
C7: "Burning Flame Orange"

"Aelpha, we have some visitors." Ares came to me.

It has been a week ever since I broke up with who I thought would become my lover for a few years.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Phoebe and Wallock, but they were with a new witch I never saw before." He said.

"Ask the name of the other witch." I ordered.

"Aelpha, understood." He bowed before running to do my command.

He came back not too long after,

"Her name is witch Ecana, from the coven line. She says she's your friend." Ares reported.

"Let the three of them in, no guards shall be down. Keep your eyes still at them." I said.

I waited for them to be visible from the mini porch in my cabin, Phoebe was first to see me.

"What brought you here? I left an order for wizards to never get out of the circle." I started.

"Our questions were left unanswered, so we had to leave with Wallock." Phoebe answered.

"An answer for an answer." I negotiated.

"Deal." Wallock stepped forward.

"How did you all get back your magic without the need of a death sacrifice?" I asked.

"It was surprising even to us, wizards. We just saw this magical dust which brought back the magic that the island kept from us." Wallock answered. "Now my turn, Aelpha. Is the alliance still happening?"

"Yes, of course. We have to make sure that we have enough alliances that are ready to fight on our side before we open the book." I answered. "Why is your magic kept by the island, are you dangerous?" I asked.

"Yes, we are. Our magic is greater than the island's, greater than yours, greater than the witches. We can cause destruction, keeping the island worried, so it absorbed our powers and only gave what we needed if we sacrificed one wizard." He answered.

"Do you have any other questions for me?" I asked them.

"None, we have none left to ask, Aelpha. But we did come here for a talk." Ecana answered.

"What talk?" I asked.

"Which war will occur? Who are we fighting against? We cannot possibly know if we have enough alliances if we do not know who we're against!" Ecana said.

"Those are still questions, Ecana." I chuckled. "But no, we aren't sure who we're against. How many witches are on our side?" I asked.

"We have me, Ecana, Elorion, Breza, and Circe with us. They were the only ones I asked, my mother or anyone else shouldn't know, if we're assuming, it's them we're against." Phoebe answered.

"The wizards?" I asked.

"Wallord, me, Skyler, Zadok, and Matthias." Wallock answered.

"Gwydion?" I asked.

"No, he hates you." Wallock said, straight to the point.

"Damn." I chuckled.

"So we have 10 of you from the fairy circle, and my community, I guess we can outnumber the enemies by then." I concluded.

"And we have you, Aelpha. Your father can tear apart a single enemy with his mind, you practically need no one but yourself." Ecana smiled at me.

"Thank you, Ecana. But, alliances are very much in need of an Aelpha who hasn't faced a war all her life. No real battle experiences and I don't even know who I'm against." I smiled back at her.

"Have you seen your lover?" Phoebe asked. "Sorry, ex-lover."

"No, have you?" I asked. "He's been trying to make himself useful around here ever since we split."

"Yes, I have, Aelpha. He was walking past the fairy ring, but he didn't know there was such a thing in there. so he didn't get in or see us." Phoebe answered.

"He's probably touring the place." I answered.

"You haven't talked?" Ecana asked.

"We split, we are over. No need to talk, let him be." I stood up and led them out. "I think it's best you go, my pack knows I have forbidden your kind to enter, but you guys are special guests." I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I am watching my kind, all they do is explore their magic and teach those who have only gotten and seen the magic for the first time." Wallock said.

"Well, in that case, train yourself, Wallock. Find the limit to your powers, it's what's best to do before we fight in a war." I commanded.

"I'll do my very best, Aelpha." He answered.

"No, off you all go." I watched them leave before I walked towards my cabin. But, this unfamiliar feeling was lingering inside me, I felt strange and sick. My head hurts like crazy.

I applied pressure on my forehead, hoping it'd ease the pain.

"Arghh!" I shouted, Ares looked at me and came running to help.

"What happened?" He asked.

"My head.." I groaned.

He took me back to my cabin, holding me bridal-style in his arms.

"Ares..I can't take it anymore..AARRGHH!" I shouted in pain and rain started to pour. Heavy rain, thunderstorms.

