
CH16: (Ash and Delia)



Ash smiled as he walked down Route 101. He was on his way to his hometown Pallet Town with his two new traveling companions, Cilan and Iris.

"It's been awhile since we've been here Pikachu, right?" Ash grinned.

"Pika Pi." smiled Pikachu in reply.

Ash smiled as he scratched his friend behind the ear, the group entering his home town.

"So this is Pallet Town. I detect a truly wondrous aroma coming here." smiled Cilan spreading his arms.

"Probably my mom's cooking." Ash grinned, Pikachu drooling at the smell.

"So far, it doesn't look all that good." remarked Isis with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Hey! This is my home town!" Ash glared.

"Still not impressed." replied Iris shaking her head.

"Pika." Pikachu growled at her.

Before this could lead to an amateur dragon master getting zapped, they made it to Ash's home.

"Mom! I'm home!" Ash called happily.

The door to his home opened up to to show the smiling face of Delia Ketchum as she ran up and hugged Ash to her noticeable bust.

"Ohhhh my Ashy! You're back!" She cheered "Oh I've missed you!"

Ash couldn't say anything as he felt his face heat up from being this close to his mother's breast.

"And hello to you too Pikachu. I know someone who's missed you a lot." smiled Delia at the mouse pokemon.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked in confusion as he tilted his head.

That was the moment a small gothic pokemon came running out of the house as Pikachu found himself lifted off Ash's shoulder by psychic and began to get hugged by said pokemon.

"Goth Goth Ri Rita!" The Gothorita cheered as she hugged Pikachu against her.

Pikachu smiled at Gotherita's happy attitude, but also sweat dropped at her usual cheerfulness he's experienced before.

"Mom... can't breath..." Ash muttered as his mother kept his face pushed into her chest.

Delia looked down and smiled before pulling Ash from her chest. "Sorry sweetie. I'm just so happy you're home."

"I'm happy to." Ash smiled.

Delia took notice of Ash's traveling companions and idly noticed one of them being a girl.

"Hello. Who are you?" She asked with a fake smile and a threatening undertone no one but Gothorita noticed.

"Greetings My name is Cilan." replied the connoisseur.

"And I'm Iris." smiled the future dragon trainer. Like that's gonna happen.

"Nice to meet you." Delia said "What are your dreams and hobbies?"

"I wish to be the best connoisseur." replied Cilan with a smile.

"I want to be the best dragon master." replied Iris.

"Dragon master?" Delia asked with a raised eyebrow "That sounds like a boring and pointless dream."

Iris frowned at hearing that as Ash and Pikachu were trying to keep themselves from laughing out loud.

"I mean Dragon's ARE a strong Type, but they are weak against their own type as well as Ice and Fairy. Heck, they can't even HURT Fairy's while MOST Pokemon can learn moves that are one of those three types which can knockout Dragon's in one hit." Delia continued, shocking Ash at her knowledge.

Iris's face was getting red with embarrassment and anger. Before she could say anything, Delia beat her to it.

"Why don't we all come inside. I made a welcome home feast for my little Ashy." smiled Delia.

"REALLY?!" Ash gasped happily as he raced inside, Pikachu hot on his heels.

"What a kid." The ten year old wannabe Dragon trainer scoffed.

That got Delia to look at Iris in the corner of her eye as her eye seemed to darken.

'What should I do Delia?' Gothorita asked telepathically.

'Nothing, for now. I want to put this brat in her place.' thought Delia giving a small grin at what she had planned.

Gothorita nodded, grinning as she picked up what Delia was planning.

Soon all of them sat around the table with several delicious courses put all around it.

Ash was devouring the food in front of him, basically inhaling it, while Pikachu was sucking out the content of ketchup bottle after ketchup bottle.

Gothorita couldn't help but giggle at Pikachu's love of the red sauce.

"Slow down you stupid kids, you're making me lose my appetite." Isis glared.

Ash and Pikachu slowed down while Delia and Gothorita glared at the girl.

"Iris. I think Ash and Pikachu can eat however way they want. So please don't tell them what to do." smiled Delia with that fake smile from before.

"I can and will." Isis glared "You're CLEARLY not a good mother if you didn't teach this stupid kid table manners."

Instantly, that stopped the sound of eating as Ash and Pikachu glared at Iris for disrespecting Delia, but that was nothing compared to the glare Delia directed at Iris.

"What did you say?" Delia glared.

"You heard me." replied Iris without a care in the world.

