

Twenty years ago, war happened within the Silver pack when Beta Gebe marked a mated mate, the Alpha mate. He was sent out of the Silver pack and he started his pack and named it the Blood crest pack. One night, two pups were born from the two packs, a boy and a girl. The male werewolf was born in Silver Pack while the female was born in Blood Crest Pack. Hola the female werewolf is a daughter of the blood crest Alpha. The beautiful female werewolf was considered to be the weakest in her pack since her father locked her inside because she was a hybrid - born with Lycan blood. Meanwhile, Archer the male wolf was born in the Silver Pack. He grows to become the strongest and was made to be the leader of his pack at a young age since her father the Alpha is dead. He was respected by his pack due to his strength, powers,when he was of age to choose a mate, it turns out that no female in his pack was mated to him. One day as he was in the woods hunting with his best friend, he collided with a body and he felt a bond with her. Unfortunately, she wasn't from his pack, she was the daughter of his enemy pack - the Blood crest pack. Will Alpha Gebe approve of the relationship between her only child and the son of his enemy? Will the two packs unite again? How will the Silver pack react to this news?

Daoistl476bw · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: GROWLED

Archer Pov~

I was in the living room, I was already dressed up, speaking to one of the maids when Adrian came in, he smiled at me and then sat down on the couch, I waved at the maid dismissing her before moving towards him.

"Hey, bro" I chanted.

Adrian is my best friend but to me, he is like a brother, we love each other so much and can't do without ourselves.

"Are you less busy, if you don't mind, can we go to the forest together?" He asked me as he was pressing his phone.

I knew he was avoiding looking at me, so I nodded my head and told him we could go to the forest together.

"Really," He said and I nodded then we left.

As soon as we got to the forest, we changed into our wolf form and ran around the forest. 

Adrian was about to fly up the mountain when I slid under him, I distracted him and took the opportunity to fly to the mountain before him.

"I won!" I exclaimed happily while he growled.

Some minutes later, we were done running and transformed back into our human form. 

We were about to change into our outfit which we brought with us while coming to the forest knowing fully well that once we transform, our shirt would be shredded

We saw Hola standing in front of us.

Adrian and I both glanced at ourselves and at Hola then we immediately turned back.

"Your face looks familiar… aren't you the girl we saw the other day" Adrian asked with a frown.

"Could you please lower your voice? If my dad finds out I am dead and you're also dead." She threatened.

"Is your father scary?" Adrian questioned.

Adrian laughed as we got changed, he was about to say something when we heard someone's voice, Hola standing opposite us frowned when she heard the voice before turning,

"I need to go now" She utters as she transforms Into a white werewolf. 

"What's your name?" Adrian asked, gazing at her.

She nodded.

Well, I don't expect her to talk in her wolf form.

She immediately jumped on the mountain and the werewolf floor together then ran fast- the wolf inside me whimpered when she left.

"Archer, calm down, " I said but my body felt a beat hot and my heart kinda heavy as if I'm losing something important.

This is the first time I am feeling this way.

"Is she my mate or what?" I thought.

"Did she tell you her name before she left?" He asked and I shook my head no, pretending not to know who she is.

"I don't think she is from our pack because I remembered the eldest warned everyone not to cross the pack border." He said but I was immersed deeply in my thoughts.

I was lost in my thoughts.

"Archer, '' He called, drifting me out of my thoughts.

"What is it, bro?" he asked as I turned to him.

"Nothing," I said and shook my head.

He nodded and turned back. He didn't notice when I left, so I went deep into the forest to look for Hola so that I could warn her to stay away from our pack.

After searching for hours, I didn't see her so I decided to go back to my pack to meet. Adriana sighed when he saw me.

"Archer, where have you been? I have been searching for you since." Adrian said as he walked towards me.

I ignored his presence because I was not in the mood to talk.

"Archer, are you not the one I am talking to?" He questioned.

"Adrian, I am fine," I answered with a stern face.

"yeah yeah, you're okay, even though you don't look like you are." He said with a frown.

I ignored him and walked away. I was not in the mood to speak to him.

Adrian and I departed, and I went straight to the pack house on getting home I met Celesta sitting on the couch with mom,

 I smirked.

I greeted mom and she responded smiling,

"Hi, Archer," Celesta said and waved at me.

