
Evolution 2/2

The Dragonewts has found an inactive volcano that was in the middle of the lake, naturally they choose to live in this location because of the inhabitants of the territory. They are the crocodiles. The dragonewts are excited,because of their strong body, and their fighting skills, no reptiles can win against them, even poisonous reptile on that lake can't penetrate their skin. So naturally the hunting is much faster and more efficient. The whole lake is as large as the Pentagon Island so the lake will serve as their how for a while.

Every Adult dragonewts can already make a contract. The dragonewts warriors that is consist of 25,000 men. They worthy of being called as the strongest tribe of the beastmen. The first ten thousand warriors have slayed and gain the gene of the crocodiles. They gain their racial talent, 'Death Roll'. Whenever they use this skill, their hands will turn into crocodile jaw to hold the enemy's flesh. Then their scales will grew big enough in order to protect their body once they begin to roll. Reap! Flesh will be separate form the bones of their target.

8,000 warriors have contracted the basilisk Lizard, they gain the Racial talent 'Water Dance'. Their foot will mutate into a paddle like feet, and their legs will form muscle and their finger will be connected like a web. The way they run on top of the water makes them wiggle side to side that make them dance on top of the water, this skill makes them suitable in a water confrontation.

5,000 of them slayed and gain the gene of Iguana, their racial talent? It's 'Tail Whip' Their tail grow long once activated, the scale will crack into smaller size, the scales then become rock hard making their tail more flexible and at the same time much harder. Its strength can cut trees and crash stones. Given Iguana are not warrior they can't execute this ability, and is can only use by mutant.

1,500 of the warriors is the most dangerous, they got the gene of the Spitting Cobra, they gain the racial talent 'Poison Bullet'. The rest are the elites, they get the gene of a large reptile that resembles them. They call them the land dragon, It has 5 meters in height, large claws and gigantic legs enable to run at speed of 120 km per hour. The elites gain the racial skill 'Draconification' transforming a smaller size of the land dragon.

Their current Ruler gained his genes when they are traveling to find a suitable place to live. One of them is the chameleon,its racial skill, 'Camouflage' and is the best to use it when trying top launch a sneak attack. the second one is the titanoboa, and its racial talent, is 'suffocation'. Once activated he will transform into 15 meter dragon like snake, the thick of his body radius is 0.25 meters. It will then bind his enemy until it lose it's consciousness or die.

The Dog tribe has travel to the north east and find a wide grassland suitable for them to stay. The tribe decided to develop their tribe in the wide grass land, more importantly th land is near to a river and to the forest. They cut the trees down to build their house. They did not expect to find anything worth contracting on this area. Their troop has consist of 20,000 they are only second to the dragon tribe when it comes to force.

12,000 of the troops have contracted with the forest silver wolf, they the gain the racial talent 'Shadow Meld'. they are good in sneak attack and group attack, they're also good in using swords, making them looks like a bandits who will ambush you out of nowhere. Because all of them are mental energy users they can't really fight in frontal confrontation. The same on the 7,800 dog tribe who all contracted with the hell hound, they gain racial talent 'Fire Spit' and is only staying at the end of the line.

Their 200 elite troops are all warrior who cultivate their body. Contracted with Black fur fox, they gain the racial skill 'Retract'. This gene is the most suitable for them. The dog tribe warrior has a big build, and with that reason they're pretty slow, the skill will make their muscle retract, their body will be slim, after the skill is activated the speed, and the explosiveness strength that they have will improve.The current ruler of the Dog tribe have tamed a black fur fox, he also gain a fox paw tattoo on his right shoulder. Whenever he summon the fox, he can use 'retract' but when he try to merge with it, his fur turn black and gain more speed when he use 'retract'.

They are hunting for food when they meet a group of lions. When the group found them, they report it to their ruler. The male lion can't keep up with the ruler's speed. The lion leader then die after a few minutes because of an ambush. After a gene contract he gain the talent 'Strong Limbs'. Making their body produce more explosive strength, and because their number is small, and there is only 30 in the group, they decided to kill only 9 lioness and try to breed the remaining 20.