"What's happening?!" Ares asked, taking a look outside. "You're flooding the island, Aurora!" He screamed.

"I can't...help it." I was still in pain, very painful, aching head.

"Argh!" I took my pillow and covered my mouth with it, silencing my screams.

Then the pain stopped, and the rain stopped with it.

"Are you okay?" Ares asked.

"Yeah.." I was panting, all tired.

"Last week, you coughed dirt. The whole week! Now, it's thunderstorms and flooding rains!?" He was clearly dumbfounded.

"I don't understand what's happening to me, Ares." I was weak.

"Rest, there's no tasks left for you anyways. I'll call you out for dinner and send the message to the whole community." He said.

I nodded and dozed off to sleep.

Ares came inside my cabin, he woke me up for dinner just like he said.

"Are you alright, Aelpha?" Howl pack's best dinner chef, asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel nauseous, that's all." I answered.

"This soup might help you feel better." He gave me a serving.

We all looked at Vexon who just arrived.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"None of your business." He answered.

"Vexon!" Ares exclaimed, he was trying to keep Vexon equal to us, no disrespecting the Aelpha.

"Sorry, Aelpha." He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you know I was just touring the land."

"Eat up." I said before leaving to sit at the bench I always sit on whenever I'm eating dinner.

Ares came to sit beside me.

"Is splitting with him not what you expected at all? It's been a week." Ares started.

"He wanted me for power over you, the wolves, my pack. How could I regret breaking up with him?" I answered.

"Why would you ever bring him here?" He teased, laughing a little.

"I can't believe I loved him, I regret making him a reborn now, he is one useless vampire."

"Yeah? Well, kill him or suck your thoughts up, you brought him here. He is your responsibility."

"I know, Ares." I sighed. "And oh..by the way, we have enough alliances from the fairy ring." I reported.

"So are you going to open the librum now?"

"I'm not yet sure, the wolves should know we are about to enter the war anytime soon. Tomorrow, announce a training session. From day to night, train everyone." I commanded.

"Aelpha, understood."

"I'm done for dinner, I'll go ahead." I said, walking towards the tent to return the wooden bowls.

"You're sleeping already?" Ares asked.

"Yes, I'm training for my magic with Maria tomorrow. I'll have to wake up early. Good night, Ares. Sleep cozy." I said.

"Sleep cozy, Aurora. Good night." He said, planting a kiss on the back of my hand before I headed in.

The night was cold yet cozy, warm yet sad. I'm still coping, it's hard seeing someone you used to hold hands with, hug, and love..walk around your community, acting like you never knew each other before.

I hope it's what they say, that to love quick is to move forward quick. I hope that I get over him as fast as I fell in love with him.

The sleep was uncomfortable, like it has been for a week and a day now. Last week was a week of dirt, now I flood the whole community with my body pain that I assume spits out water. Causing destruction to everyone, and everything I, and everybody here has.

"Good afternoon, Aurora." Ares greeted me. "Haven't seen you this morning, where have you been?"

"I was in my cabin, I slept late." I answered.

"Rough night?"

"I guess so, the training, how was it?"

"I have announced the training from day to night, every single day. The warrior pack is holding the training for everyone, while I gather my pack and lead them there."

"Why is everyone moving from the bayou to the woodland edge? Don't they have tasks to do? Doesn't the howl pack have tasks, Ares?" Vexon interrupted.

"They have, that's why they're moving." Ares answered.

"Unusual." Vexon commented

"If you weren't going out of the bayou every day before the sun rises, only to return after the sun sets, you would know why they are moving and what's this all about." I answered.

"So you couldn't just tell me why? You want me to find the reason behind this myself?" He asked.

"You have hidden cleverness behind that status-claiming reborn mind somewhere." I answered, ready to leave.

"Yeah, cause I should know about everything by myself instead of you, the one who turned me into a reborn, should share these things with me." Vexon stated. "I actually feel like I don't belong in this pack!"

I walked away,

"That's because you're not a wolf, well, as you call us..a dog." I heard Ares say before he caught up with me.

