
Precious memories

The memory of the brief kiss that morning returned to her mind in quite vivid detail.

It was the only other kiss she had ever experienced since getting married and it literally blew her mind and was a lot better than she ever could have imagined. 

She held out heroine glass and he refilled it no questions asked, she soon lost count on how many glasses she had. 

"Here eat some more food before you get drunk."

She pushed the plate of food away, already feeling stuffed and said, "I never get drunk."

Not that she would know since she hardly ever drank any form of liquor but Maxixe didn't need to know that.

Back at home she was careful in everything that she did, especially when it came to drinking.

Liquor can cloud the mind and the last thing she wanted was to have Captain Herbert breathing down her back the moment she let her guard down so liquor was a rarity.