
Chapter one

It's dark and damp, as if it had just stopped raining. Someone is calling out in the distance. It's inaudible, hard to make out what is being said. Then, with out warning, there are eyes. Glowing strange colored eyes staring, as if looking right into ones soul. She stares back at those strange colored eyes, and that is when she wakes up. She woke in a place Elise didn't want to be. You see, Elise Allen, is an orphan. Yep, that's right an orphan. She is also still in the foster system. Currently living in a house, with twelve other foster kids, and two foster parents who could care less about her or her well being. She is pretty much the unpaid house keeper. If things are not done to their satisfaction, Elise gets punished. Her last punishment..." I fell down the stairs." At least that is what she told the doctor who had to cast her arm and leg last year.

She has one week left till her Eighteenth birthday, and then She can legally be on my own! That and seeing her one and only friend everyday is the only thing putting a smile on Elise's face these days. She hurries and gets ready for school. It's 6 am when She run out the front door. She is awake before every one else because she is the only child in this house that is over the age of ten. No one but Elise was ever awake at this hour, so no having to deal with "the family". Elise's best friend Ambrosia, lives right by the school. Elise, as always, goes over to her house before first period. She climbs up the the hidden ladder that Ambrosia's father made for her. ""Guess he figured making me a ladder was better than me destroying his roses every morning."" she thought to her self. She never knew why she didn't use the front door. "Habits" she murmured to herself as she climbed in the window.

When Elise got into Amb's room, she was in her bathroom singing while fixing her hair. " Good morning my beautiful!" she sings to Elise as she throws her a smile out the doorway. "morning lovely!" She said back with a side smile. She sits on the bed and waits for her friend to finish up. "Oh, did you finish your history report?" she asked as she came out putting on boots and trying hard not to fall on her ass. "Yes, I finished that stupid assignment. I'm just praying we don't have to read them aloud in class. Since mine had to be on a different topic." Elise said while rolling her eyes in annoyance. The assignment was on family history. " Ms. Rinner didn't mean any harm by it lise" Ambrosia said as she stuffed books into her backpack. "I know she didn't but the other students used it against me. Like, How mean is it to pick on someone just because their an orphan? like come on!" "Kids these days are so cruel". Amb's said mocking our math teacher Ms. Davenport. Elise lets out a giggle and rolls her eyes. " You ready Freddy?" Elise says to Amb's as she starts to climb out the window. "I'll meet you down there, gotta say hi and bye to pops first." She said to Elise as she left the room.

Elise and Ambrosia make it to first period before all of their classmate do. They do this for two reasons, one: to avoid bullies, and two: to get good seats in the classroom. Mr Boyd, their home room teacher was already at his desk when they walked in. "Morning Miss Allen, Morning Miss Toshi". Mr. Boyd said the girls as they found their seats. "Good Morning Mr. Boyd!" The girls said together. The bell rings and everyone else poured in from the halls. the second bell rings and school begins. Classes where all the same, attendance; going over last nights assignments; class work; being assigned home or a new project, then off to the next class. Elise got lucky in her Senior year, she didn't get assigned a fifth or sixth period. Elise, being that she didn't want to go home right away, took this opportunity to leave campus and go exploring in the woods near by till Ambrosia was done with her classes.