
Moonlit Whispers

On a fateful night, as Bella the maid navigates the treacherous corridors of royal intrigue, under the veil of darkness, she finds solace in the palace gardens. As she wanders amid the fragrant flowers, she inadvertently catches the eye of a mysterious prince. Intrigued by her beauty and resilience, the prince marks her as his own, entwining their destinies forever. She must uncover the truth behind the enigmatic prince's intentions while struggling to protect her heart and surviving in the Royal Palace. Will the moonlit whispers in the palace darkness lead to a love story for the ages, or will the shadows of the royal court consume them both?

alicewonderread · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 4

"In honor of Prince Charles's wedding, an amnesty will be signed by the Alpha King. I've heard that both our names are included on the list, along with many others!" Gwen beamed with excitement, and Bella gasped, clasping her friend's hands.

"Are you certain? Our names are on the list? Does that mean we might gain our freedom soon?" Bella's enthusiasm grew as she squeezed Gwen's hands, her mind racing with all the places they could explore and experiences they could have. "You're not fibbing, are you?"

"Why would I ever lie about something like that!" Gwen chuckled. "Unless, of course, you truly aspired to marry a prince and reside in the Royal Palace for eternity." She playfully taunted.

Bella visibly recoiled at the suggestion, "I assure you, I don't. All I yearn for is liberation from this place."

Unfazed by her reaction, Gwen persisted. "You know, Bella, you're incredibly beautiful— even more so than Mary, in my opinion. If you didn't seclude yourself in this library every day, a prince would have undoubtedly fallen for you by now." Bella's cheeks flushed at the compliment, but the notion of beguiling a prince was the furthest thing from her mind. In truth, she'd prefer not to consider princes at all.

"Prince Charles would have been a perfect match for you if he hadn't just wed," Gwen mused, hands on her hips as she paced around Bella. "Handsome, compassionate, sophisticated, and cultivated. He even shares your love of books and is destined to be an outstanding king." Bella sighed inwardly.

Gwen, clearly enjoying herself, carried on. "Then there's Prince Daniel, the Majestic General—the most skilled warrior in the kingdom. He's quite good-looking too, and many of the younger maids have already set their hearts on him." Gwen laughed. "He is a year younger than you, though. But I doubt it truly matters!"

Bella wished she could dissolve into the floor and vanish for good if it meant this conversation would cease. Nevertheless, her friend continued. "And—well… Prince Reagan. Exceptionally attractive, yet plagued with a terrible temper. I'm not sure any woman has genuinely captured his heart yet. But if you wanted to try—"

"Enough!" Bella nearly yelled, her hand pressed against her racing heart. "Please, just stop."

"Is something the matter?" Gwen halted her pacing and approached Bella. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just—" Bella hesitated. "I was reflecting on Mary's misfortunes, and it sickened me to think about all she endured."

"Ah, yes. She has experienced a great deal of hardship." Gwen sighed. "I suppose nobody in this Royal Palace is truly trustworthy enough to love."

Bella's eyes widened at Gwen's statement. If someone had overheard that, it would have been enough to seal their doom. Much of what her friend had said today could have landed them both in serious trouble within the palace. Fortunately, few people ever ventured into the Royal Library.

Still, the mere thought of being overheard made Bella keep her words to herself. There was so much she wanted to say, but what if someone—

Abruptly, the grand library doors swung open. Both girls flinched at the resounding creak and turned towards the source of the noise. Sunlight streamed in from the brightly lit corridors, causing them to squint against the glare. The man who entered made them both gasp in surprise.

"Prince… Prince Charles!" Bella and Gwen knelt, their voices quivering at the sight of him.

Gwen's hands trembled, but Bella resisted the urge to grasp them in an attempt to comfort her friend. She didn't want to appear guilty of any wrongdoing, despite knowing that Gwen had said more than enough about the Royal House Baldwins to endanger her entire family.

Silently, Bella prayed that Prince Charles hadn't been eavesdropping outside the door. He was known for his kindness—surely, he would show them mercy if he had heard their foolish gossip. She hoped.

Prince Charles approached them, and Bella felt goosebumps form on her skin as his footsteps echoed. "Rise," he commanded gently, much to Bella's surprise. He gazed at Gwen with a benevolent expression. "What is your name?"

"Gw—Gwen, Your Majesty."

"Gwen? I don't believe we've met before. You don't work in the Royal Library, do you?" He inquired, his tone courteous and unhurried as they both stood upright. His eyes flickered towards Bella.

Bella coughed gently and responded on behalf of Gwen. "No, Your Majesty. Gwen was merely here to assist me with organizing books, but we have completed our task. Gwen, you may depart now." Bella gave her friend's hand a reassuring squeeze, hoping Gwen understood the message. "I appreciate your assistance; please inform me if I can ever repay the favor."

Bella had never witnessed her friend so disoriented. Gwen's eyes widened in astonishment, and her mouth hung open, stunned by his mere presence. Bella might have chuckled under different conditions.

"Oh! If Prince Charles has no further need of me, I shall resume my regular duties." Gwen curtsied and retreated toward the door. Both watched her exit and averted their eyes as Gwen stumbled, bumping her head against the doorframe before hastily closing the door behind her.

A trace of a smile graced Prince Charles' lips as he approached the shelves. Bella kept herself occupied to afford him some privacy while he browsed. She returned books that had been left out and organized the new arrivals sent to the palace. Each time she passed the prince's section, she found herself sneaking a glance at him.

His head lowered in concentration, Prince Charles perused the summaries of each book he held. Chestnut hair cascaded into his eyes, and Bella couldn't help but smile whenever he brushed it aside. He exuded a level of patience she had seldom observed in other members of the royal family. Particularly… particularly Prince Reagan. Bella forced thoughts of that dreadful man from her mind.

After dusting the tables and realizing he had yet to select a book, Bella meandered over to the poetry section and picked up an ancient volume titled Moon Rising. She noticed his bookmarks from a previous reading and beamed before seeking him out.

"Pardon me, Prince Charles," Bella whispered softly. He turned to see her proffering the book, and a radiant smile spread across his face. The sight caused her breath to hitch – his striking green eyes and well-groomed hair made him exceedingly handsome. He accepted the book with a gracious nod.

Visitors were scarce during her working hours in the library, granting Bella a sense of serenity. However, Prince Charles frequented the library quite often.

His presence should have made her apprehensive, as even a minor misstep around him could result in punishment. But it didn't – he was far too gentle. Nevertheless, he rarely conversed with her.

That day was no exception. He settled into his favorite spot near the tall windows, the book already open on his lap. His lips slightly parted as he read, perpetually lost in thought.

Bella averted her gaze from his furrowed brow and let her eyes wander along his prominent nose up to his bright eyes, which crinkled faintly when he smiled. She mused over how many young ladies had been smitten by his charming grin alone.

"Bella, correct?" His tender voice interrupted her reverie, and she was nearly startled by Prince Charles' simple inquiry as she locked eyes with his piercing green gaze.