
Mount Magus:The godly descendant

One of the best stories you'd ever read.... SPIRIT REALM...here he come!

Author_Audri · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

S/M highschool

Lesson of the chapter;Patience is the key to all doors.

Smiles danced on most if not all of the students as they entered the school premises to start a new session.

Like in the human world...the spirit realm,S/M had highschool simply for the purpose of training young immortals into powerful and strong ones who could control their powers without breaking a sweat and make sure their well informed about their surroundings,providing opportunities as to make them familiar with their powers with the benefit of leveling up.


Lvl 1 = 50 points = Mono power swords = Freshers

Lvl 2 = 120 points = Bi power swords=Trainees

Lvl 3 = 200 points =Tri power swords=Up graders

Lvl 4 = 400 points = Tetra power swords=Levellers

Lvl 5 = 650 points = Mega power swords=Supremes

Lvl 6+ = 650+ points = OMEGA POWER=Magus


Most of the students are barely in the second level....only few were termed upgraders while the rests are either freshers or trainees....

Bodly pasted in the middle of the school was "Spirit Realm Highschool"

Whereby; their motto was,"We create opportunity to level up"

Different legends who had bravely fought wars and perished using the Ultimate Magic orb in order to come out victorious paintings were hung in the schools hallway.

Motivation talks could also be seen around the school,being in the spirit realm didn't mean they weren't in support of support,infact it was considered a great factor that aids leveling up which made a day school day while the other will be sport day....that's right SPORT DAY...

When student are permitted to were any cloths of their choice as long as it doesn't stop them from SPORTS....

Most saw it as a chance to show of their killer dresses while feel bothered less about the cloth they wore.

It was a regular school day,students entered and now the hallway was full with teenagers chit-chatting some doing things that were absurd;making out and kissing what a sight to behold to few as they watched them while some were over irritated and puked by the sight.

Fiona was in this category but not making out rather kissing,if not for her best friend,Felicity interrupting them,they wasn't a guaranty that it wouldn't lead to them making out as his hands already crept down her school shirt.

Their uniform was a white shirt and a black skirt for the girls while trouser for the boys complemented with a tie,wasn't the cutest uniform but at least they got to were any cloth the next day...

Felicity had successfully dragged Fiona into an empty class,anger plastered on her face.

"What up girlfriend and why the fuming ears"Fiona joked,Felicity responded her with a glare instead indicating she was not in the mood for jokes.

"Why would you openly make out,Fiona"She scolded.

"Just kissing,don't act like a saint"Fiona scoffed In response.

"Saint...?What about FFF uhh...? the SSS would use this and taunt us for the rest of the school year Fiona",She sighed and left the class leaving Fiona to ponder upon her words.

"Whatever....."She yelled after the long gins Felicity...

The FFF was short for Felicity,Fiona and Frida while the SSS was short for Stacey,Sandy and Samantha.

The school groups three people with the same first name letter so as to be coordinated.

Speak of the devil,SSS walked into the hallway.

"My love,Sandy...."

"Will you marry me,Stacey?"

"Samantha is stunning as usual"

Were some of the rumors that some students freely said as they walked in,they wore the normal uniforms but were extremely short and slim fitted making it glue on their curves....

Not long after,the OOO walked in....Valentino,Fransisco and Leonardo,they names end with O,they are the ultimate BSD boys I'm the school as usual rumor filled the entire place,girls already adjusting their skirts and applied make up on with the hope of the O's noticing them.

"What a disgrace..."Came Audrey's voice as she saw the girls attempt to show off their backside.

"I know right...."Ariana replied applying powder on her face.

"Doesn't exempt you as your trying to get one of the M's attention",She scoffed

"Uhh his my boyfriend,in order to get him to. it look at other girls with kin interest I have to do this"She replied.

"Do you trust him...?"She asked and Ariana replied with a nod.

"If so...you wouldn't worry about him looking st other girls...pathetic"With that she slammed her locker and proceeded to the lecture hall.

Thinking about her mother she bumped into Felicity sending her to the grounded

"Hey sis...watch your way next time"Felicity replied helping her up.

"I don't consider you as my sister so stop calling me sis,it sounds absurd.She proceeded leaving Felicity dumbstruck.

They are actually twins...

There she goes,the only girl in the whole of the school that can be termed an upgrader,other people will flaunt it but she....?one could barely notice as she didn't show off in any way....

The bell then ringed alerting them that class starts in five....


The Sabrina herb helps in knowing one's level and chi well all except Noah Smith who it failed woefully for...

Yes....Xiu Min trip to Magus forest was rendered useless as it didn't work in identifying his levels neither did it make in stronger...in a sentence,it made him weaker than he was before.

It spoke he had extraordinary powers....but what were day...?


Han Byeol woke up to realize it was a dream,but all her dream comes or almost comes to pass,that's her ability which made her worried,wondering who was the imposter that was from the spirit realm as they were the only one known for their Orb powers.....

She decided to fish out the so called person before the day runs out but to no luck,the sun had set and now it was already getting dark and she hasn't still find the person.

An idea popped into her mind which was to visit the royal future sear.


AUTHOR NOTE;Normal names are only used for people who hasn't pass the trainee level while name like "Han Byeol" are used for people who has attained a certain aim in cultivating.

Or if the person is from a poor background and named by the village chiefs....

A new environment!hope you enjoyed the chapter?

Author_Audricreators' thoughts