
The secret

"Did you really think that I chose you to be my bride by chance?" I had no attachment to the human world. Why would I keep watch over a toddler for no reason."

Oh dear, what was he coming with now, perhaps if she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep he would do the same.

"Would you like to know some of your father's family history?" he inquired softly.

Kaoma tightened her closed eyes against the temptation to believe that he might really know something of the identity of her real father.

What did her father have to do with Maxixe, is he trying to imply that her father by blood asked Maxixe to seek her out for marriage. 

Of course he didn't, her mother never spoke nor mentioned anything about her father her entire life no matter how Kaoma pleaded or begged.

Anything Maxixe told her now would be a creation for his own benefit but still she did not see what he would have to gain from spouting lies.