
Into the fire

Aiden noticed with relief, "You're awake," 

He didn't wait for Kaoma to respond before he handed Jax to her and rejoined the fight.

It wasn't time for a joyful reunion with her son. 

Outside the carriage they were ripping Maxixe's small band of around fifty soldiers to shreds.

His men really were loyal to Maxixe so far none of them had deserted; she knew that if it was under Captain Herbert's rule half of the men would have run off by now.

There was just too much happening outside and they were both frightened for their lives.

Kaoma couldn't believe what she was seeing, stories told about Lycans were supposed to be fiction.

She thought according to the old legends they only came out on the night of the full moon but apparently that was mere fiction.

The sun was high in the sky but the air was freezing cold and yet werewolves of all shapes, colors and sizes were attacking the men in broad daylight.