"They are starting the training, leaving the mother pack out of it. They are already strong enough, and their Alpha is who you need right now." Ares said before sprinting towards the edge while I went straight to the glade.

"Kainda?" I called.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Your mother, where is she?" I asked.

"She is baking and cooking for the rest of your pack to eat during and after the training." She answered.

"Where is she right now?"

"At her kitchen, with a few other wolves."

I rushed to the kitchen, finding Maria skillfully baking delicious smelling pastries.

"Maria?" I called.

"Aelpha." They all bowed to greet, there were three wolves with Maria, helping her.

"I need you, Maria." I whispered.

She exhaled before removing her apron and moving along with me outside the kitchen.

"What is it, Aurora?"

"May you help me with my own training? I haven't trained in more than two months, a war is about to start." I was hoping she'd forget about the grudge she holds.

"Aurora..I can't help." She walked to leave.

I held her arm to make him stay, "Please. I'm sorry for what I did and whatever happened, but it doesn't matter anyways because you already said I am unforgivable."

"It's not you who's unforgivable, Aurora. It's what you did."

"So you forgive me now?" My eyes lit in excitement.

"I..I still hold a grudge."

"A grudge is a stone in your heart, Maria." I smiled. "Please?"

"What will you do with your ex-lover now?" She asked.

"Let him be, I suppose. He is not training, as I can't sense Ares' long and irritated sighs."

"Where is he?" Maria asked.

"Somewhere." I answered.

"Somewhere?" Maria's brows furrowed, and so did mine. "So you mean to say, you let him loose?"

"Ye-yes, why?"

"He is a reborn!" She whispered. "A strong creature, qualified to become an Aelpha if you die."

"I know..Maria."

"You know, so you do know."

"Did I mess up again?"

"Yes! What if the enemies discover this reborn you forcibly brought in our land? He could lead a rebellion against you if he knows and he realizes what he can do! He could fight you, he could help our unknown enemies. He could be our enemy." Maria warned.

I swallowed hard, realizing the mistake I just did.

"What do I do now? I have let him explore for more than a week and he could have been out there somewhere, even up to right now...should we locate and kill him?"

"And risk your life and our lives? He could have made an army of enemies against you. You could start a war, and our pack is clearly not ready."

"What do we do? Warn them?" I asked.


"The wizards and witches, I have 10 of them on our side."

"Are you sure they are not enemies, Aurora?"

"They came. They came, despite knowing that our guards are high for their kind." I defended.

"If it's what you think, I trust you." She smiled. "And, with them on our side, we'd be powerful enough to take the army your ex-lover could have created."

"So it's Vexon we are against now?" I asked.

"A possible Aelpha, he is not just Vexon now. He is an Aelpha of a possible army."

"And, what do we do?" I asked.

"Train like you would fight yourself." She answered and dragged me towards the small and clear area behind the village of the glade.

"How do I do that?" I asked when we stopped walking.

"He can do anything you can, besides the elements you possessed." Maria started.


"So, you master both wind and fire, it's our lift from the war we could possibly lose."

"You know I can't summon fire, well enough for the wind. I can do that, even create cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons all at once."

"Fire, the strongest element. You have it, and you know how strong it can get. With it, only with it alone, we can win. You know how it moves, you just don't know its limit yet, because you are scared to know."

"I am never scared, Maria."

"Yes you are. You are scared of incapability, you're scared it might be too strong enough that it would go beyond your control. You are scared it would hurt you."


"Conquer the fear and live beyond that, now try."


"Fire is not just burning something, Aurora. It can kill something and someone within a snap. Kill someone from the inside and out. Even I don't know its limits, so discover that on your own."

"I can't even create fire, how can I do all that?"

"Feel the fire inside you."

I closed my eyes, trying to feel fire inside me.

"Visualize, Aurora!"

I kept my eyes closed, visualizing the fire in me.


"Keep going!"

"I can't!" I opened my eyes, gasping.

"Why can't you?" She asked.

"I feel myself burning way before a fire could even appear in my hands!"

"Feel the heat and be one with it."

I was anxious.