"Iris!" Ash growled.

"Now Isis, that is uncalled for." Celian chastised her.

"PIKA!" Pikachu sparked.

Meanwhile Delia stood up, shadows blocking her eyes.

"You know what, I can't stand brats like you. You say you're wanting to be a dragon master? That's a laugh." chuckled Delia before letting out a loud laugh.

"Mom?" Ash muttered in shock.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Ieis growled as she slammed her hands onto the table, acting as if she had been given the greatest insult ever.

"I'll tell you what. Why don't we prove how much of a fool you are?" suggested Delia with a smile and her eyes shadowed.

"Oh? And what are you gonna do?" Iris shot back.

"Beat you in a pokemon battle." smiled Delia with an innocent expression.

"Ha! As if!" Iris laughed.

"Seems the little girl is a coward." smiled Delia.

"WHAT?! That's it lady! You're going DOWN!" Iris glared.

"Uh, mom? You don't have any other pokemon besides Gothorita." whispered Ash.

"Oh, why don't we go outside sweety. There is a surprise waiting for you I almost forgot about." Delia smiled

Ash gave her a confused look before all of them made their way outside.

Out back was a large lake that held a loch ness-monster looking Pokemon that began to cheer as it saw Ash, reminding the trainer of a friend from the Orange Islands.

"Lapras!" yelled Ash in joy as he ran up to the water pokemon who gladly rubbed her head against his.

A large bird Pokemon, a Pidgeot, then landed on his shoulder, wrapping it's wings around him in a way an old friend did to stop him from freezing when they were stuck in a cave in on a frozen mountain.

"Pidgeot!" smiled Ash hugging the bird pokemon in a show of happiness.

And finally, a small turtle Pokemon wearing triangular 'bad ass' glasses ran up to him and hugged his leg "Squirtle Squirt!"

"Squirtle? What are you all doing here?" asked Ash with a smile leaning down and rubbing the water pokemon's head.

"They were waiting for you to come back." Delia smiled.

Ash smiled at his mom while hugging each of his old pals as Iris turned to Delia.

"You say Ash is a big kid and I am a bad mother?"

"Yeah, why?" responded Iris.

"Then I will show you what he and I can do." She grinned before she turned to Ash's Pokemon and asked "Will you three help me?"

All of them cried out in agreement.

"Thank you. Pigeot! I choose you!" She called with a smile.

The bird pokemon flew beside the mother as Iris grabbed a pokeball from her belt.

"Go Dragonite!" She called, summoning the stubborn dragon who doesn't listen to what she says.

"Hurricane!" Delia instantly called, shocking Ash as his old friend unleashed one of the Flying Types strongest attacks.

"Dragonite, dodge it!" called Iris as the dragon pokemon yawned instead of listening.

It was instantly hit by the powerful winds, knocking it back.

Delia got a near evil grin "Now Pidgeot... TWISTER!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped at hearing the name of one of the Dragon Types lesser known attacks as Pidgeot began to spin around Dragonite, the birds wings glowing blue as a powerful wind picked up

"Dragonite! Dodge it!" yeled Iris. This time Dragonite tried to fly up in order to avoid the attack.

Only for Pidgeot to slam his glowing wing into Dragonite's gut.

The result was the dragon pokemon crashing to the ground with swirls in his eyes.

"No!" Iris yelled.

"Come back Pidgeot. Squirtle, your turn dear." Delia smiled.

Iris growled and returned Dragonite before sending out her next pokemon.

"Go Excadrill!" She yelled, releasing the mole like Pokemon that, again, does not listen to her.

"Squirtle, use water gun!" called Delia with the turtle pokemon sending the blast of water at the ground and steel type.

"That is a Ground/Steel Type." Delia said simply, narrowing her eyes as the dual type was sent flying back.

"Excadrill! Use dig!" commanded Iris.

The Drilling Mole didn't listen and instead charged for a Metal Claw.

"Don't you go on and on about being a 'Dragon Master'?" Delia mocked "Squirtle! Hydro Pump!

The turtle pokemon sent the mole flying again with the more high pressurized blast of water. And it was knocked out.

"That's two wins for me already." smiled Delia as Squirtle cheered in victory.

"Go Emolga!" Iris snapped.

The flying and electric squirrel pokemon flew out with a cocky grin on her face as she floated there.


The water and ice pokemon let out a sound of agreement as she made her way out of the water and onto the land.

