
Chapter 1

Hi, I am Emily Carson and one of the cutest girls if I do say so myself and of course I am a high school student. It's my Senior Year and of course I am darn excited. Yayyyyy!!!!!! Ok….enough of that. Anyway, you got your deserving intro so let's get down to business. From now on you are going to call me Emmy, so get ready for a nice story good bye for now but don't worry we'll meet again.

"Emmy hurry up we are gonna miss the bus to Brooklyn." shouted Jacob, my brother. I said that I was coming and quickly packed my phone and stuff and rushed out of the house. On our way, my eyes couldn't get off the beautiful scenery outside. Everyone in this place seemed so happy and interesting. They waved ,talked and smiled a lot, honestly I had never seen so many smiles in one day and it felt really good. I felt like I would want to stay here forever but I had bigger fish to fry.

So, we arrived at our hotel and booked our rooms in one of the luxurious five star hotels in the city. After checking in, the butlers took our few backpacks to our rooms and we followed later. During our wait, we were escorted to a VIP lounge and served some breakfast and thanked them for their kind gesture. We quickly went to our rooms shortly and were immediately awestruck with their beauty. I must say they were gorgeous. I quickly changed my clothes. FYI, I got into a pair of high waist dark jeans and a white off shoulder crop top plus a pair of brown leather boots and my bro got himself changed as well.

We refused to take the car and decided to walk on the streets though our driver insisted but we refused and managed to get away. It was fun being rebellious. What? I am still your average teenager. The air was divine, talking to the people was quite interesting I had to admit it. Until all of a sudden, " Ouch….can't you look where you're going. Geez.'' I said looking extremely frustrated forgetting that I was to keep a low profile and was acting too rude for something so small. After self contemplating I looked up and I was immensely dumbstruck by what I saw. Goodness. It was a very darn handsome dude looking extremely apologetic yet cold at the same time. By the looks of it, he seemed really displeased with my sudden outburst, but all he wanted me to see is the gentlemanly side and his concern which made me feel even more horrible. I hurriedly blurted out a quick sorry when he suddenly said, " No need….you're fine so I'll be on my way." He stared at me intently and I did as well for a few minutes before he suddenly vanished and just like that I was pulled back to reality. The people around started whispering so many things but I was too busy to concentrate on them. My brother told me that he would go enroll us in a high school and get a basketball coach for himself. I agreed and we parted ways.

At the mall I bought a few clothes for myself and my bro. No worries I have great taste that's why my bro trusted me in that area. After shopping, I took a taxi and met my brother at the hotel. It was already evening when I got there and immediately gave my brother the shopping bags when I noticed some dude seated comfortably on my couch, reading a book. I immediately dashed to him and grabbed the and immediately was shocked at what I saw. It was him. The dude from before. I couldn't believe it and immediately asked, "What are you doing in my room and who on earth gave you permission to sit on my couch? Huh?'' And then he suddenly stood up quietly got up an knelt on one knee, which took me surprise, and kissed my hand. I felt it tingle a bit but quickly pulled my hand back and just like that, ' Pyaaa…." The sound echoed in the room and I noisily dashed out of the room. I immediately slammed the door shut and began breathing heavily and just couldn't believe what I just did. I actually slapped the guy. I started to calm myself down and finally went back. I opened the door slowly and saw the guy seated quietly, still reading the book, and I quietly tiptoed took a deep breath and said very quickly while holding my breath, "I am really sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that but what could I do? I couldn't just walk in my room celebrate that some dude walks into in my room and stand around happy that he kissed my hand just like that. And besides, I have a boyfriend. So don't blame me, I was only acting in self defense. Anyway I didn't just blurt that out to seek your forgiveness, but I want to know what the hell you are doing in my room?" I immediately breathed when I heard him say, "You're done now, right? Ok then my name is Nicholas Rae. You can call me in Nick. I'll be living with you from now on. By the way your brother told me you are sweet but I didn't know that you are feisty. I like that. I think we'll leave well together and get to know each other better. But, enough with outbursts, okay? I think I can't take another slap." He said while he rubbed his cheek like a saddened little puppy. "What?! What do you mean my brother? He let you in my room? Are you serious?" I immediately got the hotel phone and called my brother and told him angrily to get to my room forthwith.

When he arrived I immediately pulled him to the couch and pointed at the dude and immediately asked, "What the hell is this? Why is this dude in my room? Speak up and don't give that look?" He stared at me until he finally opened his mouth and said, "Uhmm…sis, this is my basketball coach. I brought him here because he said he would coach me if I gave him a place to stay. So, I told him that he could stay with you. Please don't be mad." He said hurriedly while he looked at me while blinking multiple times. Oh no. He was doing it again and I couldn't resist the eyes. My rage immediately disappeared just like that and I quickly hugged him and said, "Okay, okay…I get it but at least tell me before you do something like this, okay?" He was immediately overjoyed and he looked up and immediately said, " No worries. This won't happen again. Thanks sis, you are the best." After that he went to his room and I was left alone to handle Nick.

He looked at me a little puzzled but also with a hint of admiration. He finally said, "Wow! You're also caring and considerate. Who knew I would be this lucky?" I just couldn't believe this dude. Anyway I was only going to bare him for two weeks. No harm in that, right?

Hi again. I said I would be back. How are you liking it now? I think you can almost pinpoint what's gonna unfold next but let's not make this too predictable. Bye for now and let us see what happens next.

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