I closed my eyes again, hoping, this time I'd get it.

"Let it burn you, Aurora." Maria commanded.

I feel the heat in me, like my body is in pain..but it was a good kind of pain. Like feeding a hungry stomach that hasn't eaten 48 hours.

"I'm burning! Am I, Maria?!" I screamed, eyes kept close.

"No keep doing it, it consumes you. It is doing what it's supposed to. Calm down." She answered.

My eyes opened on its own, like it had too much power in me that my eyes opened on its own.

"Maria.." I gasped.

My hands were releasing fire, crawling up to my arms.

"What's happening?" I whispered, observing how the fire literally consumes me. "Am I getting uncontrollable?"

"What do you think? Stop panicking!"

"I'm..fine." I exhaled.

Maria walked towards me, trying to get a clear view of how I look.

"Aurora.." Maria called as soon as she saw my face.

"Yes?" I was gasping in excitement.

"Your eyes..." She touched my face but flinched when she burned herself from the growing heat of my body.

"What happened to my eyes?" I asked.

"They're..orange. Burning, burning flame orange." She whispered.

"Are they good?" I asked.

"They look..great. Powerful." She was in awe.

"Maria, move or you'll burn." I stated.

"How the hell are you burning hot and not collapsing?" She asked.

I felt sick again.

I vomited water. nothing else. Just water. It turned off my new shade of eyes and the fire.

"Are you okay?" Maria rushed towards me.

"I guess that's why." I coughed a little.

"How long have you been like this?" Maria asked, helping me sit for a while.

"Two days now."

"What's happening with you, Aurora?" She asked.

"I wouldn't be too worried if I knew. Let's just go on with the training."

"No, you've done enough. I'll ask Kainda to take you to the edge, I'll continue my work at the kitchen." She helped me up.

"Maria.." I called.

"Yes?" She was grunting from carrying me by herself.

"You forgive me now?" I asked.

"I already had, I can't stay mad at you. You're like a grandchild to me, Aurora. I raised your father." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"It was all because you loved him, and you loved him wrong."

"I made a huge mistake. And now, some could die."

"Just don't confront Vexon about it, if he really is the enemy, we would be forced for war. We know we just started training the howl pack."

"I know, thank you..Maria."

"I love you, Aurora. And anytime you need anyone, I am always here. I know you better than Kainda does."

"I don't think so." Kainda interrupted.

"Why'd you say so?" Maria argued with her daughter in a joking way.

"Because, I'm her best friend."

"Yet both of you race to me when one of you has a problem, I know you both better than you know each other." Maria giggled.

"I...okay." Kainda sighed. "I can't argue what is obviously true. Is she okay, mother?"

"No, this is her second week, second day of vomiting and causing rainstorms. Last week was already horrid, we don't know what might come next." Maria sighed.

"Could it be wind?" Kainda asked.

"Wind? Don't say that Kainda. You're practically cursing your best friend!" Maria said, Kainda rushed over to help her mother carry me back to the kitchen where I sat as we discussed.

"No, mother..think wider. She has undergone dirt, land, earth. Now it's water, aqua. Both her parents' elements. And the first stages and elements that created life in this land, that created the island." Kainda stated.

She could be right, she is brilliant.

"But we're not yet sure." Maria argued.

"About what, mother? It's definitely something like that!" Kainda fought back.

"Yes, I know. We are just not sure how long water would last. And how strong it could get!"

"Well, I know for myself, this one is destructive. Water is stronger than the first element, dirt. It gets me nauseous. It gets me dizzy and weird." I interrupted.

"So what's next to expect, brilliant dog?" Maria asked, referring to her daughter.

"Wind, destructive and strong. What can your wind elements do?" She asked me.

"Create powerful disasters? Hurricanes and cyclones, even create tornadoes. All are destructive." I answered.

"Your sickness, it affects the weather and the capabilities of every element is shown to its limits. Earth, there were earthquakes. Water, there were thunderstorms and floods. Hopefully, no tsunamis." Maria summarized.

"So..wind..we should expect those three at worst." I concluded.

"Aurora.." Kainda called, thinking deeply.