The bird tribe(Harpies) flew to South West of the pentagon island. Almost all of them are body cultivators, It is because they need a great strength and stamina to fly. Out of 63,000 member of the tribe, 10,000 non-combatant has a contract with swallows, its racial talent is 'Glide' when active their wing mutate like a plane like wings, allowing them to glide down, because they're not as small as birds, when they close their wings to boost the speed of landing, they can make an after image, suitable for running away and to confuse their enemies.

30,000 combatants, have contracted the Knife Claw Owl, with the racial talent 'Clamp', their feet will mutate into double the size of their body, making it only suitable when they are planning to attack, or if they have to rest on a mountain cliff.

The 23,000 are not contractors but when they flew to South West, they find a large group of Penglings. The group slay almost half of the Penglings just to make a contract, the racial talent 'Dive' pretty good after activation, they grow a thick black and white fur, their wings will then mutate into featherless wing that looks like a paddle, and their feet fingers will be connected like a web. The harpies leader is contracted on Frost Eagle, the group manage to kill it. The leader then gain, the racial talent 'feather knife'. It's mental type of skill. Whenever it's activated, her wings produce a feather like ice and shoot it when she flap her wings. It's a good skill because of the ability to shoot while flying she can avoid being hit by the land enemies.

The Adamantite Dwarfs, has now numbered 12,000. They are black smith so almost all of the time they held a hammer on their hand. the first 100 dwarfs as known as the ancestors are the greatest black smith they have. They destroy and contracted golems. Whenever they activate their Gene Mutation 'Metal Giant' their body will expand three times their size, then their body will be as hard as stone, but they can still move without restriction. The also gain resistance to heat. While all the descendants contracted with a golem, they only gain the Gene Mutation 'Stone giant' only 2 times of their size and a bit of heat resistance.

The Elves on the other hand, have 15,000 population. all of them have decided to only get a gene mutation with trents as their primary gene. The mutation can let them turn or produce a wood stick. This skill is suitable for them who really like to use bow and arrows. The elites also try to slay black hawk once in a while gaining gene mutation 'far sight'.

After another 150 years their population double


"Ha ha! look! My good wife, can you see this?! The creation I made have discover the mutation only after 300 years!!" Nine Smoked Dragon meat laugh out loud.

"What so funny? they only gain some knowledge, look oh!!---" The beautiful goddess on his side gasp."look the other guy explode after mutation!!! See!?"

"Hah my goddess, my wife, Althea it's only natural. They're brain is empty when i made them you know? unlike those who already know the mutation from the begging, right?"

"Oh, but the cat tribe and the elves is more interesting you see, and the elves look good too." She smile while watching the glass orb. She then hear his husband muttering.

"Should i wipe those elves? they are annoying, they dare to look more beautiful than me?"

"Shut up! Artheo! I dare you do it and I will tell you to great granpa!! Hmmp!" She pouted and shouted his original name.

" H-honey. ahaha I'm just joking you see? Please don't mention my name." Embarrass to here his name he know she's serious on her threat.

"Hmp, let's forget about it, it will be bad for our baby.," she pouted and look at his husband creation and ask, "Hey, what happen when they die?"

"Ahh I set it so that when they die their soul will flew back towards that cylinder, then the half of their energy produce their whole life will transfer to me while the other half will release almost all his energy inside the cylinder, he will only left a little energy to maintain it's shape. The cylinder is use as source of life of the living being in my planet. Then the energy they release will be shape into another soul. While the soul who die will wait until they get reincarnated, haha." he approach his wife and embrace her. "Say I'm a genius right? you see, I don't need to use my energy to make my creation continue living. They produce it their own. Haha I can't help but imagine the reaction of that old man when he see my creation, Maybe 200 years and I'll break through Advance High God. aha! ha! ha! ha!" Artheo.

"Wow, haha my husband really is great!!" Althea's eyes begone to sparkle, she look on his husband amaze of his discovery. (Only 28 Century Old but already going to breakthrough to Advance High God, maybe he will also breakthrough after 10 centuries into beginner low Deity like my brother!)


Author: Oi! Artheo!!

Artheo: W-What?! who are you? how'd you know me?!

Author: Does not matter, but you know. You already have so much exposure. I will start the story so you need to give way.

Artheo: W-What?! Can you at least make a separate chapters for me every time and then?? Please!!?

Author: Hmm. sound nice to me.

Artheo: D-deal?

Author: okay. It's a deal!