
Making themselves at home

So she sat on the couch and waited and that's when it hit her, everytime she was excited about something Maxixe was the first person who came to mind.

Last night had just cemented their relationship and now that she knew he cared about her.

She felt that if she continued to shower him with her affection in time his own feelings for her would blossom.

He may not be able to return her feelings now but she felt like with time someday what they shared would be mutual.

So much had happened that taught her not to take life for granted; she wanted to share both the good and bad news with Maxixe.

To justmake him understand just how integral he had become to her life; she would no longer hesitate when it comes to how she felt about Maxixe. 


After banging on it a few more times with his heavy boots the damn door finally gave way.