"An... An... In... Ice... Type..." Iris shuddered in fear.

"Aw, is the 'Dragon Master' scared of a little ice type?" mocked Delia rubbing Lapras' head.


Emolga winked at Lapras before sending several pink hearts at the pokemon.

"Sorry, but Lapras is a girl." Delia laughed as Lapris blew at the hearts, blowing them away "Now Lapras, use Sheer Cold!"

"Laaaaaaa~!" The Water/Ice Type sang as it unleashed a wave of cold energy, launching the one-hit KO attack.

Emolga crashed to the ground while Iris was still shivering in fear of the ice and water pokemon.

"I win." Delia grinned.

Iris stamped the ground in frustration as Ash's pokemon all cheered for the victory.

"You call yourself a Dragon Master yet only ONE of your Pokemon were Dragon Type and two of them didn't even listen to you." Delia glared "And you call Ash a child yet his Pokemon took yours out with, at most, two hits and Ash is nearly twice your age."

"Oh yeah? Well At least I'm not some old hag!" yelled Iris.

Everyone was surprised by her words. And doubly surprised when Ash slapped her.

Iris stared at Ash in shock as he glared at her with unbridled rage.

"HOW DARE YOU HIT ME?!" Iris yelled.



That was enough Delia could take as she grabbed the irritating little bitch around her throat and brought her to her face, which had a darkened look in her eyes that showed no hope for anyone who gazed into them.

The other two gasped, just staring at Delia as she choked Iris.

"If I EVER hear you say that way about my Ash again, I will hunt you down, and make the rest of your life a living hell. And I will start with your precious pokemon." promised Delia with a smile that looked sweet, but the tone was far more terrifying.

"Fuck... you..." Iris glared in fear.

Delia smiled and held Iris up before letting her go and before any of them could blink, delivered a solid roundhouse kick to Iris' stomach that sent her careening into the nearby forest with an audible crunching sound.

"... I didn't know you could do that Mom..." Ash muttered.

Delia lowered her leg before turning to the two boys with a sweet smile. "So, who wants dessert?"



Delia smiled as the three of them made it back inside with the three pokemon taking a moment to relax after their victory.

Ash smiled at three of his oldest Pokemon, glad they were back, as he ran inside.

After the three of them enjoyed the chocolate cake Delia made, they took notice of how late it was getting.

"Well, you had better go off to bed." Delia smiled, sad

However, she noticed Gothorita tugging on her skirt to get her attention.

"Yes Gothorita?"

'Delia, if they're gonna spend the night here, we can use this chance to make sure Ash and Pikachu stay.' thought Gothorita.

'But... their dream...'

'We both know that deep down, you'd love nothing more than to have him stay here with you. Remember when he left? You were depressed for weeks.' replied the psychic type.

'I know... but... he want's to keep going...'

'Alright. We'll wave him and Pikachu goodbye in the morning and let this chance pass. I'm sure on their journey they'll find a nice girl along the way, making it harder for you and him to be together. But I'm sure that's enough for you.' thought Gothorita shrugging her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.


'And I won't let my Pika get with any slutty bitch in mating season!' thought Gothorita in reply. 'Now do you see why we need to use this chance?'


'Good. We just need to wait til they're sleeping and I can handle the rest.' grinned Gothorita before leaving Delia's side and hugging onto Pikachu as he was beginning to doze off.

"Chaaaaa~~~~" Pikachu called/yawned as he fell asleep.

Ash and Cilan yawned as they got up. "Hey mom? I think we're gonna turn in for the night." yawned Ash as he headed to his room with Cilan taking the couch.

"Okay. Good night sweetie." Delia smiled.

Delia put the dishes away as she and Gothorita headed to her own room to go over the plan.

'So, what will we do?' Delia asked.

'Simple. You change into something to catch your son's eye. Once the two of them are awake, I'll use hypnosis on them. Then we just need to urge them to stay here with us while showing them the joys of a woman.' grinned Gothorita blushing at what her Pika's expression would be when they reached that part.

'O... Okay.' Delia blushed, heading to her closet to change.

'Oh, just wait Pikachu. Soon we'll finally be together.' thought Gothorita with a love struck smile on her face.

Soon Delia walked out wearing a black lacy bra and panties with a leather corset and stockings.

'Oh Ash. I truly hope you love my mature body.' blushed Delia in need as just hearing her son compliment her earlier made her heart leap with joy.

"I'm ready." She nodded.