"Yes?" I answered.

"The strongest and the most deadly element, fire." She exhaled, worried eyes.

"It could do everyone harm. I could..die?" My eyes widened.

"No, I don't think you'll die. It should be nicer right? Since you have the element, the fire should be in your control." Kainda spoke.

"How long should each element last?" Maria asked.

"Well, earth lasted for seven days. Water, two days and counting. We don't know yet." I answered.

"Why is this happening to you, to the island?" Maria asked.

"One thing, we never see what the island knows. So, if this is what's happening to me. This is no coincidence. And a wizard..a wizard shouldn't be this strong to cast a curse on me, this is the island's doing." I answered.

"Now that we know what to expect from Aurora's sudden changes, and now we also know who we are facing in this war-"

"Who are we facing?" Kainda interrupted her mother.

"We think..we think it's Vexon. He has been gone, in and out of the howl pack for a week straight. It could possibly be the start of a war once he comes across our enemies and creates an army for himself. He is as strong as an Aelpha." Maria explained.

"What?!" Kainda exclaimed.

"Calm down, love. I got it." I held her.

"So what now? A reborn can only die when a reborn kills it." Kainda asked.

"I know..I know, Kainda. I can handle it." I answered.

"All we have to do is trust Aurora and the island's want from her." Maria said.

"For now, let's see what the warrior pack has in store for all of the wolves." I smiled at her.

"Be with her, monitor her every change." Maria ordered her daughter.

Kainda and I walked to the edge where we saw a crowded place unlike what it was before, it has become a place of injuries and pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked a wolf who was sitting down at a huge rock formation, putting on medications on his wound.

"The training is nothing like before, Aelpha." He answered.

I went to Warr to check on how everything was going,

"Warr, does it really need to be this hard? They are wounded!" I exclaimed.

"A war is more than that, they should learn to fight the hard way. If you disagree, then a war shouldn't have been declared in the first place." He answered.

"Train them slow, Warr. This is still the very first day, a lot more to go. Continue, but please, less injuries." My brows were furrowed.

"Let me be with how I teach, you can watch or leave." He said before leaving, shouting at a teen wolf.

"He could be hard sometimes, Aurora.." Kainad smiled at me.

"I get where he's from, why don't you train with them?" I suggested.

"We are strong enough, we'll fight the wolves in both the howl and warrior pack once father declares that they are ready." Kainda answered.

"Have you seen Ares?" I asked, searching the place for him.

"Don't worry about him, he could be assisting my father or whatever." Kainda answered.

"Where's Hunts?" I asked.

"He was training here a while ago, I came to check just half an hour ago." She answered.

"Then, where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know, he could be with Ares."

"Look for them." I ordered.

"On it, Aelpha." She said before leaving my side to look for the two.

I roamed around the training grounds,

"Watch your foot works, Adoff." I interrupted.

"Yes, Aelpha." He bowed.

I observed how Warr trained all of them, they don't know how I fight. And we have to train for a possible fight against my own capabilities.

"Warr?" I called.

"Aelpha, here." He came running.

"May I take over, just this once?" I asked.

"If you want, I would gladly let you." He answered.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

I went in front of everybody,

"Pack!" I shouted. "You cannot underestimate the enemy, even if you have me, even if we have the witches and a few wizards with us, we do not underestimate, got it?" I continued, their attention was now at me.

"Yes, Aelpha!" They shouted in sync.

"Now, you will train to fight me. You will train with me, who's first?" I asked.

I observed every wolf, panting. Tired, even wounded and hurt.

"I will." Griffin, a wolf from the warrior pack stepped forward.

"Griffin, come forward." I invited him to my training ground. "Stance."

We were both on a stance,

"There are a few rules you have to remember," I started. In my human form, I took Griffin's hands and lifted him up, with light force, I brought him down. "Never get distracted." I offered my hand to help him.

Griffin took my hand, giving me open spaces to attack again, pinning him down to the ground.

"Another rule, you cannot accept help from the enemy." I smirked.

I jumped into my wolf form, and so did Griffin

Threatening Griffin with my size, twice as big as he is. With my fangs strong enough to kill, I tend to go light on him.

