
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Mad leveling Up!!

" Stop! " Joseph said.

" You two already prove your worth okay? so lets just move up." Joseph said to clay and Olivia.

The two then stop then look to each other and giggle.

" then i will teach now the magic manipulation " Joseph said to them.

these continues for about 3 hours and they end at 11 am in the morning.

Joseph has some things to do in these hours probably his duties.

Joseph just taught them tips on how to control properly Mana and Magic and the fundamentals of magic circle structure and proper chants to stabilize the magic and amplify the damage.

unfortunately Joseph has not taught them basic magic skills. why you say?

how would he know that they will just instantly learn everything he taught especially clay he is so fast to understand everything. although Olivia is behind a bit but if she is wondering about something she will ask clay and then she can understand it. after all clay's explaining of things is way to detailed. little did he Joseph know clay is asking system time by time so that he can just explain it in a more detailed way.

so yeah Joseph has not taught them magic because he did not bring the Affinity tester.

again how would he know they will just know it instantly.

clay is now in his room.

" damn i upgrade the mana sense and magic manipulation into expert mastery 1st phase and now im even better than most of the wizard under the 7th class in these skills" clay thought happily. then a notification sound into his head.

[ Ding... New mission (title: Skills expert)

Details: go to library and learn at least 3 skills and upgrade it to expert mastery

time provided: 1 day

difficulty: ( S rank )

Rewards: Depends on performance

if failure: i will not show up in 5 years }

[ Ding... Accept or not!]

clay smiled then said " I accept "

[ Ding... Mission accepted. to see the state of missions you can just say mission tab!]

" isnt this too easy i mastered two skills into expert mastery in 3 hours. if you give me one day i can even master tens of skills hehe" clay smirk then he quickly go to library to read skill books but something unexpected happen.

when clay read some books his face blackened because even though he understand how to use it he cannot learn it so he ask the system.

" system why i cant learn these skills? " clay ask the system.

[ Ding... its because you are only level 0 so that you cant learn skills way above you!]

clay pondered a bit then ask " then how can i learn wind blade, mana sense and magic manipulation?" clay questioned the system.

[ Ding... its because they are skills directly from the system so that they dont have any limiters!]

"damn then how can i lvl up?' clay ask the system again.

[ Ding... You can level up by killing wild beast because they have a spirit soul and when you consume that it will give you exp points also they have beast cores. it is usually use to craft magic weapons but you can convert the energy inside into exp points.]

"Sh*t so that is why it is S rank huh? but how can i even kill when i cannot even fight yet other than that i cant go outside." clay then go to his room and 30 minutes thinking on how he can complete this mission." 5 years is not a good joke i really need to complete this" then someone knock on his door.

* knock * * knock * * knock *

clay heard it then ask" who's there "

" its me " clay heard the cute voice then said " Olivia? come in"

Olivia then open the door with a maid behind her.

" Mom buys as Magic staff she tell me to give it to you " Olivia go inside then handed him the Magic stuff. it looks really magical in the top of the staff there is an orb then a serpent strangling it also inside the orb it shines when it did make contact to mana.

" thanks and tell auntie also thank you for this " clay said with a warm smile.

" okay no problem " Olivia said then goes out of the room.

clay then examine the staff and found out that it can greatly decrease mana consumption when using it.

" this must be so expensive. it must be nice being an aristocrat." when clay thought of this then an idea strike and hit his head. he quickly run out of the room and finding Auntie Dorothy she's Olivia's mom.

when he goes out of his room he saw a maid that will just about to knock. then clay stop running and ask where is Auntie Dorothy.

" Young master clay they are in the Dining hall they told me to tell you to come down for lunch" the maid said and bow.

" ok i will come down now " clay said and he is not in a hurry know he decided he will told his concern after eating.

then after they eat clay said to Olivia's mom" Auntie Dorothy may i have a moment " clay said respectfully "of course my dear what is it?" Dorothy said and smiled.

" i need beast cores about a hundred of it." when clay said this dorothy had a shock face then back to his normal expression. " what would you do about that many beast cores?"

" Our tutor said that we must familiarize ourselves on beast cores " clay said.

" we have a lot of it in the basement i will ask your uncle tomorrow to give it to you" Dorothy said then prepare to walk out.

" No! " clay said this and Dorothy look back.

" i really need it now Auntie plsss?" clay said with a pleading eyes.

Dorothy saw this and and just give in"*Sigh* Mary collect about a hundred common beast cores in the basement and send it to his room as soon as you collect it all." Dorothy said to the servant beside her then smiled at clay.

" Thank you very much Auntie Dorothy " clay said with a sincere tone. then back to his room.

clay ask the system" does my acting is good " clay said with a smirk in his face.

[ Ding.., Just enough to fool them.]

" ... "

then in a few hours a maid send a hundreds monster cores to his room they are the size of half of the piece in a sphere form the color of it is kind of black.

" System can you inpect these " clay as the system and got a good answer.

[ Ding... yes host should i examine it?]

" yes please" clay said. after a few seconds.

[ Ding... look at the information below!

type of item: beast core

rank: Common

stored exp: 1000 xp]

[ Ding... do you want to convert it to exp and consume it? Y/n?]

"YES!!" clay said with an excited tone then he feels a surge of warm feeling.

[ Ding... Congratulations for leveling up From lvl 0 to lvl 5!]

" amazing just 1 core and it makes me level 5" clay do this for about an hour. then his final stats.

Name: ( Clay Evergreen ) ( Clay Elfwood )/lvl: 20 ( High level Mage)

Experience points: 19000 / 20000 ( 1st class wizard )

Age: 1 year /STR:15/AGI:15/LUCK:1

Race: Human/DEF:15/INT:34/ATT POINTS: 10

Bloodline: Reptilian Bloodline(D) (100%)

Affinity: Air affinity (D)

Hp: 215 /215

Mana: 365/365

Magical power: 230

Skills : Wind blade (D) Mana sense ( Expert mastery 1st phase[ EXP: 0/1200 ) Magic manipulation ( Expert mastery 1st phase [ EXP: 0/1200] )

Special abilities : Superior Comprehension (C)

System points: 20

Store points: 3000

" damn this feels so Freakin Good HAHAHAHA! " clay laugh hysterically the maid outside can even hear it.

hello guys new author here hope you support my first novel.

new chatacters:

Olivia Gregory

Dorothy Gregory

Crixzivioncreators' thoughts