something to eat but here you are,

Doing some sort of weird position in mid-air" he said smirking

I glanced at his hands holding a plate of food and water then I looked at him.

"It's all because of you" I wearily said

Too tired to talk much with all this window-up exercise.

He seemed to notice that I was tired.

"Get down first then we'll talk"

"No...what if you're gonna sell me off the moment I step down

and secondly, I-I am stuck!"

"A smile seems to make away on his face just like he was about to erupt in a good laugh"

"What is so funny?" ಠಗಠ I asked

"I won't, now come down," he said suppressing his laughter.

"Give me a reason to believe you" I demanded

"Ok. So, Do you think, I will get any profit by selling you? No one will even give $500 for you. So is this enough for a reason and also I'm not short of money"

I should be happy to hear this but I'm sort of offended somehow. I'm not cheap. Hmph, but who is he to set a price on me.

"Oh-ok I'll believe you once" *

*But.... how do I get down now*

"Good, now come down and have this"

"I told you I'm stuck here"

"Then jump"

"A--..are you crazy or what!.. why would I jump. Do you want me dead,

you asshole!!" *I yelled*

"I meant to jump and I'll catch you, does this sound better? Or you wanna do your weird yoga up there only??"

I thought for a second, yea he's right.

well, it's better to be down there than hang in here.

"Ok- I'll jump, but are you strong enough to catch me?" I said doubtedly

but for sure his abs wasn't makeup lol!

"We'll check once you're here," he said with a smirk

"Check? H-ow" *curious*

"W-ait, y-you. No, I don't wanna know your strength"

my face heating up.⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

"I'm jumping now, remember to catch me" I yelled

"Here I come, 1-2-3!!

Ahhhhhh! I landed in his arms.

Thank god, he kept the plate and waiter aside or I would have already cracked my spine with that glass.

I was in his arms and my eyes locked with his.

My heart pumping so hard that even he could hear it going with a bullet train speed.

Then he unexpectedly leaned a little closer to my ear and said

"Did you have fun with the window" whispering and then chuckling with his full might loudly.

"Shut up," I said smacking his hand.

He then again got closer and whispered-

"Do you love me so much that you wish to stay in my arms forever, darling?"

"No, who is your girlfriend a-and Darling, jerk!!

I said immediately forcing myself to the floor from his grip"

"N-OW Tell me, who changed my clothes"

I asked being a little embarrassed yet angrily.

I demanded an answer