
Vol. 6 - Chapter 4

As the sun went down outside, Kasumi looked down at the table, as though she was using it as a platform to organize her thoughts with. Kaori was, honestly, slightly nervous.

I can guess this is important but, how important?  Kaori thought as Kasumi straightened up and said: 

"Okay, so," she raised her eyes, meeting Ash's. "I'm gonna make this quick. I kind of wanna be done with all of this if I'm being honest. If you have any questions just ask, and I'll try to answer them as best I can, though I don't really have any answers myself. Alright?" 

The girls all nodded and Kasumi continued. 

"So, Alkoth has this plan to end the war," she began to explain. "He told me about it a while back. He wants to do a 'reset'," she said, using air quotes. "I don't really get what that means, but he says that if we do this, the gods will all stop being a pain in the ass and the war will be over."