
I won't let you suffer anymore

Soon guilt could be seen all over her face, as well as tension. "I didn't mean to hurt you," Veronica said in a sad tone. She kept touching Bryan's head soothingly, to ease some pain.

"I'm okay!" Bryan said, touching Veronica's hand, genty looking at her. "Yes, your head's injury has almost healed. But hitting like that can be dangerous, please keep in mind." The doctor said and left the ward.

Veronica kept standing with her head hanging low. And kept rubbing her hand with her other hand. Bryan noticed it. And he knows this habit of Veronica very well.

Whenever Veronica is sad or nervous she keeps rubbing her hand. Bryan smiled a little and held Veronica's hand. "That was not your fault, it was the doctor's wrong timing!" Brya said, widening his eyes like a child, with a mischievous smile on his face.

Veronica's heart melted right away after seeing that smile. "Hm" Veronica gave a short reply.