Her pokemon nodded as they began to silently make their way to Ash's room.

The two opened the door and snuck in to see the pair asleep.

Ash was lightly snoring with his cap off as Pikachu slept near his feet.

Delia and Gothorita smiled as they walked over, shaking the two awake.

"Uh..wha-?" groaned Ash looking up and seeing the smiling face of his mother. "M-Mom?"

"Hi Ashy."

'Gothorita?' thought Pikachu who knew the psychic type could read his mind, which is why he was speaking in his mind. 'What are you two doing here?'

Gothorita grinned and began to perform hypnosis.

The result was Pikachu's eyes beginning to glaze over as he wobbled to the sides due to the attack's effect.

She then looked over and cast the attack again on Ash.

Ash didn't have time to realize what was happening and his eyes soon took on the same glazed look as well.

Delia smiled as she thought back to how this started.

It was when she raised her son in their home town. During that time, she thought she was merely feeling a stronger motherly affection for him. But over time she realised it was something else. Something more.

It wasn't until Ash was 10 that she realized she was yearning for him not only as a son, but as a man too. And then he left on his journey.

She was crushed when that happened. Not that her baby was growing up, but that she had wanted him to stay with her. Then maybe she could have told him how she felt about him.

And the worst part was how he kept coming back, and then leaving again

The constant pains she felt caused her mind to snap as she had decided from his last visit on one thing.

She would have him.

She would keep her son safe from any hussy he met on his journey. She would also show her son that she could easily beat any of those little brats in a battle and be a powerful woman he could look up to. Which is how she came to getting Gothita.

She found her near the end of the forest near Pallet Town.

At first the small psychic was hesitate to suddenly have a master, but Delia managed to promise her that she could make her powerful with the right training.

She then spent time speaking to her and told her of her son and his Pokemon.

Gothita didn't take her words that serious about how strong Ash's Pikachu sounded, but that changed during one visit with Ash and his pal Pikachu coming home.

It was before they left for Unova... and she fell head over heels.

As soon as she saw Pikachu on Ash's shoulder, she felt her heart beat like a drum as it was like faith. She had never seen a more handsome pokemon like the mouse type.

And Delia just smiled as her new friend smothered Pikachu with affection.

Pikachu didn't really return the hugs, but simply sat there and let the happy psychic have the moment as the visit went like the others; boring and her not saying what she felt.

And again, he was gone.

She swore on that day she would make her friend strong, and find the best way to confess to her son when he came by the next time.

And now... it was time.

"Listen to me Ashy. I want you to forget your dream. From now on, you will only focus on staying here, with me." whispered Delia into Ash's ear.

"Yes mother." He whispered.

'And you, Pikachu, will stay here with me.' came Gothorita's thoughts to the electric mouse.

'Yes.' The Electric Mouse nodded.

Satisfied with their plan, Delia and Gothorita turned Ash and Pikachu's faces towards them.

And then kissed them.

Ash gladly let his mother's soft lips brush against his as she draped her leg over his lap while Gothorita was squealing in joy on the inside at finally claiming Pikachu's lips.

Delia kissed her son hungrily, cupping his face with both hands as she dove her tongue down his throat and rubbed one of her latex stocking clad legs against his pants leg.

Ash groaned from the rubbing as Delia took the moment to dig deeper into his mouth and began to suck on his tongue, marveling at the taste of it.

She grabbed Ash's hair roughly and pulled his face as close as physically possible, brushing them lightly.

Gothorita at this moment had her tongue wrapped around Pikachu's as he made no attempt to push her away.

She rubbed his chest as she hungrily kissed him, the girls soon pulling back reluctantly to catch their breath.

"Ash, suck on your mother's breasts." ordered Delia pulling her bra down and letting her sizable d-cup breasts free.

Ash moved forwards to do so but Delia grabbed him roughly by the hair and slammed him into her breast "Faster!"

Ash gladly listened as she clamped his mouth on her right breast and began to suck on it with earnest.

"Mmmmm~. That's a good boy." She moaned softly.

Delia felt something poking her stocking clad legs as her son's erection was trying to escape the confines of his pants.

This made the MILF smile.

"Let's free your little friend." smiled Delia reaching down and pulling her son's pants off as Gothorita had moved from kissing Pikachu to rubbing his groin.

'You like that mousey?' Gothorita asked with a grin, glad that her small alterations to Delia's mind to make her more dominant worked.