Going for the neck once and for all, he was down. Cannot attack, for both our wolf and human form, the neck is where we are most fragile.

I transformed back into my human form.

"Are you okay?" I asked his lightly wounded neck.

"Yes, Aelpha." He answered.

"Bring him to the glade!" I ordered, two wolves helped him up and walked him towards the glade.

"Pack, protect your necks. Once you're down, you're dead!" I shouted.

"Yes, Aelpha!" They replied.

"What if, the enemy uses their super powers, can any of you fight back?" I asked.

They were all nervous, I sense it.

"I will go easy on all of you, I promise." I assured them. "With my speed, all of you are nothing to me. So if I was an enemy, none of you stand a chance." I started. "Though, all powers have loop holes. For speed, with two of you, taking each side of a line, my speed is nothing. Once you estimate the movement and mentality of the enemy, they will never stand a chance."

They were all patiently and attentively listening to me,

"Now what if I, your enemy, decides to read the mind of everyone in this area?" I smirked.

"That is impossible, by then, we are all screwed!" Hunts arrived with Kainda and Ares.

"I know, but as I said, every power has a loop hole. You can cancel out the power going through your brains." I smiled at Hunts.

"Meaning, we can stop them from reading what is in our heads?" Warr asked.

"Yes." I answered.


"Going through someone's mind is not literally knowing what is going through your mind. I know what is going on inside your head because it is loud, you think too loudly." I started. "Your thoughts are audible to me, and to stop me from hearing that, you cancel the thought."

"How do we know when someone is going through our mind, Aurora?" Ares asked.

I looked at him in the eye, and answered his question mentally.

"How did you?" Ares asked, unable to comprehend what happened.

"What? Why? What happened?" Kainda asked.

"She talked to me in my brain, I..I heard her!" Ares exclaimed.

"That's because I let you in my mind, only me and the possible enemy can do that. Ares, Kainda, and Hunts looked at me. I knew Kainda told them about our theory.

"You'll feel a weird emotion in you, a sting-like feeling for a second. That's when you know, cancel out your important thoughts and only think of what you want the enemy to know once you feel them picking through your head." I continued.

"And if they use curses, magic, and super powers against us?" Adoff asked.

"Then, that's on me." I answered. "ARGGHH!" I screamed.

"There she is again." I heard Kainda say before rushing to help me.

There it was again, rain, and destructive thunderstorms.

"It hurts!" I cried as Ares helped Kainda bring me to the glade quicker.

"I know, love. Calm down." Kainda rushed with us.

I was screaming my lungs out until we reached the glade.

"Mother!" Kainda called.

"She's starting?" Maria knew, probably because of the weather change.

"She should stay here for a while, Maria." Ares suggested.

"Yes, I agree." Kainda carresed my head.

"I'll stay to look after her, we'll stay here at your healing cabin." Ares sat down on the bed, beside me.

"Are you sure?" Maria asked.

"Yes, I'll be with her until morning." Ares answered.

"Do you know about what they know, Ares?" I asked, weakly.

"Kainda told me." He answered and I nodded to respond.

"Makes it easier for you to understand what's happening." I smiled.

"What are you feeling right now?" Ares asked me.

"Cold." I answered.

"Kainda, Maria, I can take care of her. You can go back to whatever you were doing, and also, tell Hunts I won't be present for the rest of the day." Ares said, referring to Kainda.

"I will..but are you really sure you're okay here?" Kainda asked one last time.

"Yes, I promise." Ares answered.

Maria left as soon as Kainda rushed to the woodland edge, but she came back not so long after to hand me a pot of freshly baked bread and hot soup.

"This should warm her up, and I brought a few blankets to keep you two comfortable." Maria said before leaving.

My body was now too cold to function, like I was just rescued from drowning or something. Like I was left to swallow a lot of water that made me sick. I felt as if I was walking along the cold forest on a heavy, rainy night.

"How are you feeling?" Ares asked.

I was just awoken from a long sleep.

"Cold still." I answered. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost sunset, you slept too long." He answered.

