
What the hell did you do to my balls?

Heart flicked the lid off his lighter for the hundredth time tonight while waiting under the barely lit sign for the doors to the club to open. He found it soothing despite not being a smoker, he had never really got into it but normally the lighter was a great help for meeting other people.

Who didn't need a light in the middle of the night standing outside a bar?

Most people did. It had become a habit to have it on hand just in case. On nights like tonight when the club was packed and the music was leaking out into the street barely louder than the loud intoxicated voices inside, well a lighter like this was a must.

The bodies in the bar were hot, sweaty, and their clothes were in various forms of dishevel weather you were man or a woman, it really didn't matter. In a place this small and cramped, the thick air of the poorly ventilated bar makes it even harder to breathe. In the end most people found it a must to come outside to regroup and clear their head in the cleaner air.

It was late August so the air was just turning the perfect temperature. That in-between where you could still wear very little and get away with it. Heart scratched the soft skin on his pale arm and sighed. If it didn't pay him almost 2500 baht every time he did this job he might never have said yes. But college money wasn't cheap. And despite working the job at the Cafe and the Bodyguard at this club, he barely had time to sleep after studying. But no matter what he always got good grades. He had too, there was no other way out. There wasn't any need for sleeping now, not when he could do it later after his good grades had gotten him out of the slums.

The soft sound of mumbling, hiccups, and laughter started to drift down the dark alleyway and Heart looked nervously towards the sound. That was another thing he didn't particularly enjoy about this job, the threats didn't always come from the overpacked bar sometimes it came from the streets outside. There was another growl and then a hiccup followed by soft off-key singing.

"~we do as we will, fighting the tides~"

"~I think I know better said the foolish man in his pride~"

"~But fate looked at him and laughed in his face~"

"~Then he snipped his red thread and ended his grace~"

"~I snipped it hehehehe... I snipped it... I snippy, snip, snip~"

The man stopped then stumbled into the light and looked at Heart confused.

Heart scratched his head. Bewildered by the half mumblings of the man who finally made it into the light. He gulped and tried his best not to stare openly at the drunk man. He wore a very large tattered shirt that exposed the toned muscles beneath and his pants looked like they had been stolen from someone who was one size smaller than this man was. But there were large gaping holes in the knees. Other than the shabby clothing he carried a just as shabby brown bag which seemed to be filled to the brim with something. Despite his shabby appearance, the reason Heart was staring was because the man looked beautiful, inhumanly so.

His slim body seemed to move fluidly despite how it should since he was clearly plastered. His perfectly angelic features included very large eyes, a chiseled nose, sharp lips and chin that looked like he could slice air by turning his head. But the soft doe-like eyes gave him a soft look of agelessness and kindness, but Heart knew that with a face like that it could chill your blood if it became stern.

His tan skin looked soft and unscarred. His hands clean as if he had never gone through any of the hardships of the people around here. As if he had never worked or lived a day in his life.

The only thing Heart could think was that this man was a prostitute, for there was no other way he belonged in this area of Bangkok.

The man stumbled into Heart and giggled.

"Excuse me handsome. I am looking for Tiger eating Lilies. No, Tiger biting lilies, Tiger fighting lilysss....? He said the last one slow and confused. Know what I am talking about????"

Heart stared at the man and blinked slowly. "..."

The man "..."

Heart gulped.

The man looked him up and down, He smiled the most charming smile Heart had ever seen in his twenty-two years of life.

"Whatcha looking at me for. We gotta go!" The man said enthusiastically and grabbed Hearts arm with a force he didn't think was possible and began to drag him at top speed down alley after alley. The bright lights of the city spun past him quickly and he kept pulling on his arm trying hard to get the man to stop. But somehow his iron death like grip clung and pulled him without end.

Heart's stomach was starting to do flips from the drinks he had and so he tried even harder to pull the opposite way the man was dragging him. He flipped and twisted his arm. Pulled it back and forth. But all he had to show was red swelling skin and parts that were starting to bruise.

Without rhyme or reason, the man stopped just as abruptly as he had started. But unprepared and at the speed, they were going, there was really only one place Heart could end up and that was flying forward into the strange man who had upheaval his whole night and most likely caused Heart to lose his job.

He smashed into the man taking him down to the ground with him, seeing the ground coming Heart pinched his eyes shut as if his life depended on it. He threw out his arms as best he could, but to his surprise, his body hit into the other man with enough force that their arms and legs entangled and his face smashed into something soft and wet. When he opened his eyes he was staring into the dark brown and gold eyes of the stranger and realized the wet soft things had been the other man's lips. The shock had rendered him frozen to the spot that he had barely noticed the soft red stuff started to fall from the sky raining gently around the two of them. The man's eyes went from startled to cloudy in less than a moment and he shoved Heart off with the most chilling growl Heart had ever heard.

The sound traveled from the ground into his feet through his body and chest and into his soul. Heart tried not to look like he was going to shit himself.

"Ah uhm... sorry, I didn't mean to... that, touch, your..." Heart struggled to finish his sentence and instead just pointed at his lips then the man's then back at him before he bit down on both and shut up.

The man was physically shaking, his hands balled in fists, and his chest heaving angrily. Finally, the words he screamed at the top of his lungs shocked Heart in a way he had not expected.


Heart's mouth gaped.