Yes.' was Pikachu's response as he groaned from her rubbing. His sheath began to show his pink member as it got harder from the psychic types treatment.

Said Psychic type grinned and grasped his cock, jacking him off faster.

Delia smiled at her son's hard cock and grasped it in her hand.

"What does my baby boy want?" Delia asked teasingly.

"You." groaned out Ash sucking on Delia's other nipple while squeezing the other.

"Oh, but Mommy doesn't know what to do." Delia teased with an innocent tone "What does Ashy want Mommy to do?"

Ash groaned as Delia pumped her soft hand over his cock and tried to say.

"S... Suck... m... mouth... f... fuck... p... pussy..." he groaned out.

Delia smiled and lowered her mouth down to his cock with Gothorita doing the same to Pikachu.

The two began to suck in unison, bobbing their heads in synch on their lovers cocks.

Both Ash and Pikachu had the female's heads onto their cocks as they could only moan from the techniques.

Gothorita moved her hand up and cupped Pikachu's balls while Delia grabbed Ash's ass so she could bob her head quicker and get more into her mouth.

Pikachu let out a cry of enjoyment as Gothorita's black lips were as soft as pillows the more she bobbed up and down on him.

She pulled back, paying special attention to his head with her lips and tongue.

'I'm, cumming!' he thought as he gritted his teeth.

Gothorita happily sucked up the cum, humming happily at the Electric Type's taste.

Ash groaned as he felt his limit coming and held Delia's head there as his sperm started shooting out.

The MILF happily swallowed her son's cum, humming around the cock between her lips.

Delia popped her mouth off her son's cock and licked her lips clean of any sperm that she missed.

"MMmmmm. That was nice." Delia grinned as she licked up the cum around her lips.

'I agree.' came Gothorita's thoughts as said pokemon began to rub Pikachu's cock against her wet pussy.

Delia pushed Ash on his back as she moved her panties to the side, allowing her pussy to be more accessible.

"Now then, let's see if you fit." smiled Delia holding his cock up as she began to slowly lower herself onto him, marveling at how much it was stretching her pussy.

"Mom~" he moaned.

"Ah~!" moaned Delia as she managed to get all her son's cock into her tight snatch. 'Finally, we're back together.' thought the MILF in bliss.

She began to bounce with moans pouring from her plump lips as she smothered Ash's face and neck with kisses.

"Ash, promise me you'll never leave me. Promise to never leave your mother again." begged Delia who felt amazing warmth the more she bounced on her son's cock.

"I promise!" he moaned, his head falling back "I'll open a gym here, and never leave."

Delia kissed his lips before pulling back with a smile. "That's my baby."

Ash moaned as he came suddenly, filling his mother.

Delia moaned at feeling the hot cum fill her womb, but wanted more. MUCH more.

She got off of Ash's cock and roughly forced his face into her pussy "Go on, lick up all that dirty cum. You've been a bad boy leaving Mommy alone for so long, and bad boys don't get to keep their cum in Mommy."

Ash happily obliged and had her legs apart as he dove in and began to lick Delia's pussy.

While that went on, Gothorita was holding Pikachu's face with a fond smile on her face.

She was kissing his cheeks and nose frantically as she bounced on his cock, giving of cute lustful squeals as he stretched her pussy.

'Pikachu. I want you to cum inside me. Don't even think about pulling out. I want to give birth to any child of yours.' came the psychic types frantic plea as she rocked her hips back and forth to push the mouse's cock deeper to her womb.

'O... okay.' He nodded, his mind nearly blank from pleasure.

Gothorita was satisfied to hear that and surprised the electric type by pulling off from his member and getting on her hands and knees with her backside showed directly to him.

'What are you doing?' He asked in shock.

'I want you to take me like a wild animal.' she replied shaking her ass to prove her point.

Pikachu basically used Quick Attack he was over there so fast, pounding into Gotherita's pussy with all his might.

"Gothi!" cried the psychic as Pikachu held nothing back and slammed his pink member into her tight snatch with vigor.

Ash though had finished cleaning out his mother's pussy as per requested.

"Keep going." She growled, shoving his face in there again "Make me cum!"

Ash dug in as deep as he could and flicked her noticeable clit several times.

"AH~! Oh Ashy!" Delia moaned "You know, I kept all those... AH~... pretty dresses you wore in your ad... YES~... adventures. So you can... OH RIGHT THERE!... wear them again for Mommy... FUCK! You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Ash focused on the task at hand and Delia soon felt her limit coming.