"Why are you still here?"

"I promised to stay, so I will."

"But, you must have been bored. What did you do while I was asleep?" I asked.

"As creepy as it sounds, I watched you sleep." He chuckled a little.

"Creep." I joked, laughing a little.

"Do you feel physically fine?" He asked.

"No, I feel nauseous. I feel very tired and I have chest pain." I answered.

"Do you want to eat? The soup remained hot, the bread is a little cold now. But it goes well with the soup." He said, opening the lid of the thermos pan, making me smell the delicious food waiting for me to devour every bit of it.

"Will you feed me?" I joked.

"Yes, I will. That's why I'm here." He smiled.

"Wait, no. I was joking." I chuckled.

"I am not joking around, Aurora." He sounded serious.

"I can feed myself." I argued.

"I want to take care of you, please?"

I inhaled, "Just this once." I answered.

He smiled so wide, "Okay. I'll take the chance."

He served some soup on a bowl for me and placed the bread on top of it.

"Open your mouth." The spoon was in front of my mouth. "Come on, open wide."

I opened my mouth and tasted the most delicious soup I have ever tasted in my entire life.

"It's good!" My eyes lit in happiness. "Try it." I took the spoon from him. "Open wide."

He took a sip and nodded to agree with me, "Is this early dinner?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure, why not. Grab your own serving. Let's have dinner." I suggested.

He did as I said, and we both ate dinner together. But from the beautiful meal, our attention went to Vexon who suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Sorry, did I interrupt?" He asked.

"We were just eating, do you need a minute with Aurora?" Ares asked.

"Yes, but you can stay." Vexon answered.

"What is it? I don't have time." I interrupted.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"You're already talking."

"About us." He continued.

"There's no more 'us'. " I replied.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"I loved you."

"I know, I loved you too. But it's over, is that it? You can go."

"I want you back." He said so straight forward.

"I don't want you back." I answered.


"No, Vexon. I'm tired, you've said enough. I said enough. It's over."

"Is it because of him?" He pointed at Ares.

"Why is he suddenly in the picture?" I asked.

"Because I know he likes you for 333 years, it's impossible he doesn't have a chance with you." He answered.

"He has a chance with me, what's that with you?" I asked.

"So it is him." Vexon smirked.

"No, not yet. We already talked about it, and it's something you don't have to know." I answered.

"There's no chance for us?" Vexon was getting irritating now.

"I said, no!" I shouted, with his annoying words, I accidentally pushed him towards the door with my eyes.

"Vexon.." Ares ran to help him up.

"I'm sorry..please leave." I whispered.

"Vexon, it's best if you go." I heard Ares say.

And so he left,

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Eat your dinner, it will get cold." Ares smiled at me tightly.

After dinner, he tucked me in, but because of my long nap, it was impossible for me to sleep that early.

"Would you mind if I invite you to lay beside me?" I asked Ares.

"Would you mind if I lay beside you?" He asked me back.

"No, please join me. It's very comfortable, and the bed could fit in both us, Kainda, and Hunts altogether." I chuckled.

"Do you want a bed time story?" He asked.

"Yes, please. You know more than I do about every legend here on this island."

"Okay, do you know why the island is surrounded by dark, scary, and uninviting trees?" He asked.

"To protect us?" I answered, unsure.

"Yes, that. But its legend says more than you know." He smiled.

"Okay, tell me its legend."

"Legend says, that a more than thousand years before, the surrounding thick trees of our island were once beautiful. It was once pleasant to the eyes, and its beauty invited many supernatural creatures. Inside the island lived a beautiful fairy, named Amelia. She loved living here, she loved every bit of the island and kept it beautiful and magical."

"And so what happened?" I asked. "Did she fall in love and got betrayed?"

"No. She was different, this time, Amelia wasn't betrayed. Her only problem was, no matter how beautiful she made the island look like, no matter how much she loved to keep it pleasing. No one ever found her as pleasing as the island. No one loved her as much as she loves the magical land. She had no love, it made her desperate. Yet, she waited."

"But, she was beautiful, wasn't she?" I asked.