I ignored her and ordered one of the maids to get me juice. I sat down on the couch and saw mom frowning at me, I knew it was because I didn't respond to Celesta's greetings.

"Why didn't you respond to her greetings?"She asked with a frown.

"I am not in the mood." I retorted, having my eyes glued to the floor because I knew she was already annoyed by this whole thing,

She was speaking to me when the maid showed up and dropped the juice on the table and then left. I took the juice and gulped half of it inhaling deeply.

"Archer, are you not the one that I'm speaking to?" Mom said.

"Ma'am, it's okay… let him be," Celesta said and I scoffed.

"When you are ready to leave, you can leave, and don't come here to see me again." I kept my eyes on Celesta as I spoke, my voice was cold.

She nodded without arguing which surprised me because Celesta is known to defy my order.

As I was heading upstairs, mom called me but I didn't answer her. When I got to my bedroom, I undressed and entered the washroom to take a shower.

A few moments later, I was done so I walked out and got dressed then I poured myself a glass of wine, gulping it down in one shot. I poured myself another glass as I sat down on the couch next to my bed. My mind drifted to the lady I met in the woods.

'Why am I thinking about her? I shouldn't be thinking of her, she is not from my park… we are even enemies" I thought.

So many thoughts went through my mind, I gulped down the wine and put the glass on the table then rubbed my hands into my hands.

 I stood up after some time and lay on my bed. 

"I need to see Adrian"'I thought standing up again. I couldn't sleep. My mind was drifting to the lady.

As soon as I got to the sitting room, mom called me and I answered.

"Can't you just be nice to the girl for once?" She said.

"Mom, I am not in the mood for this right now… I'm going to Adrian's place" responded me walking out.

"The eldest came today." She said before I could reach the door and I stopped suddenly, turning to her

"For what again? I have told you that I'm not ready to become the leader of the park" I said with a frown.

"We need to talk about this when you come back." She said in a serious tone.

I nodded and left.

Barely at Adrian's place when I saw a guy wrapping his hand around a guy's throat forcing the guy to look at him. 

The guy gulped, trying to catch his breath as he looked at him with fear. I was so angry and walked toward them, I hit the guy hard. 

When the guy faced me, I was shocked to see Ryker standing in front of me.

"Ryker" I called and he smirked.

"Can't you mind your business?" He said, furiously.

He was about to hit the guy when I held his hand, stopping him from hitting the guy.

"Archer, who are you to stop me?" He said.

"I'm the leader of this pack so you must listen," I said and he chuckled.

"Leader of the pack indeed… the eldest hasn't announced to the pack that you are the leader of the pack so leave." He said and I frowned.

He hit and I got angry, I turned into my wolf form. We were about to fight when Adrian showed up and stopped us from fighting with each other. Ryker left me and walked away, the guy I rescued turned to me and smiled before walking away. As soon as they left, I turned into my human form.

"Adrian, did you bring any clothes?" I asked, gazing at him.

"No," He said and shook his head sideways.

"You need to go back home to your wolf…"

I interrupted.

"I brought my car," I said and he looked around.

He spotted the car and turned back at me.

"I think we should call Celesta for help," Adrian said and I shook my head.

We were still thinking of what to do when Celeste showed up with a bag in her hand, she turned back and threw the bag on the floor, and she walked away. I opened the bag, and my clothes were there.

"How did she know about this?" I thought as I got dressed.

When I was done dressing up, Adrian and I walked toward Celesta who was standing next to the car.

"How did you…" 

"Ryker told me." She cut off before I could finish my statements.

"Okay," I said with a nod.

We entered the car, I ignited the car and we zoomed off. 

Minutes Later***

We got to the club, and as soon as the ladies saw me they all rushed toward me, some were even drooling at me. One of the ladies was about to touch me when Celesta held her hand and squeezed it tightly, the lady screamed in pain. I gave Celesta an eye signal to stop and yanked her hand away angrily.

"Why are you guys rushing to him, he is not that cute… what is so special, Ryker is even better than me. When he competed with Ryker, Ryker won him" A lady said, walking towards me.

"I think I have seen her with Ryker before, I frowned when she was done talking. 

"Lady, are you in your right senses?" Celesta said, angrily.

The lady glared at Celesta dangerously before turning back to me.

"Bro, don't waste your time… Ryker is gonna become the leader of the pack." She said and poured her drink on me.

A gasp tore from everyone's mouth.

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