
Laugh or cry

Kaoma wished she had the strength to gouge out her own eyes with her fingernails after seeing such a sight for sore eyes.

It was clear that Lord Horace used to be fat in his youth, he suffered from gout and had a huge stomach that hung loosely over his prick that was the size of her big toe.

His skin was full of warts and liver spots, it was shriveled in most places and appeared dry and peeling like he did nothing to moisturize his skin over the years.

Her mother used to tell her growing up that, "laugh and cry live in the same house."

Kaoma never understood that statement before today, staring at her husband's tiny sausage. 

She literally didn't know whether to laugh or cry but she restrained herself out of fear.

Even though many things were failing Lord Horace like poor eyesight and deteriorating health, her husband still managed to rule his people with an iron fist.

His words were law, and the servants were afraid of him, they would not hesitate to carry out his bidding even if it made no sense.

A few years ago, two women that were cousins came to Lord Horace claiming to be the mother of a handsome little baby boy.

Both women had been pregnant at the same time and both had gone into labor in the wee hours of the morning but one of the babies was stillborn and died from natural causes.

After another grand night of drinking, Lord Horace was hungover and the women's squabble over the child irritated him.

He ordered the baby to be cut in half so that both women could cease their quarrel and stop bothering him.

Every decision he made was self serving and to suit his best interests, if Kaoma failed to please him in bed he would not hesitate to have her killed.

In his eyes Kaoma could be easily replaced and another young maiden from the local village could take her spot in his bed.

"Why do you just sit there, lie down and spread your legs wide, help make it easier for me," ordered Lord Horace. 

His grumbling jolted her out of her jumbled thoughts and brought her back to reality.

To calm herself she closed her eyes and patiently waited for the worse that was still to come.

Based on what Lady Hilda and the other female servants implied, that night she was expected to embrace Lord Horace's tiny prick and have it pierce her maidenhead.

To do that she would have to allow him to climb on top of her and fumble around a bit in hopes that eventually his needle would stitch her and do the trick.

She felt a nervous laughter swell up inside her, this was what women feared, what a joke.

A few more minutes passed and still nothing, she now felt on edge and very close to the brink of tears, why was he taking so long to do the deed?

Her curiosity got the better and she sneaked a peek at her husband, he was hovering over her and strangling his snake.

Lord Horace was excited and huffing so hard until he sent a small amount of liquid spurted from the nozzle and then it deflated once more.

In anger he eased away from her until he was at the edge of the massive bed once more.

He looked so frazzled but it didn't stop him from saying to her, "I haven't taught you how to use your mouth properly yet, the last thing you want to do is to bite it but perhaps your touch can bring it back to life."

Repulsed after wiping his sticky liquid off her body she wondered what Lord Horace expected of her now.

"What are you waiting on, touch it," he demanded once more. 

She just lay there in shock, naked as the day she was born in a complete daze and lay helplessly shivering on the bed. 

He expected her to do what, touch his wet and smelly thing, clearly the senile old goat was demented now.

"Must I ring the bell for Herbert to assist you? This wait is killing me, even though I'm mindful of the fact that you are a virgin, it doesn't mean that you get any preferential treatment or that I'm willing to wait forever. I must get a child off of you tonight to secure my lands. I give myself no more than a month to get the deed done and if I can't do it then I will have my bastard Herbert take his turn on you until your belly swells like a pumpkin, I will get my heir from you, do you hear me loud and clear child?"

"Yes master," she answered before he could slap her with his palm. 

She must have been a she devil in a previous life to be cursed with such misfortune in her current world. 

Kaoma had no choice but to sit up now and crawl to her husband, he started to pant heavily at the sight of her looking so seductive and crawling on all fours towards him.

"Come now little wife and touch it," he said with glee, "make me ready, we have until morning to make love."

Ignore his words, she screamed mentally, Kaoma hated that this fool wanted to use her and breed her like cattle and if she refused he could have her beaten for disobeying him.

When she reached out to touch it his face went from a flushed red to purple, he sweated profusely.

His perspiration soaking up the sheets and his body odor high making her want to gag. 

When her hands finally made contact with his flesh, he still did not move from the edge of the bed, he leaned back overjoyed.

She squeezed his member tightly unsure of what else to do and he wasn't even giving direction, just sat there salivating and reveling in the feel of her delicate palm on his skin. 

Lord Horace was intoxicated and enjoying himself so much he leaned backwards until he fell right off the edge of the bed.