


"Ignoring a child's disrespect is the surest guarantee that it will continue."

When we get home I help auntie T unload the groceries from the car before I make myself a cup of tea and head to my room. Sitting comfortably across my bed I turn on my laptop and start watching a movie on Netfix.

I am in the middle of the movie when I fall asleep only to be woken up almost an hour later to noise outside my bedroom. I get up quickly and walk out of the bedroom to fnd Yamiko yelling angrily at auntie T.

"Are you stupid woman?" She screams then she points her fnger in her face and jams it against her forehead and lightly pushes it.

I immediately walk over and knock Yamiko's hand away from her face, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

She rolls her eyes, "and who called you?"

"Well your noise woke me up dummy."

"You can go back."

"Why are you yelling at auntie T?"

"Your stupid auntie bumped into me and made me drop my phone. Does she even know how much this Iphone costs? Why am I even asking? She obviously doesn't know?"

"Have a little respect Yamiko. This woman is old enough to be your mother."

"Well she is not my mother," Yamiko clicks her tongue then she grabs her phone from auntie T's hand who had obviously picked it from the foor, "learn to stay in your lane, I won't be this kind next time," she clicks her tongue and marches to her room.

"Auntie T, I am so sorry, I….."

"It's okay child, I am fne. I don't hold anything against Yamiko. My own child treats me like trash, I don't expect anything different from Yamiko."

"You don't deserve this kind of treatment. I am really sorry."

She smiles," It's okay. Let me set the table before Yamiko comes yelling."


She walks past me and heads to the kitchen. I stand in the same position without moving for a moment wondering why my sister has such a stinking attitude. I wish she could treat Auntie T with respect. This woman has been there for us since day one- she has always stepped up where our parents failed.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts, I walk to Yamiko's bedroom. I push the door open without knocking much to the annoyance of my twin sister

"What do you want? You don't knock anymore? Have that dirty woman's manners rubbed off on you too?"

Upset, my hand lashes out, and I slap Yamiko square across the face, making her gasp.

"You are so stupid," I hiss.

"You slapped me? You slapped me because of that…."

"And I will slap you again if you disrespect auntie T again like that."

"She is dirty and stupid, slap me again let's see," she yells and I slap her again without giving it a second thought.

Just like that a fight ensues and mum breaks it up with the aid of auntie T.

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you? You are twins for God's sake.

"She started it," Yamiko points an accusing fnger at me.

"This is your fault Yamiko."

Mum looks at Auntie T, " can you kindly excuse us. I would like to talk to these two in private."

"Okay," auntie Thandose walks out.

"So what happened this time around?" Asks mum.

"She was disrespecting auntie T."

"Well that woman bumped into me and made me drop my phone mum. I was only telling her to watch her steps."

"Chikondi, when will you stop coming at your sister for disciplining the maid?"

"But mum she is…."

"Being disrespectful? I have heard that before and I have told you to just let Yamiko be, that's the kind of person she is, you are opposites, don't force her to become like you."

"So you are okay with her insulting auntie T? A woman who is old enough to be her mother?"

"She is not her mother. Thandose is just a maid here and she will never be more than that. If your sister is upset about anything she has done, allow her to express herself the best way she can."

I frown, "you are not helping this situation at all."

"Don't stress me Chikondi, please be you and allow your sister to be her. And You," she stares at Yamiko, "stop picking fghts with your sister, you only have each other, find ways to sort out your issues without resorting to violence."

"Fine," says Yamiko.

"Make peace and hug it out"

I roll my eyes before I pull Yamiko into a hug and pretend to make peace.

"That's better," mum says standing up. "I am going to the gym, allow peace to reign in this house while I am out."

"Okay Ma," we uttered the same time.

I shoot Yamiko a death glare before I head out.I don't really appreciate how mum treats Yamiko's disrespect towards auntie T. I feel mum's the reason Yamiko is this way.