"AAAAAHHHHHH~~~~~~~!" Delia screamed as she came.

Ash licked up all her juices as she panted from the mind blowing orgasm that was.

She lay there panting, smiling as she looked at Ash "Would you... like that baby?" She asked.

"Yes." nodded Ash as his cock was still erect.

"And what else would you like?" She whispered huskily.

"Your breasts." he admitted.

"My breasts? Does Ashy want big breasts like Mommy's?"

"No, I want to feel them." was his reply.

"Oh I'm teasing Ashy." Delia laughed as she pinched Ash's cheek.

Ash merely watched as Delia got on her knees and brought her big breasts around his cock.

She began to massage her breasts around his cock, pumping them up and down as she did.

Ash groaned as Delia also took a few licks on the tip.

"Do you like Mommy's breasts Ash?" She asked as she sped up.

"Yes." he groaned as Delia licked up the precum from the tip.

"Good. Because they are just for you." She smiled as she sucked on his head entirely.

Ash groaned as Delia used her tongue to pay extra attention to the tip of his cock.

"Moooooom~~~~~" he moaned, cumming hard.

Delia closed her eyes as Ash's sperm sprayed out over her face and breasts.

"Hmmm. Sooooo~~~~~ hooot!"

She waited for Ash's dick to calm down before wiping the cum off her and licking it all up.

"And very tasty as well."

Delia noticed her own partner and Pikachu as the mouse let out a squeal before he filled up Gothorita's womb with his sperm.

Gotherita screamed as she came from the feeling.

Pikachu and Ash both panted from the orgasms that took away most of their energy.

"Can't... go... on..." Ash muttered.

'So... tired...' Pikachu panted.

Delia and her pokemon smiled as they pulled the blankets over them.

"Good night sweetie. You can play again tomorrow." Delia smiled as she kissed his forehead "After all, you're not leaving. Right?"

"Nope." mumbled Ash snuggling under the covers.

"Good." Delia smiled, kissing his forehead again while Gothorita put Pikachu next to him.

'Remember, my mate. You and Ash will stay here with us for the rest of your days.' came Gotherita's soothing voice in Pikachu's mind.

'Yes.' He nodded.

Gotherita smiled before placing a kiss on his forehead as the two females left them to get some rest.

*one month later*

A lot has changed since that fateful night for our young trainer.

He had built a fairly large building next to his house with the help of his Pokemon, and modded it into a gym.

After that, he registered himself and his team as an official gym leader, meaning now people had a chance at a new badge. His badge was something he dubbed the 'Adaptability Badge' because he was the only one who used a multi type team.

Trainers flooded to try and beat him, thinking it was gonna be an easy win. But no. He was actually very powerful.

In fact, he had gotten so many wins, the elite four themselves offered him a place in their group. But he had to turn them down, he wasn't going to leave his mother alone.

It was also during that time Gothorita had finally evolved into Gothitelle, and she had gone into the habit of carrying Pikachu around in her arms now that she was much taller than him. Not that the little mouse minded.

Right now we find ourselves in the house as Delia was washing the dishes wearing nothing but an apron on, and leaving the rest of her body bare.

"Mooooo~~~~~~m! I'm hoooooo~~~me!" Ash called as he walked in, whiping sweat from his forehead.

"Welcome home sweetie." smiled Delia hugging Ash's face to her breasts. "How was your day at the gym?"

"Good." He mumbled, his voice muffled by her breasts.

Pikachu panted at the day he had fighting pokemon as he walked inside.

'Oh Pika, are you okay?' Gothitelle asked as she ran over and picked up the mouse.

'Yeah, I'm fine.' sighed Pikachu feeling relaxed in her arms.

'Who have you fought today?'

'Marowak, Toxicroak, and a freakin Fearow.'

"Good old memories with the Fearow, huh partner?" Ash chuckled as his mother released his head.

Pikachu nodded as he hopped onto the floor and that's when two Pichus and a Gothita ran over to him.

'DADDY!' They all yelled as they jumped onto Pikachu.

Gothitelle smiled at Pikachu getting dog piled by their kids as Ash rubbed Delia's belly which was slightly larger than normal.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked worryingly.

"Of course. I'm just pregnant." smiled Delia.

"Need anything?"

"No, except for tonight." whispered Delia licking his ear before returning to the dishes.

"... I'm happy."

Delia and Gothitelle shared a knowing smile at their plan being complete as they had everything they ever wanted.