

"Stop it, Ethan! Stop doing this to me!" I wished I could utter those words, but my body betrayed me. His touch alone made me lose all connection with my senses. Internally, I screamed for freedom as his seductive kisses rendered me tongue-tied. I was tired of being treated like a mere sex toy by this man, yet my body continually danced to the rhythm of his waist. I let him have his way, gasping softly, my lips defying all moral sanity. After a few rounds of pleasure, he pushed himself off me, put on his pants, and walked out the door as if I meant nothing. The realization hit me hard: I shouldn't have let this happen. I should have stood my ground this time and not succumbed to his wishes. I picked up my clothes, the last pieces of dignity left in me. "Ethan!" I yelled, chasing after him. "Please wait!" "What is it, woman?" he halted, looking disgusted by my presence. "We're married, for crying out loud! You can't keep treating me like trash. Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me if there's anything I should change about myself. I'm willing to do anything, please, Ethan. To make this marriage work, I'm willing to do whatever you want. Just don't pick her over me again!" I sobbed, halfway on my knees, begging with my hands clenched to his trousers. --- Elizabeth Douglas, a young heiress, finds herself falling for her father's driver, Ethan Haynes. But there's a twist - Ethan is already engaged to Stella. Just when Lizzy decides to walk away, she uncovers a shocking betrayal that changes everything. Get ready for a story of untold secrets, broken ties, new alliances, romance, revenge, and a love that refuses to be forgotten.

Liy_Lah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


I stood up, my spirit unwavering. I had come too far to give up now. Picking up my phone, I dialed my office number. Janet answered after a few rings.

"Hello, Janet speaking."

"Janet, it's Miss Douglas. I need you to find someone to cover my responsibilities for next week. I'm taking a break," I said, keeping my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "And don't forget to inform my dad."

"Is everything okay, Miss Douglas?" Janet asked, her concern evident.

I knew Janet loved to gossip. I couldn't afford to be the next topic of discussion. "I just need some time to sort things out. Please handle it," I replied, my tone cold, not wanting to give her more to talk about.

"Of course, Miss Douglas. Take care."

I hung up, feeling a slight relief. I needed time away from the office and all the reminders of Ethan. As I was contemplating my next move, my phone buzzed with a message from my best friend, Matilda.

Matilda: Hey babe, I need the scoop. You haven't explained how Ethan ended up in your bed last night. Is he still there?

Lizzy: I don't want to talk about it or anything related to him.

Matilda: You don't sound fine. Want me to come over?

I quickly typed a reply.

Lizzy: Yes, please. I need someone to talk to.

About thirty minutes later, Matilda arrived, her face full of concern. She hugged me tightly. "I came as soon as I could. What happened?"

We moved to the couch and sat down. "It's Ethan. He said he doesn't love me and he can't marry me. He thought I was Stella last night, his ex-girlfriend."

Matilda's eyes widened. "What? After everything you've done for him? That ungrateful jerk!"

I felt a fresh wave of tears but tried to hold them back. "I don't know what to do, Matilda. I feel so lost."

Matilda wrapped her arm around me. "Lizzy, listen to me. You are an amazing woman. You deserve someone who loves you for you, not someone still hung up on his cheating ex. Ethan doesn't know what he's missing."

I sniffed, wiping my tears. "But I love him, Matilda. I thought he might feel the same way."

Matilda shook her head. "Sometimes we fall for people who aren't right for us. It's hard, but you have to move on. Focus on yourself. You've been so wrapped up in Ethan that you've forgotten your worth."

I nodded slowly, feeling a bit of the weight lift off my shoulders. "You're right. I need to take care of myself first."

"Exactly," Matilda said firmly. "You need to forget about that ungrateful guy. He's not worth your tears." She repeated, stretching every word with hopes it would sink in this time. If only she knew I had plans to get Ethan back.

As Matilda continued talking, she received a beep from her phone. Her lunch break was over and she had to return to the office. She looked at me pitifully, about to explain why she had to leave me even if she didn't want to.

"It's fine Maltida, I also need some time alone. I need some time to think. Thanks for dropping by." I said to her, not wanting her to feel bad.

Matilda faced me, a concerned look still evident on her face. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

I nodded, managing a small smile. "I will be. I just need to figure things out."

After she left, I stared out the window, my mind racing. I wondered where he would be right now. Maybe with Stella.

Meanwhile, across town, Ethan sat in his small apartment, wrestling with his thoughts. The events of the morning replayed in his mind, Lizzy's pained expression haunting him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. How had things gotten so complicated?

His phone buzzed with a message from Stella. He hesitated before reading it.

Stella: Ethan, I've been thinking about us. Can we talk?*

Ethan frowned. Stella's words seemed innocent enough, but he knew better. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He had always trusted her, but Lizzy's words echoed in his mind. *Stella is dangerous. You don't know what she's capable of.*

Ethan decided to call her instead of texting back. As the phone rang, he felt a knot in his stomach. When Stella answered, her voice was sweet, almost too sweet.

"Ethan, I'm so glad you called."

"What's going on, Stella?" Ethan asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything. I've been thinking a lot about us, and I miss you," she said, her voice dripping with honeyed regret.

Ethan clenched his jaw. Suspicious by her words. He loved Stella, he must admit but, he was confused by all that was happening. "Stella, I need to know the truth. Why did you cheat on me?"

There was a moment of silence before Stella spoke again, her voice shaky. "Ethan, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was a mistake."

"A mistake?" Ethan repeated, anger boiling up inside him. "Do you know how much pain you caused me?"

"I'm sorry," Stella said, but her apology felt hollow. "Can't we just move past this?"


"Ethan, there's something I want to know about the company. I don't know if you could help me with some information" Stella asked shamelessly.

Ethan felt a wave of disgust. Lizzy had been right. Stella was dangerous, not in the physical sense, but to his emotional well-being. "No, Stella. I can't. You disgust me, Stella. I honestly thought you were remorseful about your apology, but you just wanted to use me more. How shameless can you be?"

Before Stella could respond, Ethan ended the call. He stared at his phone angrily, he was hoping that they would come back together. He thought an apology from her could fix things, but now, listening to her speak, he felt nothing but resentment towards her. He had realized how foolish he had been and had finally cut ties with Stella, but the damage was done. He had hurt Lizzy in the process.

The next morning, Ethan walked into the office, his resignation letter in hand. He felt a pang of regret but knew this was the right decision. He couldn't face Lizzy after everything that had happened. He approached Janet, who looked up in surprise.

"Ethan, what are you doing here? I thought you were off today."

"I need to see Miss Douglas," he said, his voice firm.

Janet frowned. "She's on a break, but you can leave a message."

Ethan handed her the envelope. "Please make sure she gets this."

Janet nodded, her curiosity piqued but professional enough not to ask questions.

As Ethan turned to leave, Mr. Douglas walked in, his imposing figure filling the doorway. He glanced at Ethan, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Ethan, can I see you in my office?" Mr. Douglas's voice was calm, but it carried an unmistakable authority.

Ethan's heart pounded. Did Mr. Douglas know about what had happened between him and Lizzy? He swallowed hard, nodding. "Of course, sir."


Back at Lizzy's apartment, Lizzy was making tea when her phone rang. It was Janet.

"Hello, Miss Douglas? It's Janet. Someone dropped an important envelope for you."

Lizzy's heart skipped a beat, wondering who could have dropped a message over at the office and why. "What did he say?" she asked Janet curiously.

"Nothing much, just that you should get this letter. Should I bring it over?"

"Please," Lizzy replied, her curiosity and anxiety growing.