
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs


"Wow, you've become more brave, is that how you talk to your husband?, is that how you talk to me? ,Only if your parents have taught you well but no they didn't teach you well, they even ran bankrupt, not only did they ruined their company they also sold their daughter out ,So what do i expect from someone like you, someone who is not wanted" ,

"Are you not going to let me go? "

she says

"let go of me right now",

then mal-chin could hear like someone is trying to struggle away from a hard grip but all of a sudden he heard a heavy slap in the hallway twice ,and a thud like something fell,this didn't look like a normal couple quarrel anymore this look like the man was hitting his wife ,Rushing out of the toilet he could see a fine lady trying to get herself back up from the floor in which she has fallen down so he was right mal-chin thinks, he slapped his wife which made her fell on the floor ,The woman tried hiding her face with her hair which looked all over the place like the fight had been happening far before mal-chin heard and the man looked away like nothing had happened but it was obvious the mark of the slap showing in her cheek ,

mal-chin Look at the scenario but since he didn't want to be involved, he quietly left thinking it seems the fight is over ,Walking over to where justin's to making a phone call at the parking lot mal-chin could still see the couple again this time the man's hand was around the wife shoulder but it was as if his nails were biting into her flesh ,the woman face hidden behind the cap she wore and face mask Which covered her nose and mouth ,But he knew she was the one because of what she wore she wore a plain jean trouser, a top,Putting on a grey coat over it ,For some reason unknown the lady looked fragile ,she walked fast but her eyes were dull,

Justin finally noticed his friends

" at last you're finally back, what were you doing there since ,were you taking it on a big one? ",

"ah,ah,It's not funny" ,

"Okay then, let's go "justin says

"the rest will be delivered to my address "

he kept on telling him as they walked towards the car but Unable to take it anymore mal-chin says to Justin

"Wait for me here i'll be right back"

which justin kept calling after him

" where are you going ?,where are you going ?,at least tell me where you are going "

but mal-chin heard none of that, as he walked straight to the couple, the man was just about to open the door to his car , mal-chin went straight to him dragging him by the Collar ,Punching him straight in his face ,This made the man fall Flat on the ground ,One could have guessed that his nose was broken ,For a minute Justin stood there speechless, mal-chin was always the reserved one ,always logical ,he ran towards where his friend stood Looking at the injured man on the floor his nose bleeding, The man on the floor kept grumbling

""my nose, my nose call the cops, call the cops",

But everyone know better than to do that because this was where the rich and powerful frequent ,His wife came rushing to his side at the moment the cap fell off,

at that moment Justin noticed her


he calls out, speechless at seeing her swollen face

trying to hid her face Kim Soo-ra failed miserably

Justin did not need to ask what happened he could see it as clear as day, her husband abuses her, Looking at his face very well Justin saw he was beck sung ju ,the first son of mr beak,part of the old money, though the beak family were rich ,no one knew that they have started having issues,they have began to earn less ,still sticking to the old way of running business they were not as rich as a certain time in the past .

beck sung ju, struggled to get back up trying to get mal-chin ,heads on,The look on Kim Soo-ra face made justin so angry that the minute beak sung ju got back up he punched him back to the ground this time , It was sure that his nose was broken .

"ahhhh, My nose,"

he grumbles in pain

" they must pay for this, i will not collect any form of settlement " ,

He kept on ranting but justin was not bothered at all ,though Kim Soo-ra tried hiding She finally had to admit that justin had seen her, he dragged her up

" are you ok ,what's happening why is your face like this, look at you, is this the first time he raised his hand on you ?,bastard, i'm sure this is not the first time because a man who can hit his wife, publicly or hit her is not a man at all " ,

he kept on saying not giving her any chance to explain.

but beak sung ju denied it and Kim Soo-ra said nothing just watching her 45 years old husband lamenting, even though she was just 20 years when she married the then 31 year older beck sung ju

The police then kept on interrogating them,

"what's your name? where is your home address ? show me your identification card " they kept asking questions

beck sung ju was so eager to answer with his lawyer beside him, thinking,

"they will know it's the great beak family they are messing with,they will know how rich and powerful I am"

"sorry for being late",

a voice said it was one of mal-chin lawyers,the 3 lawyers came towards him,

"are you okay sir,we apologise for coming late"

they said to mal-chin,one of The lawyer gave them mal-chin family card ,Which they were all shocked to know he was the son of the biggest technology company in korea

While talking everyone looked back at once, Justin then turned around To see who got their attention because he didn't call anyone, he didn't want his family to be aware of him being here

One thing the lee corporation was known for were their top lawyers and they didn't prove to be wrong, in this case 10 of their top lawyers Walk-in casually ,Walking straight to the policeman to show him their id With two of his bodyguard coming with them at that moment Justin Realise that they must have been the one to inform his parents that he was held here ,That all for sneaking off from them not know they purposely kept some distance away from him ,And the company card they were also shocked to see that justin was the legendary heir to the lee corporation,Coming back home just recently most people still can't recognise his face,The police quickly released them apologizing for keeping them waiting ,Kim Soo-ra husband Kept apologizing and apologizing begging them not to cut off the contract they have with his company.

leaving the police station mal-chin asks if Kim Soo-ra was okay,

"I am okay,thank you for coming to help me" ,

she tells mal-chin wondering how he could be so kind to help a total stranger like her, especially from someone how looks like he couldn't throw a punch,

"you are welcome"

mal-chin replied,on seeing Justin Come over mal-chin walked away and give them some space ,

" i think you should come home with me I don't think i can allow you stay in a place where your husband beat you all the time" ,

"I know and thank you Justin",

"How did you know it was me ?"

"are you surprised i saw your news on the magazine besides i can identify you anytime ,any day you haven't changed that much

Kim Soo-ra says

" You are the first person to think so,well Kim na-ra does think so"

at the name of Kim na-ra,pain filled Kim Soo-ra heart

They both smile then she turns to leave to meet her husband where he was waiting for her one could see he was dieing to know what the convention was about, having turning back to look at justin

"please do not tell my family about what happened today "