"Yes, she was. She was very beautiful." Ares replied.

"What happened after?"

"She waited for a thousand years, no one loved her still. So she started to ask what lacks of her, that no one would dare to love her? She cried, feeling less about who she was. When she was sad, the leaves started to wilt, when she died, the trees died with her." Ares ended the story.

"And so the what once was beautiful, pleasing, and inviting, outer thick layer of trees was now what we see every single day?" I asked.

"Yes, all because she died desperate for love. She questioned herself for who she was. She doubted her abilities to be beautiful and create something beautiful." Ares answered.

"You sound like..Amelia." I looked at him in the eye.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"You think less of yourself, don't you? You thought so low of who you are, it prevented you from telling me that you have loved me for three centuries." I answered.

"It was reasonable, you were the Aelpha. I was not yet the Alpha of the howl pack at that time." He defended himself.

"And so, now you are. Why do you still feel less of me?"

"I haven't proven to myself that I am of great use."

"But you are, Ares."

"I don't see that yet..and we talked about that, once I have proven to myself that I am worth to be bound to you, then I will make you feel the love that Amelia never had." He smiled at me.

"And when do you think that is?"

"Soon, I'm working on it." He smiled at me.

"Okay, we'll see. Because I can't possibly accept a love from a man who doesn't love himself. That's absurd and crazy, how could I accept a love from a man who thinks he is not more than who I am?"

"I know, Aurora. And while I do that, you should heal." He looked at me.

"Heal from what?" I asked.

"Come on, I know and I sense that Vexon's presence still affects you. I cannot possibly love a woman who still aches for her ex-lover. I am too good to be hurt like that, don't you think?" He smirked.

"Okay, agreed. While you find your value, I heal my heart. Deal?"

"Then once completed, is it a sign to start thinking of you as someone who loves me back?" He asked.

"Most likely, yes. But, we'll see. Time will tell, for now, it's ourselves we should be taking care of. By then, we'd be ready to take care of each other."

"Enough of that, are you sleepy now?" He asked.

"A little bit." I answered.

"Close your eyes, take a rest now."

"I'm having difficulty breathing."

"I can tell, I'll take deep breaths with you. Close your eyes now."

"What if the element attacks me again?" I asked.

"Don't be scared, I'll be right here with you. Wake me up if you need anything." He answered.

"You'll most likely never wake up, you're a deep sleeper!" I teased.

"Well..I'll stay awake for you."

"Jerk, you can't possibly do that. You need rest for tomorrow's training."

"Right, well then, I'll keep half of my brain awake." He chuckled.

"Is that even possible!?" I asked, close to laughing.

"I can make it possible." He answered, making himself comfortable with his own blanket.

The night was getting old and breezy. The glade became loud outside, they have arrived from training.

"How are you?" Kainda asked, opening the door which made me jump a little.

"I'm fine, he was just about to put me to sleep." I answered.

Kainda with her teasing smile looked at us,

"Where's Hunts?" Ares asked.

"He's here." Kainda answered.

"Looking for me?" Hunts peeked through the door.

"Why are you still here?" Ares asked.

"I was just accompanying her to her home, is that against your law, Alpha?" He jokingly answered.

"No..not really. That's good, I won't be there until sunrise, lead the pack for me." Ares ordered.

"Alpha, understood." Hunts bowed.

"Oh, and Kainda?" I called.

"Yes, love?" She asnwered.

"You can go with Hunts towards the bayou, I need someone to look after the librum." I smiled at her.

"You mean I get to sleep inside your cabin?" She asked.

"Yes, watch the bookshelf for me, if ever I cause a flood, we need to keep the librum safe." I answered.

"Okay, I'll be right with her, Aelpha Aurora." Hunts said.

"Off you both go, thank you. Be careful and sleep nice!" I greeted.

"Both of you, have a good night and a nice sleep as well!" Kainda said before shutting the door to leave.

"Are you sleepy now?" Ares asked again.

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay, you close your eyes and sleep. I'll be right here with you." He smiled at me.

"Thank you."

"Good night, Aurora."

"Good night, Ares."