
Still alive

When he woke again, he was completely dry, when had he passed out the second time?

The last thing he remembered was water from a fern falling on him before he lost consciousness again. 

Some time while he slept still alive but barely, the sun had come again in its ferocity.

He felt like he would have sunburn all over to show for it.

The rays of the sun hurt his sensitive eyes and he struggled to keep them wide open.

Prince Maxixe turned his head in the direction Daniel's inert body lay crumpled.

This time he was not alone, he had company, vultures were feasting on Daniel's body.

One of the vultures plucked out Daniel's black heart, obviously it was a delicacy because two of the three ugly large birds began to fight over it.

The heart felt from their beaks and rolled a few meters away, the angry birds kept fighting each other and kicking it away intentionally with their beaks.