

" Nothing makes me happy anymore! "

Well ... Dear , there are loads of things , loads of people and loads of moments . You just chose your sadness over this happiness. How many people try to make you feel better , yet you ignore and succumb to the loneliness. You've got to decide , whether you want to be happy or not. Cause get this clear , nobody is going to do that for you. Nobody's life is pretty much as there social media pictures. Those are just glimpses. No one is happy 24×7 and not everyday is a happy day. People work , be it anything , doing things they are supposed to do. It is between these things , they find moments that cheer them up. Sometimes naturally , sometimes made ... But they do. Just look around you *{maybe literally too}*, you have people who love you , who care for you, who want to see you happy. There are opportunities around you , waiting for you to act upon.It's really difficult to fight sadness. Worse is , when it turns into depression. But you've got to try. , Atleast for the people who put crazy efforts just to see you smile effortlessly. Hug out your problems , if not to a person , then to a pillow. You look half dead when you're sad, you look OK when you fake smile but the genuinely smiling you is spectacular. It's not that easy , true , but it's not that difficult too. You deserve to be happy. Don't take that away from yourself. Things don't work out always , but it's not going to the darkest night forever. You will see the dawn , you will have the sun , smiling at you. This time , you smile too. Go ahead with your life.